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Upgrade Analytics Breaking Change Notification: KB Update Required

The Upgrade Analytics team is improving the way your machines send data to Microsoft.  Action is required by January 31st, 2017 to ensure the data in your workspace remains complete and accurate.

One of the prerequisites for Upgrade Analytics is the Compatibility Update KB (KB 2952664 for Windows 7 machines and KB 2976978 for Windows 8.1 machines).  Currently, any machine with version 10.0.14348 or later is displayed in Upgrade Analytics.  After January 31st, we will be supporting only versions 10.0.14913 or later.  After January 31st, we will not be able to guarantee the accuracy or completeness of data from computers with an older version of the KB.

We encourage you to check your workspace now to ensure that you are ready for the switch.  If any of your machines are not up-to-date, you will need to update them before January 31st, 2017.  For more information about the switch and to learn how to make sure your workspace is ready, please review the frequently asked questions below.  If you have additional questions that are not answered, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at


How can I see if my workspace is ready for the switch?

In Upgrade Analytics, all of your computers have an attribute called “InventoryVersion”.  Beginning January 31st, any computers with an InventoryVersion less than 10014913 may no longer be displayed in your workspace.  To see how many of your computers are using each version of this KB, execute the following query:

 Type=UAComputer | measure count() by InventoryVersion | sort InventoryVersion desc

The result should look like this:


Any machine with an InventoryVersion of 10014913 or greater will not require further action required.  Computers with InventoryVersions less than 10014913 will need to be updated.


Can I get a list of my machines that need to be updated?

Yes!  You can use this query:

 Type=UAComputer InventoryVersion<10014913

The result will be a list of machines that require an update.  You can export this list and then use your software deployment system (such as ConfigMgr) to push out the necessary update.


What do I need to do to update my machines?

You will need the latest version of KB 2952664 for Windows 7 machines or KB 2976978 for Windows 8.1 machines.  On Windows 10 machines, all updates are cumulative.  You will need a cumulative update from October 2016 or later.  After installing the necessary KB, you will need to reboot, and then re-run the Upgrade Analytics deployment script.

Is there a way for me to verify that my updates were successful?

After re-running the Upgrade Analytics deployment script, your computers’ updated inventory data will be visible in Upgrade Analytics after about 48 hours.  At this time, you can again query your workspace to check the InventoryVersion of your machines.  If a machine has been updated, its new InventoryVersion will be reflected in Upgrade Analytics.


What if all of my computers already have an InventoryVersion of 10014913 or greater?

You're good to go!  Your workspace should not be effected by the transition.


What exactly is changing on January 31st, 2017?

We are changing the way your computers send data to Microsoft.  Currently, we receive a full application and driver inventory from your computers whenever you run the Upgrade Analytics deployment script.  If applications/drivers are installed or uninstalled between runs of the deployment script, the changes won’t be reflected until the next run of the script.  After January 31st, 2017, we will begin collecting updates to your computers' inventories.  When you run the deployment script, it will kick off a full scan immediately.  Then, we will receive periodic change notifications – smaller amounts of data that are sent more frequently – to keep your computer inventory up-to-date.  In short – we're increasing the accuracy of your computer inventory by sending smaller amounts of data to Microsoft more frequently.


Do I still need a scheduled task to re-run the Upgrade Analytics deployment script every 3-4 weeks?

Yes.  We recommend continuing to run the Upgrade Analytics deployment script at least once every 30 days.  This will maximize the integrity of the data you see in Upgrade Analytics by allowing Microsoft to confirm that the inventory is correct.  Think of it as a monthly “check-up” to make sure the actual inventory on the computer is in sync with the inventory Microsoft has maintained through a series of updates.


What happens if I don't update my computers in time?

Computers that don't get updated in time may no longer appear in your Upgrade Analytics workspace, or the data associated with them may not be fresh.  If you find that you are missing computers after January 31st, 2017, you will need to update the compatibility KB on those machines, and then re-run the Upgrade Analytics deployment script.  Then, the computers should be back on Upgrade Analytics after about 48 hours.

If you have additional questions, don't hesitate to contact us by commenting below or emailing us at


  • Anonymous
    January 18, 2017
    This is all good and all, but where is the link to get the newest version of the upgrade Analytics?
    • Anonymous
      January 18, 2017
      Upgrade Analytics is a service, so the version you see in your OMS workspace is always the newest version!
  • Anonymous
    January 24, 2017
    I have deployed the 12-28-16 version of the script out to our pilot group via SCCM and 20% of them received a popup "(Interactive Services Detection)" "A program running on this computer is trying to display a message: The program might need information from you or your permission to complete a task." with the Option to "View the message" or "Ask me later". While this may seem trivial, I am at an impasse until I can get all machines to run the script silently. Any help would be appreciated as my company will not continue with UA until we can get it out to all machines silently without interaction or interruption.
    • Anonymous
      January 24, 2017
      Hey Mike! Send us an email at -- we're happy to help you troubleshoot.