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slakpiinstance EntityType

Service level agreement (SLA) key performance indicator (KPI) instance that is tracked for an individual case

Entity set path: 
[organization URI]/api/data/v9.2/slakpiinstances
Base type: 
Table type: 
Display name: 
SLA KPI Instance
Primary key: 
Primary key attribute: 
Operations supported: 


Properties represent fields of data stored in the entity. Some properties are read-only.

Name Type Details
applicablefromvalue Edm.DateTimeOffset

Display name: Applicable From Value

computedfailuretime Edm.DateTimeOffset

Computed Failure Date and time

Display name: Computed Failure Time

computedwarningtime Edm.DateTimeOffset

Computed Warning Date and time

Display name: Computed Warning Time

createdon Edm.DateTimeOffset

For internal use only.

Display name: Created On

Read only
description Edm.String

For internal use only.

Display name: Description

elapsedtime Edm.Int32

Paused duration of a KPI in business hours

Display name: Elapsed Time (min)

exchangerate Edm.Decimal

For internal use only.

Display name: Exchange Rate

Read only
failuretime Edm.DateTimeOffset

Enter the date and time when the service level agreement (SLA) key performance indicator (KPI) will expire.

Display name: Failure Time

lastresumetime Edm.DateTimeOffset

Display name: Last Resume Time

modifiedon Edm.DateTimeOffset

For internal use only.

Display name: Modified On

Read only
msdyn_actionexecutionstatus Edm.Int32

Display name: Action Execution Status

Default options
Values Label
0 None
1 Warning
2 Success
msdyn_activeduration Edm.Int32

Time taken in business hours by a KPI instance to reach the Success or failed state

Display name: Active Duration (min)

msdyn_calendarid Edm.String

Display name: Applicable Calendar

msdyn_prevslakpiinstanceid Edm.String

Display name: Previous SLAKPI Instance

name Edm.String

Type a descriptive name for the service level agreement (SLA) key performance indicator (KPI) instance.

Display name: Name

pausedon Edm.DateTimeOffset

Display name: Paused On

regardingentityid Edm.String

Display name: Regarding ID

slakpiinstanceid Edm.Guid

Unique identifier of the SLA KPI Instance.

Display name: SLA KPI InstanceId

status Edm.Int32

Reason for the status of the service level agreement (SLA) key performance indicator (KPI) instance. For example, the SLA KPI could be Noncompliant or Succeeded.

Display name: Status

Default options
Values Label
0 In Progress
1 Noncompliant
2 Nearing Noncompliance
3 Paused
4 Succeeded
5 Canceled
succeededon Edm.DateTimeOffset

Shows the date and time when the service level agreement (SLA) key performance indicator (KPI) success criteria was met.

Display name: Succeeded On

successcheckedat Edm.DateTimeOffset

Display name: SuccessCheckedAt

terminalstatereached Edm.Boolean

Display name: Terminal State Reached

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
terminalstatetime Edm.DateTimeOffset

Display name: Terminal State Time

versionnumber Edm.Int64

For internal use only.

Display name: Version Number

Read only
warningtime Edm.DateTimeOffset

Enter the date and time when the service level agreement (SLA) key performance indicator (KPI)will go to a warning state.

Display name: Warning Time

warningtimereached Edm.Int32

Shows information about whether the case has reached its warning time.

Display name: Warning Time Reached

Default options
Values Label
0 No
1 Yes

Lookup properties

Lookup properties are read-only, computed properties which contain entity primary key Edm.Guid data for one or more corresponding single-valued navigation properties. More information: Lookup properties and Lookup property data.

Name Single-valued navigation property Description
_createdby_value createdby

For internal use only.

_createdonbehalfby_value createdonbehalfby

For internal use only.

_modifiedby_value modifiedby

For internal use only.

_modifiedonbehalfby_value modifiedonbehalfby

For internal use only.

_msdyn_slaitemid_value msdyn_slaitemid

Unique identifier for SLA KPI Instance associated with SLA Item.

_ownerid_value ownerid

Enter the user or team who is assigned to manage the record. This field is updated every time the record is assigned to a different user or team.

_owningbusinessunit_value owningbusinessunit

Owning Business Unit.

_regarding_value regarding_account

Unique identifier of the record that this service level agreement (SLA) key performance indicator (KPI) instance is associated with.

_transactioncurrencyid_value transactioncurrencyid

Choose the local currency for the record to make sure budgets are reported in the correct currency.

Single-valued navigation properties

Single-valued navigation properties represent lookup fields where a single entity can be referenced. Each single-valued navigation property has a corresponding partner collection-valued navigation property on the related entity.

Name Type Partner
createdby systemuser lk_slakpiinstancebase_createdby
createdonbehalfby systemuser lk_slakpiinstancebase_createdonbehalfby
modifiedby systemuser lk_slakpiinstancebase_modifiedby
modifiedonbehalfby systemuser lk_slakpiinstancebase_modifiedonbehalfby
msdyn_slaitemid slaitem msdyn_slaitem_slakpiinstance
ownerid principal slakpiinstance_owner
owningbusinessunit businessunit business_unit_slakpiinstance
regarding_account account slakpiinstance_account
regarding_activitypointer activitypointer slakpiinstance_activitypointer
regarding_appointment appointment slakpiinstance_appointment
regarding_contact contact slakpiinstance_contact
regarding_email email slakpiinstance_email
regarding_fax fax slakpiinstance_fax
regarding_letter letter slakpiinstance_letter
regarding_phonecall phonecall slakpiinstance_phonecall
regarding_socialactivity socialactivity slakpiinstance_socialactivity
regarding_task task slakpiinstance_task
transactioncurrencyid transactioncurrency TransactionCurrency_slakpiinstance

Collection-valued navigation properties

Collection-valued navigation properties represent collections of entities which may represent either a one-to-many (1:N) or many-to-many (N:N) relationship between the entities.

Name Type Partner
SLAKPIInstance_SyncErrors syncerror regardingobjectid_slakpiinstance_syncerror


The following operations can be used with the slakpiinstance entity type.

Name Binding
GrantAccess Not Bound
ModifyAccess Not Bound
RetrievePrincipalAccess Not Bound
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess Not Bound
RevokeAccess Not Bound

See also