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Service hook consumers for Azure DevOps Services

TFS 2017

Use service hook consumers to programmatically create a subscription. The subscription specifies the event, the consumer and the action. Select the consumer that you want to use in your subscription from the following consumers:

Azure Service Bus

Provides integration with Microsoft Azure Service Bus, including Notification Hubs.

Send a message to a Notification Hub

This action sends a generic, template notification to the specified Azure Notification Hub. Learn more.

  • Consumer ID: azureServiceBus
  • Action ID: serviceBusNotificationHubSend
  • Supported events: build.complete, git.push, tfvc.checkin, workitem.created, workitem.commented, workitem.updated
  • Settings:
    • connectionString
      • SAS connection string
      • The SAS (shared access signature) connection string to use to connect with Azure Service Bus. This connection string is available in the Azure portal.
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes
    • notificationHubName
      • Notification Hub name
      • The name of the notification hub to send the notification to. The name can contain only letters, numbers, periods, hyphens, forward slashes, and underscores. The name must start and end with a letter or number. The hub should already exist.
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes
    • tagsExpression
      • Tags
      • The tags expression (for targeting specific sets of devices). Learn more.
      • Data type: string
      • Required: No

Send a message to a Service Bus Queue

This action sends a JSON string representation of the event to the specified Azure Service Bus queue. To learn more, see Service Bus queues, topics, and subscriptions.

  • Consumer ID: azureServiceBus
  • Action ID: serviceBusQueueSend
  • Supported events: build.complete, git.push, tfvc.checkin, workitem.created, workitem.commented, workitem.updated
  • Settings:
    • connectionString
      • SAS connection string
      • The SAS (shared access signature) connection string to use to connect with Azure Service Bus. This connection string is available in the Azure portal.
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes
    • queueName
      • Queue name
      • The name of the queue to send the message to. The name can contain only letters, numbers, periods, hyphens, forward slashes, and underscores. The name must start and end with a letter or number. If the queue doesn't exist, it is created if the specified connection string has the necessary permissions.
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes
    • resourceDetailsToSend
      • Resource details to send
      • Control the resource fields to send
      • Data type: string
      • Required: No
    • messagesToSend
      • Messages to send
      • Control the messages to send
      • Data type: string
      • Required: No
    • detailedMessagesToSend
      • Detailed messages to send
      • Control the detailed messages to send
      • Data type: string
      • Required: No

Send a message to a Service Bus Topic

This action sends a JSON string representation of the event to the specified Azure Service Bus topic. To learn more, see Use the Azure portal to create a Service Bus topic and subscriptions to the topic.

  • Consumer ID: azureServiceBus
  • Action ID: serviceBusTopicSend
  • Supported events: build.complete, git.push, tfvc.checkin, workitem.created, workitem.commented, workitem.updated
  • Settings:
    • connectionString
      • SAS connection string
      • The SAS (shared access signature) connection string to use to connect with Azure Service Bus. This connection string is available in the Azure portal.
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes
    • topicName
      • Topic name
      • The name of the topic to send the message to. The name can contain only letters, numbers, periods, hyphens, forward slashes, and underscores. The name must start and end with a letter or number. If the topic doesn't exist, it gets created if the specified connection string has the necessary permissions.
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes
    • resourceDetailsToSend
      • Resource details to send
      • Control the resource fields to send
      • Data type: string
      • Required: No
    • messagesToSend
      • Messages to send
      • Control the messages to send
      • Data type: string
      • Required: No
    • detailedMessagesToSend
      • Detailed messages to send
      • Control the detailed messages to send
      • Data type: string
      • Required: No

Azure Storage

Provides integration with Microsoft Azure Storage.

Insert a message in a Storage Queue

This action inserts a JSON string representation of the event to the specified Azure storage queue. To learn more, see What are Azure queues?.

  • Consumer ID: azureStorageQueue
  • Action ID: enqueue
  • Supported events: build.complete, git.push, tfvc.checkin, workitem.created, workitem.commented, workitem.updated
  • Settings:
    • accountName
      • Storage account name
      • The name associated with your Azure storage account (e.g.
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes
    • accountKey
      • Storage account key
      • The key associated with your Azure storage account.
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes
    • queueName
      • Queue name
      • The lowercase-only name of the queue to be used within Azure storage. A queue by this name gets created if it doesn't already exist.
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes
    • visiTimeout
      • Message visibility timeout (in seconds)
      • Specifies the visibility timeout value, in seconds, for the enqueued message, relative to server time. The value must be larger than or equal to 0, and cannot be larger than 7 days, or 604,800 seconds. The visibility timeout must be set to a value smaller than the message's time-to-live value.
      • Data type: number
      • Required: Yes
    • ttl
      • Message time-to-live (in seconds)
      • Specifies the time-to-live interval for the queue message, in seconds. The maximum time-to-live allowed is 7 days, or 604,800 seconds.
      • Data type: number
      • Required: Yes
    • resourceDetailsToSend
      • Resource details to send
      • Control the resource fields to send
      • Data type: string
      • Required: No
    • messagesToSend
      • Messages to send
      • Control the messages to send
      • Data type: string
      • Required: No
    • detailedMessagesToSend
      • Detailed messages to send
      • Control the detailed messages to send
      • Data type: string
      • Required: No


Campfire is similar to instant messaging, but designed exclusively for groups.

Post a message to a room

Post a message about the event to a room in Campfire. To learn more, see Campfire.

  • Consumer ID: campfire
  • Action ID: postMessageToRoom
  • Supported events: build.complete, git.push, tfvc.checkin, workitem.created, workitem.commented, workitem.updated
  • Settings:
    • accountName
      • Account name
      • Account name like https://{account name}
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes
    • authToken
      • API authentication token
      • API authentication token for the user that messages are posted from. You can get this token visiting the user profile page at Campfire.
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes
    • roomId
      • Room
      • Room to post the message to.
      • Data type: number
      • Required: Yes
    • showDetails
      • Send a detailed message
      • Post a short or detailed message about the event.
      • Data type: boolean
      • Required: No


Flowdock is chat and inbox for teams.

Post a message to a team chat

Post a message about the event to a team chat in Flowdock. To learn more, see Flowdock Messages API.

  • Consumer ID: flowdock
  • Action ID: postMessageToChat
  • Supported events: build.complete, git.push, tfvc.checkin, workitem.created, workitem.commented, workitem.updated
  • Settings:
    • flowAPIToken
      • Flow API token
      • The authorization token to post messages to a team inbox or a group chat. You can get the flow API Token from Flowdock (account settings).
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes
    • flowName
      • Flow name
      • Flow name as seen in Flowdock
      • Data type: string
      • Required: No
    • showDetails
      • Send a detailed message
      • Post a short or detailed message about the event.
      • Data type: boolean
      • Required: No
    • externalUserName
      • Sender user name
      • Name of the "user" sending the message.
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes
    • tags
      • Tags
      • List of tags to be added to the message (comma separated). User tags should start with '@'. Hashtags can optionally be prefixed with "#". Tags are case insensitive.
      • Data type: string
      • Required: No

Post a message to a team inbox

Post a message about the event to a team inbox in Flowdock. To learn more, see Flowdock Messages API.

  • Consumer ID: flowdock
  • Action ID: postMessageToTeamInbox
  • Supported events: build.complete, git.push, tfvc.checkin, workitem.created, workitem.commented, workitem.updated
  • Settings:
    • flowAPIToken
      • Flow API token
      • The authorization token to post messages to a team inbox or a group chat. You can get the flow API Token from Flowdock (account settings).
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes
    • flowName
      • Flow name
      • Flow name as seen in Flowdock
      • Data type: string
      • Required: No
    • showDetails
      • Send a detailed message
      • Post a short or detailed message about the event.
      • Data type: boolean
      • Required: No
    • subject
      • Subject
      • Subject line of the message (displayed as the title of the team inbox message)
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes
    • fromName
      • From name
      • Name of the message sender
      • Data type: string
      • Required: No
    • fromAddress
      • From address
      • Email address of the message sender (used to show an avatar of the sender)
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes
    • replyTo
      • Reply to
      • Email address for replies (used when replying to the message within Flowdock)
      • Data type: string
      • Required: No
    • project
      • Project
      • Human readable identifier for more detailed message categorization
      • Data type: string
      • Required: No
    • tags
      • Tags
      • List of tags to be added to the message (comma separated). User tags should start with '@'. Hashtags can optionally be prefixed with "#". Tags are case insensitive.
      • Data type: string
      • Required: No


HipChat provides group instant messaging for companies and teams.

Post a message to a room

Post a message about the event to a room in HipChat. Messages, Hipchat Cloud and Developer guide.

  • Consumer ID: hipChat
  • Action ID: postMessageToRoom
  • Supported events: build.complete, git.push, tfvc.checkin, workitem.created, workitem.commented, workitem.updated
  • Settings:
    • authToken
      • Authorization token
      • Authorization token which allows to post messages to a room. It can be a room token which is just authorized to a given room, or a personal access token, which is authorized to all rooms that the token's owner is authorized.
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes
    • roomName
      • Room
      • Room to post the message to.
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes
    • notifyRoom
      • Notify room participants
      • Whether or not this message should trigger a notification for people in the room (change the tab color, play a sound, and so on). Each recipient's notification preferences are taken into account.
      • Data type: boolean
      • Required: No
    • showDetails
      • Send a detailed message
      • Post a short or detailed messages about the event.
      • Data type: boolean
      • Required: No
    • bgColor
      • Message color
      • Background color for message. Valid values: yellow, red, green, purple, gray, random (default: 'yellow')
      • Data type: string
      • Required: No


Jenkins is a continuous integration server which allows building and testing software projects continuously.

Trigger Git build

Triggers a build configured to use a Git repository using the Jenkins Git Plugin.

  • Consumer ID: jenkins
  • Action ID: triggerGitBuild
  • Supported events: git.push
  • Settings:
    • serverBaseUrl
      • Jenkins base URL
      • The base URL that hosts the Jenkins server
      • Data type: uri
      • Required: Yes
    • username
      • User name
      • The Jenkins user name of a user who is allowed to trigger the build
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes
    • password
      • User API token (or password)
      • The user's API token, which is available in the Jenkins user configuration page. The API token is new since version 1.426. For earlier versions of Jenkins the real user password must be specified.
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes

Trigger generic build

Triggers a generic Jenkins build, invoking the Jenkins build URL.

  • Consumer ID: jenkins
  • Action ID: triggerGenericBuild
  • Supported events: git.push, build.complete, tfvc.checkin
  • Settings:
    • serverBaseUrl
      • Jenkins base URL
      • The base URL that hosts the Jenkins server
      • Data type: uri
      • Required: Yes
    • username
      • User name
      • The Jenkins user name of a user who is allowed to trigger the build
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes
    • password
      • User API token (or password)
      • The user's API token, which is available in the Jenkins user configuration page. The API token is new since version 1.426. For earlier versions of Jenkins the real user password must be specified.
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes
    • buildName
      • Build
      • The build name to trigger
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes
    • buildAuthToken
      • Build token
      • The authorization token in the form of a string so that only those who know it would be able to remotely trigger this project's builds
      • Data type: string
      • Required: No
    • buildParameterized
      • Accepts parameters
      • Indicates if the build is parameterized or not (build parameters are optionally specified previously)
      • Data type: boolean
      • Required: No
    • buildParams
      • Build parameters
      • Build parameters names and values separated by a colon(e.g. "param1:value1") with each name-value pair appearing on its own line of text
      • Data type: string
      • Required: No


Kato provides a messaging service for modern organizations.

Post event to room

Posts an event to a Kato room

  • Consumer ID: kato
  • Action ID: postEventToRoom
  • Supported events: build.complete, git.push, tfvc.checkin, workitem.created, workitem.commented, workitem.updated
  • Settings:
    • roomToken
      • Room token
      • The token for interacting with a room using the Kato API
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes
    • roomName
      • Room name
      • Room name as seen in Kato
      • Data type: string
      • Required: No


Provides integration with Trello.

Create a card

This action creates a card on an existing list in Trello. A card can represent a task, issue, event, or just about anything. A card's state is typically determined by what list it is on. To learn more, see Create a service hook for Azure DevOps with Trello.

  • Consumer ID: trello
  • Action ID: createCard
  • Supported events: build.complete, git.push, tfvc.checkin, workitem.created, workitem.commented, workitem.updated
  • Settings:
    • userToken
      • User token (need one? Get it now.)
      • Your user token provided by Trello. Select the link in the previously described action description to learn how to obtain this token.
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes
    • boardId
      • Board
      • The name of the board on which the Trello card gets created.
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes
    • listId
      • List
      • The name of the list on which the Trello card gets created.
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes
    • labels
      • Labels
      • A comma-separated list of label colors to apply to the created card. Valid label color names are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.
      • Data type: string
      • Required: No
    • addToTop
      • Create at beginning of list
      • Indicates if the card should be created at the beginning of the Trello list, instead of the end.
      • Data type: boolean
      • Required: No

Create a list

This action creates a list on an existing board in Trello. A list is used to organize cards on a board and typically represents a state. To learn more, see Create a service hook for Azure DevOps with Trello.

  • Consumer ID: trello
  • Action ID: createList
  • Supported events: build.complete, git.push, tfvc.checkin, workitem.created, workitem.commented, workitem.updated
  • Settings:
    • userToken
      • User token (need one? Get it now.)
      • Your user token provided by Trello. Select the link in the previously described action description to learn how to obtain this token.
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes
    • boardId
      • Board
      • The name of the board on which the Trello list gets created.
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes
    • addToBottom
      • Create at bottom of board
      • Indicates if the list should be created at the bottom of the board, instead of the top.
      • Data type: boolean
      • Required: No

Web Hooks

Provides event communication via HTTP.

Post via HTTP

This action posts a JSON object representation of the event to the specified URL. HTTPS endpoints are recommended due to the potential for private data in the event payload. To learn more, see Webhooks.

  • Consumer ID: webHooks
  • Action ID: httpRequest
  • Supported events: build.complete, git.push, tfvc.checkin, workitem.created, workitem.commented, workitem.updated
  • Settings:
    • url
      • URL
      • The URL to which an HTTP POST gets sent.
      • Data type: uri
      • Required: Yes
    • httpHeaders
      • HTTP headers
      • HTTP header keys and values separated by a colon(e.g. "Key1:value1") with each key-value-pair appearing on its own line of text.
      • Data type: string
      • Required: No
    • basicAuthUsername
      • Basic authentication username
      • Enter a username for standard HTTP authentication. Basic HTTP authentication sends credentials in plain text (unencrypted) which means you should use a URL beginning with "https" to enable encryption of these credentials via secure transport layer (SSL).
      • Data type: string
      • Required: No
    • basicAuthPassword
      • Basic authentication password
      • Enter a password for standard HTTP authentication. Basic HTTP authentication sends credentials in plain text (unencrypted) which means you should use a URL beginning with "https" to enable encryption of these credentials via secure transport layer (SSL).
      • Data type: string
      • Required: No
    • resourceDetailsToSend
      • Resource details to send
      • Control the resource fields to send
      • Data type: string
      • Required: No
    • messagesToSend
      • Messages to send
      • Control the messages to send
      • Data type: string
      • Required: No
    • detailedMessagesToSend
      • Detailed messages to send
      • Control the detailed messages to send
      • Data type: string
      • Required: No


Zendesk is a SaaS suite that offers help desk ticketing, issue tracking, and customer service support.

Create a private comment in a ticket

Create a private comment in a ticket

  • Consumer ID: zendesk
  • Action ID: createPrivateComment
  • Supported events: workitem.commented
  • Settings:
    • accountName
      • Account name
      • Zendesk account name like https://{account name}
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes
    • username
      • User name
      • The Zendesk user name of a user who updates tickets
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes
    • apiToken
      • API token
      • The Zendesk API token (can be found in Zendesk app in Admin > Channels > API)
      • Data type: string
      • Required: Yes