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Share your Interesting SharePoint Story and Win!


The SharePoint team has launched an online video contest called SharePoint journeys, which allows you to upload videos and describe where on the SharePoint you are and share the unique ways you have improved your Business Outcomes.  Winners get a pass to the Microsoft SharePoint Conference 2011 in Anaheim, California.

Running for 2 months from today to February 16th, 2011 you can create a two-minute video illustrating your use of SharePoint in one of three categories:

1) Ramping Up: Early use of SharePoint using a few of the workloads for part of an organisation to improve how people share information and work together. Examples include building team sites or MySites, deploying Intranet sites or portals, or implementation of an extranet to collaborate with partners.  This is what I’d call the Out of the Box or “example” applications we include within the product.

2) Building Momentum: Consolidation of content management and collaboration infrastructure on SharePoint to drive broad adoption across an organisation and beyond. Examples include using multiple workloads, implementing dotcom sites, and end user adoption success.  This is what I’d call using the platform capabilities for broad impact.

3) Driving Business Value: Building applications on SharePoint that integrate back end data in documents, business processes and web experiences. Examples include building custom applications, business intelligence solutions and FAST search for Internet sites.  This is the developer and platform extension capabilities.  Since SharePoint is a .NET application, developers can extend it to create very interesting business applications leveraging the platform and features in the product.

The winners I’m sure will have a great mix of quality story/video and a healthy social network to influence votes for their video.

Share Your Story at