653 questions with Azure Service Bus tags

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1 answer

I have a service bus message that gets transferred to deadletter queue without triggering the function.

Hello Community, I have a service bus that is related to a queue every second message the service bus is sending the message to dead letter queue and the function that is supposed to be consuming the message is not even triggering. so The queue is…

Azure Service Bus
Azure Service Bus
An Azure service that provides cloud messaging as a service and hybrid integration.
653 questions
asked 2024-12-10T14:55:57.76+00:00
Stefan Vesely 0 Reputation points
answered 2024-12-25T19:31:10.92+00:00
Vahid Ghafarpour 22,290 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Set Message Label/Subject using Azure Functions' Service Bus Output Binding

I am sending messages to service bus using python azure functions with the new programming model which uses output bindings like below: @bp.service_bus_queue_output( arg_name="outputQueueMessage", …

Azure Service Bus
Azure Service Bus
An Azure service that provides cloud messaging as a service and hybrid integration.
653 questions
Azure Functions
Azure Functions
An Azure service that provides an event-driven serverless compute platform.
5,250 questions
asked 2024-12-19T11:41:54.9366667+00:00
Aamir Mogra 80 Reputation points
accepted 2024-12-24T18:31:29.7066667+00:00
Aamir Mogra 80 Reputation points
1 answer

How can I determine where all these User Errors are coming from in Service Bus?

Looking at metrics for the Service Bus, the amount of User Errors that are occurring do not add up to the errors that we are seeing for the processes that take place due to the service bus. Due to this we are concerned that there are a large number of…

Azure Monitor
Azure Monitor
An Azure service that is used to collect, analyze, and act on telemetry data from Azure and on-premises environments.
3,396 questions
Azure Service Bus
Azure Service Bus
An Azure service that provides cloud messaging as a service and hybrid integration.
653 questions
asked 2024-12-19T21:25:31.0666667+00:00
Nieman, Josh 0 Reputation points
commented 2024-12-23T18:43:32.24+00:00
brtrach-MSFT 16,926 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
3 answers

How to use Azure Servcie Bus for local development and to implement integration tests?

We are thinking of using Azure service bus in our architecture, do you have any solution on using it for local development apart from creating a azure subscription? Similarly, implementing integration tests as part of deployment pipeline? Looking for…

Azure Service Bus
Azure Service Bus
An Azure service that provides cloud messaging as a service and hybrid integration.
653 questions
asked 2023-04-24T15:56:41.69+00:00
Susanth Chadalavada 15 Reputation points
commented 2024-12-19T09:33:00.6433333+00:00
Ben Dalling 0 Reputation points
1 answer

Enabling partitions in premium service bus

We are tying to add partitions - 4 and capacity 16, but in overview tab it shows partition only as 1 and messagingunits as 16

Azure Service Bus
Azure Service Bus
An Azure service that provides cloud messaging as a service and hybrid integration.
653 questions
asked 2024-01-10T16:28:01.9766667+00:00
Wagholikar, Neha 5 Reputation points
commented 2024-12-17T16:03:32.44+00:00
Kal 0 Reputation points
0 answers

Unable to connect to Azure Service Bus from Spring Boot application using ServiceBusSenderClient with DefaultAzureCredentialBuilder

Getting below error when trying to connect to Azure Service Bus from Spring boot - java application. ConnectionHandler --…

Azure Service Bus
Azure Service Bus
An Azure service that provides cloud messaging as a service and hybrid integration.
653 questions
Azure Spring Apps
Azure Spring Apps
An Azure platform as a service for running Spring Boot applications at cloud scale. Previously known as Azure Spring Cloud.
130 questions
asked 2024-12-11T03:04:53.0166667+00:00
commented 2024-12-13T03:08:00.51+00:00
VenkateshDodda-MSFT 23,141 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
1 answer

Creating an alert rule for every new Deadletters in service bus

I'm trying to create a new alert rule that will send an email every time a new dead letter appears in my topics in the service bus. Initially, I tried searching for a solution at the subscription level so I could choose which subscriber to monitor for…

Azure Monitor
Azure Monitor
An Azure service that is used to collect, analyze, and act on telemetry data from Azure and on-premises environments.
3,396 questions
Azure Service Bus
Azure Service Bus
An Azure service that provides cloud messaging as a service and hybrid integration.
653 questions
asked 2024-11-27T14:24:11.9666667+00:00
Guy Green 0 Reputation points
commented 2024-12-11T01:10:20.7+00:00
Rahul Podila 805 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
2 answers

After deployment Logic app is unauthorized for servicebus

We have a logic app with managed identity to communicate with a service bus. After we have deployed the solution by ARM or Bicep, we manually give logic app access to service bus by adding the logic app to sender/receiver role. Then we test the logic app…

Azure Service Bus
Azure Service Bus
An Azure service that provides cloud messaging as a service and hybrid integration.
653 questions
Azure Logic Apps
Azure Logic Apps
An Azure service that automates the access and use of data across clouds without writing code.
3,275 questions
asked 2024-02-13T09:11:03.9566667+00:00
Michael Cronqvist 26 Reputation points
answered 2024-12-10T23:27:41.3733333+00:00
Pak-Hun Chan 20 Reputation points
2 answers

how to rollback the transaction of API from Azure function which calls the API

how to rollback the transaction of API from Azure function which calls the API below is my code in azure function. when My Azure function fails in any case I want to rollback the API changes using (TransactionScope scope = new…

Azure Service Bus
Azure Service Bus
An Azure service that provides cloud messaging as a service and hybrid integration.
653 questions
Azure Functions
Azure Functions
An Azure service that provides an event-driven serverless compute platform.
5,250 questions
asked 2024-12-03T12:43:50.82+00:00
Vadivu s Dharani 0 Reputation points
answered 2024-12-05T18:12:31.96+00:00
Bruce (SqlWork.com) 68,486 Reputation points
0 answers

Azure Service bus message is being retried forever

From my app which operates on the message received form the Azure SB, when an error occurs the message is getting redelivered. But the number of time the message is being redelivered seems to be foreer. For ex, the below is one of the message that got…

Azure Service Bus
Azure Service Bus
An Azure service that provides cloud messaging as a service and hybrid integration.
653 questions
asked 2020-10-11T12:34:47.303+00:00
Kannan Ramamoorthy 6 Reputation points
edited the question 2024-12-05T08:00:42.1533333+00:00
MayankBargali-MSFT 70,751 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

How to control messages on a bus coming from Dynamics

Hello, I am seeking guidance and best practices on a scenario I have. We have a Dynamics site that enables clients to book seats in a theatre with several rooms and while the clients updates fields on Dynamics we want to update a database on a different…

Azure API Management
Azure API Management
An Azure service that provides a hybrid, multi-cloud management platform for APIs.
2,239 questions
Azure Service Bus
Azure Service Bus
An Azure service that provides cloud messaging as a service and hybrid integration.
653 questions
Azure Functions
Azure Functions
An Azure service that provides an event-driven serverless compute platform.
5,250 questions
asked 2024-04-02T07:50:07.7533333+00:00
Claude VERNIER 61 Reputation points
edited the question 2024-12-04T13:51:46.7866667+00:00
Rakesh Gurram 10,545 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Azure Service Bus Queue - how to limit consumption rate to 1 message per minute per consumer instance?

I have 3 consumer instances that read and process messages from the same Azure Service Bus Queue to which producers can send any number of messages at once and overwhelm the very slow consumers. I want to limit each consumer to read and process only 1…

Azure Service Bus
Azure Service Bus
An Azure service that provides cloud messaging as a service and hybrid integration.
653 questions
asked 2024-11-30T12:55:08.7066667+00:00
Daniel Loran 20 Reputation points
accepted 2024-11-30T15:17:52.05+00:00
Daniel Loran 20 Reputation points
3 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

What Role Assignments Are Required For Bicep that assigns roles inside of Devops Pipeline?

I have a bicep file (https://github.com/siegfried01/SimplerServiceBusSendReceiveDemo/blob/master/infrastructure/deploy-ServiceBusSimpleSendReceive.bicep#L365 ) that calls a bicep module…

Azure Service Bus
Azure Service Bus
An Azure service that provides cloud messaging as a service and hybrid integration.
653 questions
asked 2024-04-27T23:44:56.82+00:00
Siegfried Heintze 1,906 Reputation points
commented 2024-11-26T17:33:19.7733333+00:00
Siegfried Heintze 1,906 Reputation points
0 answers

How to securely publish messages from AWS Lambda (with no vpc endpoint configured) to Azure Service Bus via private endpoint

Dear Azure Community I'm working on a project where I need to have an AWS Lambda function publish messages to an Azure Service Bus topic configured behind a private endpoint, without using the internet. My goal is to use Azure Private Link to achieve…

Azure Service Bus
Azure Service Bus
An Azure service that provides cloud messaging as a service and hybrid integration.
653 questions
asked 2024-11-21T22:36:00.62+00:00
jantz 0 Reputation points
edited the question 2024-11-25T12:24:36.0333333+00:00
KapilAnanth-MSFT 48,081 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
0 answers

Azure Service Bus stream

Hi, I'm a bit confused on how to handle a stream for Azure Service Bus. I manage to connect, consume and complete messages. Background: The connection lasts 30 seconds and runs every 5 minutes. There are more messages on the queue than the program…

Azure Service Bus
Azure Service Bus
An Azure service that provides cloud messaging as a service and hybrid integration.
653 questions
asked 2024-11-25T10:04:55.5166667+00:00
Hampus Olsson 0 Reputation points
1 answer

Duplicate Detection on Scheduled message in Azure Service Bus

Hello, The official ASB documentation says "Scheduled messages are included in duplicate detection. Therefore, if you send a scheduled message and then send a duplicate non-scheduled message, the non-scheduled message gets dropped. Similarly, if you…

Azure Service Bus
Azure Service Bus
An Azure service that provides cloud messaging as a service and hybrid integration.
653 questions
asked 2024-11-14T04:07:12.76+00:00
Catherine Du 25 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
commented 2024-11-22T16:44:01.4566667+00:00
Shireesha Eeraboina (Quadrant Resource LLC) 570 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
1 answer

I am having problems connecting from Azure Flex Consumption Function App to Service Bus

I have a flex consumption function app plan which has service bus connection string set in its app settings, however it does not seem to be consuming messages from Service bus. The service bus we use is a standard plan and the error we get is…

Azure Service Bus
Azure Service Bus
An Azure service that provides cloud messaging as a service and hybrid integration.
653 questions
Azure Functions
Azure Functions
An Azure service that provides an event-driven serverless compute platform.
5,250 questions
Azure App Configuration
Azure App Configuration
An Azure service that provides hosted, universal storage for Azure app configurations.
240 questions
asked 2024-11-21T12:38:58.3533333+00:00
Chris Gray 0 Reputation points
answered 2024-11-22T10:41:24.2966667+00:00
Pinaki Ghatak 5,310 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Forward from Event Grid to Service Bus

Hi, I have a Event Grid namespace and a topic on it, and I need to forward its messages to a Service Bus topic. In the subscription configuration (while creating it), I realized that the only supported methods are Event Hubs and Webhooks, but I don't see…

Azure Service Bus
Azure Service Bus
An Azure service that provides cloud messaging as a service and hybrid integration.
653 questions
Azure Event Grid
Azure Event Grid
An Azure event routing service designed for high availability, consistent performance, and dynamic scale.
407 questions
asked 2024-11-19T15:32:17.7033333+00:00
Jona 495 Reputation points
accepted 2024-11-20T14:54:05.5333333+00:00
Jona 495 Reputation points
3 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

How to use user-assigned identity with Logic App Standard built-in connectors?

Is it really so that user-assigned identity is not supported in Logic App Standard built-in Service Bus connectors? If user-assigned identity is supported, how do I address that in serviceProvideConnections? I didn't find any documentation on this.…

Azure Service Bus
Azure Service Bus
An Azure service that provides cloud messaging as a service and hybrid integration.
653 questions
Azure Logic Apps
Azure Logic Apps
An Azure service that automates the access and use of data across clouds without writing code.
3,275 questions
asked 2023-05-10T12:36:35.5466667+00:00
Phuuskon 25 Reputation points
answered 2024-11-20T07:23:53.67+00:00
Lokesh Ramakrishna 0 Reputation points
1 answer

Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus.ServiceBusException: A lock supplied supplied is invalid. Either

After migrating our function app version to the latest, we frequently see the exception in Application Insights. The details are as follows:- EXCEPTION: Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus.ServiceBusException. The lock supplied is invalid. Either the lock…

Azure Service Bus
Azure Service Bus
An Azure service that provides cloud messaging as a service and hybrid integration.
653 questions
Azure Functions
Azure Functions
An Azure service that provides an event-driven serverless compute platform.
5,250 questions
asked 2023-02-09T05:01:15.8933333+00:00
Arun Kumar KS 41 Reputation points
commented 2024-11-19T19:29:53.16+00:00
kranthi v 0 Reputation points