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Diagram.GroupBoundsRules Property


Gets the group bounds rules for the diagram. If the diagram supports port shapes, then it returns the PortGroupBoundsRules; otherwise, it just calls the base class implementation.

 virtual property Microsoft::VisualStudio::Modeling::Diagrams::GroupBoundsRules ^ GroupBoundsRules { Microsoft::VisualStudio::Modeling::Diagrams::GroupBoundsRules ^ get(); };
public virtual Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.GroupBoundsRules GroupBoundsRules { get; }
member this.GroupBoundsRules : Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.GroupBoundsRules
Public Overridable ReadOnly Property GroupBoundsRules As GroupBoundsRules

Property Value

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