Freigeben über


Stellt die Auflistung von Datenbindungen für ein Steuerelement dar.

Namespace: System.Windows.Forms
Assembly: System.Windows.Forms (in


Public Class ControlBindingsCollection
    Inherits BindingsCollection
Dim instance As ControlBindingsCollection
public class ControlBindingsCollection : BindingsCollection
public ref class ControlBindingsCollection : public BindingsCollection
public class ControlBindingsCollection extends BindingsCollection
public class ControlBindingsCollection extends BindingsCollection


Einfache Datenbindungen werden erstellt, indem einer ControlBindingsCollectionBinding-Objekte hinzugefügt werden. Jedes Objekt, das von der Control-Klasse erbt, kann über die DataBindings-Eigenschaft auf ControlBindingsCollection zugreifen. Eine Liste von Windows-Steuerelementen, die die Datenbindung unterstützen, finden Sie unter der Binding-Klasse.

Die ControlBindingsCollection enthält Standardauflistungsmethoden, z. B. Add, Clear und Remove.

Rufen Sie mit der Control-Eigenschaft das Steuerelement ab, zu dem die ControlBindingsCollection gehört.


Im folgenden Codebeispiel werden einer ControlBindingsCollection, die aus fünf Steuerelementen besteht (vier TextBox-Steuerelementen und einem DateTimePicker-Steuerelement), Binding-Objekte hinzugefügt. Der Zugriff auf die ControlBindingsCollection erfolgt über die DataBindings-Eigenschaft der Control-Klasse.

Protected Sub BindControls()
    ' Create two Binding objects for the first two TextBox 
    ' controls. The data-bound property for both controls 
    ' is the Text property. The data source is a DataSet 
    ' (ds). The data member is the navigation path: 
    ' TableName.ColumnName. 
    textBox1.DataBindings.Add _
       (New Binding("Text", ds, "customers.custName"))
    textBox2.DataBindings.Add _
       (New Binding("Text", ds, "customers.custID"))
    ' Bind the DateTimePicker control by adding a new Binding. 
    ' The data member of the DateTimePicker is a navigation path:
    ' TableName.RelationName.ColumnName. 
    DateTimePicker1.DataBindings.Add _
       (New Binding("Value", ds, "customers.CustToOrders.OrderDate"))
    ' Create a new Binding using the DataSet and a 
    ' navigation path(TableName.RelationName.ColumnName).
    ' Add event delegates for the Parse and Format events to 
    ' the Binding object, and add the object to the third 
    ' TextBox control's BindingsCollection. The delegates 
    ' must be added before adding the Binding to the 
    ' collection; otherwise, no formatting occurs until 
    ' the Current object of the BindingManagerBase for 
    ' the data source changes. 
    Dim b As New Binding("Text", ds, "customers.custToOrders.OrderAmount")
    AddHandler b.Parse, AddressOf CurrencyStringToDecimal
    AddHandler b.Format, AddressOf DecimalToCurrencyString
    ' Bind the fourth TextBox to the Value of the 
    ' DateTimePicker control. This demonstates how one control
    ' can be data-bound to another.
    textBox4.DataBindings.Add("Text", DateTimePicker1, "Value")
    ' Get the BindingManagerBase for the textBox4 Binding.
    Dim bmText As BindingManagerBase = Me.BindingContext(DateTimePicker1)
    ' Print the Type of the BindingManagerBase, which is 
    ' a PropertyManager because the data source
    ' returns only a single property value. 
    ' Print the count of managed objects, which is one.
    ' Get the BindingManagerBase for the Customers table. 
    bmCustomers = Me.BindingContext(ds, "Customers")
    ' Print the Type and count of the BindingManagerBase.
    ' Because the data source inherits from IBindingList,
    ' it is a RelatedCurrencyManager (a derived class of
    ' CurrencyManager). 
    ' Get the BindingManagerBase for the Orders of the current
    ' customer using a navigation path: TableName.RelationName. 
    bmOrders = Me.BindingContext(ds, "customers.CustToOrders")
End Sub    
protected void BindControls()
   /* Create two Binding objects for the first two TextBox 
   controls. The data-bound property for both controls 
   is the Text property. The data source is a DataSet 
   (ds). The data member is the navigation path: 
   TableName.ColumnName. */
   textBox1.DataBindings.Add(new Binding
   ("Text", ds, "customers.custName"));
   textBox2.DataBindings.Add(new Binding
   ("Text", ds, "customers.custID"));
   /* Bind the DateTimePicker control by adding a new Binding. 
   The data member of the DateTimePicker is a navigation path:
   TableName.RelationName.ColumnName. */
   Binding("Value", ds, "customers.CustToOrders.OrderDate"));

   /* Create a new Binding using the DataSet and a 
   navigation path(TableName.RelationName.ColumnName).
   Add event delegates for the Parse and Format events to 
   the Binding object, and add the object to the third 
   TextBox control's BindingsCollection. The delegates 
   must be added before adding the Binding to the 
   collection; otherwise, no formatting occurs until 
   the Current object of the BindingManagerBase for 
   the data source changes. */
   Binding b = new Binding
   ("Text", ds, "customers.custToOrders.OrderAmount");
   b.Parse+=new ConvertEventHandler(CurrencyStringToDecimal);
   b.Format+=new ConvertEventHandler(DecimalToCurrencyString);

   /*Bind the fourth TextBox to the Value of the 
   DateTimePicker control. This demonstates how one control
   can be data-bound to another.*/
   textBox4.DataBindings.Add("Text", DateTimePicker1,"Value");

   // Get the BindingManagerBase for the textBox4 Binding.
   BindingManagerBase bmText = this.BindingContext

   /* Print the Type of the BindingManagerBase, which is 
   a PropertyManager because the data source
   returns only a single property value. */

   // Print the count of managed objects, which is one.

   // Get the BindingManagerBase for the Customers table. 
   bmCustomers = this.BindingContext [ds, "Customers"];

   /* Print the Type and count of the BindingManagerBase.
   Because the data source inherits from IBindingList,
   it is a RelatedCurrencyManager (a derived class of
   CurrencyManager). */
   /* Get the BindingManagerBase for the Orders of the current
   customer using a navigation path: TableName.RelationName. */ 
   bmOrders = this.BindingContext[ds, "customers.CustToOrders"];
   void BindControls()
      /* Create two Binding objects for the first two TextBox 
         controls. The data-bound property for both controls 
         is the Text property. The data source is a DataSet 
         (ds). The data member is the navigation path: 
         TableName.ColumnName. */
      textBox1->DataBindings->Add( gcnew Binding(
         "Text",ds,"customers.custName" ) );
      textBox2->DataBindings->Add( gcnew Binding(
         "Text",ds,"customers.custID" ) );
      /* Bind the DateTimePicker control by adding a new Binding. 
         The data member of the DateTimePicker is a navigation path:
         TableName.RelationName.ColumnName. */
      DateTimePicker1->DataBindings->Add( gcnew Binding(
         "Value",ds,"customers.CustToOrders.OrderDate" ) );
      /* Create a new Binding using the DataSet and a 
         navigation path(TableName.RelationName.ColumnName).
         Add event delegates for the Parse and Format events to 
         the Binding object, and add the object to the third 
         TextBox control's BindingsCollection. The delegates 
         must be added before adding the Binding to the 
         collection; otherwise, no formatting occurs until 
         the Current object of the BindingManagerBase for 
         the data source changes. */
      Binding^ b = gcnew Binding(
         "Text",ds,"customers.custToOrders.OrderAmount" );
      b->Parse += gcnew ConvertEventHandler(
         this, &Form1::CurrencyStringToDecimal );
      b->Format += gcnew ConvertEventHandler(
         this, &Form1::DecimalToCurrencyString );
      textBox3->DataBindings->Add( b );
      /*Bind the fourth TextBox to the Value of the 
         DateTimePicker control. This demonstates how one control
         can be data-bound to another.*/
      textBox4->DataBindings->Add( "Text", DateTimePicker1, "Value" );
      // Get the BindingManagerBase for the textBox4 Binding.
      BindingManagerBase^ bmText = this->BindingContext[
         DateTimePicker1 ];
      /* Print the Type of the BindingManagerBase, which is 
         a PropertyManager because the data source
         returns only a single property value. */
      Console::WriteLine( bmText->GetType() );
      // Print the count of managed objects, which is one.
      Console::WriteLine( bmText->Count );
      // Get the BindingManagerBase for the Customers table. 
      bmCustomers = this->BindingContext[ds, "Customers"];
      /* Print the Type and count of the BindingManagerBase.
         Because the data source inherits from IBindingList,
         it is a RelatedCurrencyManager (a derived class of
         CurrencyManager). */
      Console::WriteLine( bmCustomers->GetType() );
      Console::WriteLine( bmCustomers->Count );
      /* Get the BindingManagerBase for the Orders of the current
         customer using a navigation path: TableName.RelationName. */
      bmOrders = this->BindingContext[ds, "customers.CustToOrders"];
protected void BindControls()
    /*  Create two Binding objects for the first two TextBox 
        controls. The data-bound property for both controls 
        is the Text property. The data source is a DataSet 
        (ds). The data member is the navigation path: 
        Add(new Binding("Text", ds, "customers.custName"));
        Add(new Binding("Text", ds, "customers.custID"));

    /*  Bind the DateTimePicker control by adding a new Binding. 
        The data member of the DateTimePicker is a navigation path:
        Add(new Binding("Value", ds,"customers.CustToOrders.OrderDate"));

    /*  Create a new Binding using the DataSet and a 
        navigation path(TableName.RelationName.ColumnName).
        Add event delegates for the Parse and Format events to 
        the Binding object, and add the object to the third 
        TextBox control's BindingsCollection. The delegates 
        must be added before adding the Binding to the 
        collection; otherwise, no formatting occurs until 
        the Current object of the BindingManagerBase for 
        the data source changes. 
    Binding b = new Binding("Text", 
        ds, "customers.custToOrders.OrderAmount");

    b.add_Parse(new ConvertEventHandler(CurrencyStringToDecimal));
    b.add_Format(new ConvertEventHandler(DecimalToCurrencyString));

    /*  Bind the fourth TextBox to the Value of the 
        DateTimePicker control. This demonstates how one control
        can be data-bound to another.
    textBox4.get_DataBindings().Add("Text", dateTimePicker1, "Value");

    // Get the BindingManagerBase for the textBox4 Binding.
    BindingManagerBase bmText 
        = this.get_BindingContext().get_Item(dateTimePicker1);

    /*  Print the Type of the BindingManagerBase, which is 
        a PropertyManager because the data source
        returns only a single property value. 

    // Print the count of managed objects, which is one.

    // Get the BindingManagerBase for the Customers table. 
    bmCustomers = this.get_BindingContext().get_Item(ds, "Customers");

    /*  Print the Type and count of the BindingManagerBase.
        Because the data source inherits from IBindingList,
        it is a RelatedCurrencyManager (a derived class of

    /*  Get the BindingManagerBase for the Orders of the current
        customer using a navigation path: TableName.RelationName. 
        = this.get_BindingContext().get_Item(ds, "customers.CustToOrders");
} //BindControls




Alle öffentlichen statischen (Shared in Visual Basic) Member dieses Typs sind threadsicher. Bei Instanzmembern ist die Threadsicherheit nicht gewährleistet.


Windows 98, Windows 2000 SP4, Windows CE, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Mobile für Pocket PC, Windows Mobile für Smartphone, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP Starter Edition

.NET Framework unterstützt nicht alle Versionen sämtlicher Plattformen. Eine Liste der unterstützten Versionen finden Sie unter Systemanforderungen.


.NET Framework

Unterstützt in: 2.0, 1.1, 1.0

.NET Compact Framework

Unterstützt in: 2.0, 1.0

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