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Definiert eine Sperre, die einen Writer und mehrere Reader unterstützt.

Namespace: System.Threading
Assembly: mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll)


<ComVisibleAttribute(True)> _
Public NotInheritable Class ReaderWriterLock
    Inherits CriticalFinalizerObject
Dim instance As ReaderWriterLock
public sealed class ReaderWriterLock : CriticalFinalizerObject
public ref class ReaderWriterLock sealed : public CriticalFinalizerObject
/** @attribute ComVisibleAttribute(true) */ 
public final class ReaderWriterLock extends CriticalFinalizerObject
public final class ReaderWriterLock extends CriticalFinalizerObject



Das auf diese Klasse angewendete HostProtectionAttribute-Attribut besitzt den Resources-Eigenschaftenwert Synchronization | ExternalThreading. Das HostProtectionAttribute hat keine Auswirkungen auf Desktopanwendungen (die normalerweise durch Doppelklicken auf ein Symbol, Eingeben eines Befehls oder eines URL in einem Browser gestartet werden). Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter der HostProtectionAttribute-Klasse oder unter SQL Server-Programmierung und Hostschutzattribute.

ReaderWriterLock wird zum Synchronisieren des Zugriffs auf eine Ressource verwendet. So wird jederzeit der gleichzeitige Lesezugriff für mehrere Threads oder Schreibzugriff für einen Thread ermöglicht. Wenn eine Ressource unregelmäßig geändert wird, ermöglicht ReaderWriterLock einen besseren Durchsatz als eine einfache Sperre, z. B. Monitor.

ReaderWriterLock eignet sich am besten, wenn es sich bei den meisten Zugriffen um Lesezugriffe handelt und nur selten und für kurze Zeit Schreibzugriffe vorkommen. Mehrere Reader und einzelne Writer wechseln sich ab, sodass weder Reader noch Writer für längere Zeit blockiert werden.


Das Beibehalten von Lesesperren über längere Zeit blockiert andere Threads. Um die beste Leistung zu erhalten, sollten Sie die Anwendung so neu strukturieren, dass die Dauer der Schreibzugriffe minimiert wird.

Ein Thread kann eine Lese- oder eine Schreibsperre besitzen, jedoch nicht beides zur gleichen Zeit. Anstelle des Aufhebens einer Lesesperre zum Erhalten der Schreibsperre können Sie UpgradeToWriterLock und DowngradeFromWriterLock verwenden.

Rekursive Sperranforderungen erhöhen die Sperrenanzahl einer Sperre.

Reader und Writer sind in unterschiedliche Warteschlangen aufgeteilt. Wenn ein Thread die Schreibsperre aufhebt, werden allen zu dieser Zeit in der Readerwarteschleife wartenden Threads Lesesperren erteilt. Wenn all diese Lesesperren aufgehoben wurden, wird dem nächsten Thread in der Warteschlange (falls vorhanden) die Schreibsperre erteilt usw. Das heißt, ReaderWriterLock wechselt zwischen einer Gruppe von Readern und einem Writer ab.

Während ein Thread in der Writerwarteschlange auf die Aufhebung von aktiven Lesesperren wartet, kommt es in der Readerwarteschlange zu einer Ansammlung von Threads, die neue Lesesperren anfordern. Die Anforderungen werden nicht zugelassen, auch wenn der Zugriff durch diese Threads gleichzeitig mit anderen Threads mit Lesesperre erfolgen könnte, um Writer gegen Sperren durch Reader auf unbestimmte Zeit zu schützen.

Die meisten Methoden zum Erhalten von Sperren bei einer ReaderWriterLock akzeptieren Timeoutwerte. Mit Timeouts können Sie Deadlocks in Ihrer Anwendung verhindern. Ein Thread kann z. B. eine Lesesperre für eine Ressource erhalten und dann eine Schreibsperre für eine weitere Ressource anfordern. In der Zwischenzeit könnte ein anderer Thread die Lesesperre für die zweite Ressource erhalten und eine Lesesperre für die erste Ressource anfordern. Wenn keine Timeouts verwendet werden, kommt es zu Deadlocks bei den Threads.

Wenn das Timeoutintervall abläuft und die Sperranforderung nicht erteilt wurde, gibt die Methode die Steuerung an den aufrufenden Thread zurück, indem sie eine ApplicationException auslöst. Ein Thread kann diese Ausnahme abfangen und bestimmen, was danach geschehen soll.

Timeouts werden in Millisekunden angegeben. Wenn Sie zum Angeben des Timeouts System.TimeSpan verwenden, entspricht der verwendete Wert der Gesamtanzahl von ganzen Millisekunden, die von TimeSpan angegeben werden. In der folgenden Tabelle werden die gültigen Timeoutwerte in Millisekunden dargestellt.






Kein Timeout.

> 0

Die Anzahl der Millisekunden, die gewartet werden soll.

Mit Ausnahme von -1 sind keine negativen Timeoutwerte zulässig. Wenn Sie den Timeout mit einer negativen ganzen Zahl ungleich -1 angeben, wird 0 (null bzw. kein Timeout) verwendet. Beim Angeben einer TimeSpan, die eine negative Anzahl von Millisekunden ungleich -1 darstellt, wird eine ArgumentOutOfRangeException ausgelöst.


' This example shows a ReaderWriterLock protecting a shared
' resource that is read concurrently and written exclusively
' by multiple threads.

' The complete code is located in the ReaderWriterLock
' class topic.
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Public Class Test
    ' Declaring the ReaderWriterLock at the class level
    ' makes it visible to all threads.
    Private Shared rwl As New ReaderWriterLock()
    ' For this example, the shared resource protected by the
    ' ReaderWriterLock is just an integer.
    Private Shared resource As Integer = 0

    Const numThreads As Integer = 26
    Private Shared running As Boolean = True
    Private Shared rnd As New Random()
    ' Statistics.
    Private Shared readerTimeouts As Integer = 0
    Private Shared writerTimeouts As Integer = 0
    Private Shared reads As Integer = 0
    Private Shared writes As Integer = 0
    <MTAThread> _
    Public Shared Sub Main(args() As String)
        ' Start a series of threads. Each thread randomly
        ' performs reads and writes on the shared resource.
        Dim t(numThreads) As Thread
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To numThreads - 1
            t(i) = New Thread(New ThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadProc))
            t(i).Name = Chr(i + 65)
            If i > 10 Then
            End If
        Next i 

        ' Tell the threads to shut down, then wait until they all
        ' finish.
        running = False
        For i = 0 To numThreads - 1
        Next i
        ' Display statistics.
        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "{0} reads, {1} writes, {2} reader time-outs, {3} writer time-outs.", reads, writes, readerTimeouts, writerTimeouts)
        Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to exit.")
    End Sub 'Main
    Shared Sub ThreadProc()
        ' As long as a thread runs, it randomly selects
        ' various ways to read and write from the shared 
        ' resource. Each of the methods demonstrates one 
        ' or more features of ReaderWriterLock.
        While running
            Dim action As Double = rnd.NextDouble()
            If action < 0.8 Then
            ElseIf action < 0.81 Then
            ElseIf action < 0.9 Then
            End If
        End While
    End Sub 'ThreadProc
    ' Shows how to request and release a reader lock, and
    ' how to handle time-outs.
    Shared Sub ReadFromResource(timeOut As Integer)
                ' It is safe for this thread to read from
                ' the shared resource.
                Display("reads resource value " & resource)
                ' Ensure that the lock is released.
            End Try
        Catch ex As ApplicationException
            ' The reader lock request timed out.
        End Try
    End Sub 'ReadFromResource

    ' Shows how to request and release the writer lock, and
    ' how to handle time-outs.
    Shared Sub WriteToResource(timeOut As Integer)
                ' It is safe for this thread to read or write
                ' from the shared resource.
                resource = rnd.Next(500)
                Display("writes resource value " & resource)
                ' Ensure that the lock is released.
            End Try
        Catch ex As ApplicationException
            ' The writer lock request timed out.
        End Try
    End Sub 'WriteToResource

    ' Shows how to request a reader lock, upgrade the
    ' reader lock to the writer lock, and downgrade to a
    ' reader lock again.
    Shared Sub UpgradeDowngrade(timeOut As Integer)
                ' It is safe for this thread to read from
                ' the shared resource.
                Display("reads resource value " & resource)
                ' If it is necessary to write to the resource,
                ' you must either release the reader lock and 
                ' then request the writer lock, or upgrade the
                ' reader lock. Note that upgrading the reader lock
                ' puts the thread in the write queue, behind any
                ' other threads that might be waiting for the 
                ' writer lock.
                    Dim lc As LockCookie = rwl.UpgradeToWriterLock(timeOut)
                        ' It is safe for this thread to read or write
                        ' from the shared resource.
                        resource = rnd.Next(500)
                        Display("writes resource value " & resource)
                        ' Ensure that the lock is released.
                    End Try
                Catch ex As ApplicationException
                    ' The upgrade request timed out.
                End Try
                ' When the lock has been downgraded, it is 
                ' still safe to read from the resource.
                Display("reads resource value " & resource)
                ' Ensure that the lock is released.
            End Try
        Catch ex As ApplicationException
            ' The reader lock request timed out.
        End Try
    End Sub 'UpgradeDowngrade

    ' Shows how to release all locks and later restore
    ' the lock state. Shows how to use sequence numbers
    ' to determine whether another thread has obtained
    ' a writer lock since this thread last accessed the
    ' resource.
    Shared Sub ReleaseRestore(timeOut As Integer)
        Dim lastWriter As Integer
                ' It is safe for this thread to read from
                ' the shared resource. Cache the value. (You
                ' might do this if reading the resource is
                ' an expensive operation.)
                Dim resourceValue As Integer = resource
                Display("reads resource value " & resourceValue)
                ' Save the current writer sequence number.
                lastWriter = rwl.WriterSeqNum
                ' Release the lock, and save a cookie so the
                ' lock can be restored later.
                Dim lc As LockCookie = rwl.ReleaseLock()
                ' Wait for a random interval (up to a 
                ' quarter of a second), and then restore
                ' the previous state of the lock. Note that
                ' there is no time-out on the Restore method.
                ' Check whether other threads obtained the
                ' writer lock in the interval. If not, then
                ' the cached value of the resource is still
                ' valid.
                If rwl.AnyWritersSince(lastWriter) Then
                    resourceValue = resource
                    Display("resource has changed " & resourceValue)
                    Display("resource has not changed " & resourceValue)
                End If
                ' Ensure that the lock is released.
            End Try
        Catch ex As ApplicationException
            ' The reader lock request timed out.
        End Try
    End Sub 'ReleaseRestore

    ' Helper method briefly displays the most recent
    ' thread action. Comment out calls to Display to 
    ' get a better idea of throughput.
    Shared Sub Display(msg As String)
        Console.Write("Thread {0} {1}.       " & vbCr, Thread.CurrentThread.Name, msg)
    End Sub 'Display
End Class 'Test 
// This example shows a ReaderWriterLock protecting a shared
// resource that is read concurrently and written exclusively
// by multiple threads.

// The complete code is located in the ReaderWriterLock
// class topic.
using System;
using System.Threading;

public class Test
    // Declaring the ReaderWriterLock at the class level
    // makes it visible to all threads.
    static ReaderWriterLock rwl = new ReaderWriterLock();
    // For this example, the shared resource protected by the
    // ReaderWriterLock is just an integer.
    static int resource = 0;

    const int numThreads = 26;
    static bool running = true;
    static Random rnd = new Random();

    // Statistics.
    static int readerTimeouts = 0;
    static int writerTimeouts = 0;
    static int reads = 0;
    static int writes = 0;

    public static void Main(string[] args)
        // Start a series of threads. Each thread randomly
        // performs reads and writes on the shared resource.
        Thread[] t = new Thread[numThreads];
        for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++)
            t[i] = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ThreadProc));
            t[i].Name = new String(Convert.ToChar(i + 65), 1);
            if (i > 10)

        // Tell the threads to shut down, then wait until they all
        // finish.
        running = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++)

        // Display statistics.
        Console.WriteLine("\r\n{0} reads, {1} writes, {2} reader time-outs, {3} writer time-outs.",
            reads, writes, readerTimeouts, writerTimeouts);
        Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to exit.");

    static void ThreadProc()
        // As long as a thread runs, it randomly selects
        // various ways to read and write from the shared 
        // resource. Each of the methods demonstrates one 
        // or more features of ReaderWriterLock.
        while (running)
            double action = rnd.NextDouble();
            if (action < .8)
            else if (action < .81)
            else if (action < .90)

    // Shows how to request and release a reader lock, and
    // how to handle time-outs.
    static void ReadFromResource(int timeOut)
                // It is safe for this thread to read from
                // the shared resource.
                Display("reads resource value " + resource); 
                Interlocked.Increment(ref reads);
                // Ensure that the lock is released.
        catch (ApplicationException)
            // The reader lock request timed out.
            Interlocked.Increment(ref readerTimeouts);

    // Shows how to request and release the writer lock, and
    // how to handle time-outs.
    static void WriteToResource(int timeOut)
                // It is safe for this thread to read or write
                // from the shared resource.
                resource = rnd.Next(500);
                Display("writes resource value " + resource);
                Interlocked.Increment(ref writes);
                // Ensure that the lock is released.
        catch (ApplicationException)
            // The writer lock request timed out.
            Interlocked.Increment(ref writerTimeouts);

    // Shows how to request a reader lock, upgrade the
    // reader lock to the writer lock, and downgrade to a
    // reader lock again.
    static void UpgradeDowngrade(int timeOut)
                // It is safe for this thread to read from
                // the shared resource.
                Display("reads resource value " + resource); 
                Interlocked.Increment(ref reads);

                // If it is necessary to write to the resource,
                // you must either release the reader lock and 
                // then request the writer lock, or upgrade the
                // reader lock. Note that upgrading the reader lock
                // puts the thread in the write queue, behind any
                // other threads that might be waiting for the 
                // writer lock.
                    LockCookie lc = rwl.UpgradeToWriterLock(timeOut);
                        // It is safe for this thread to read or write
                        // from the shared resource.
                        resource = rnd.Next(500);
                        Display("writes resource value " + resource);
                        Interlocked.Increment(ref writes);
                        // Ensure that the lock is released.
                        rwl.DowngradeFromWriterLock(ref lc);
                catch (ApplicationException)
                    // The upgrade request timed out.
                    Interlocked.Increment(ref writerTimeouts);

                // When the lock has been downgraded, it is 
                // still safe to read from the resource.
                Display("reads resource value " + resource); 
                Interlocked.Increment(ref reads);
                // Ensure that the lock is released.
        catch (ApplicationException)
            // The reader lock request timed out.
            Interlocked.Increment(ref readerTimeouts);

    // Shows how to release all locks and later restore
    // the lock state. Shows how to use sequence numbers
    // to determine whether another thread has obtained
    // a writer lock since this thread last accessed the
    // resource.
    static void ReleaseRestore(int timeOut)
        int lastWriter;

                // It is safe for this thread to read from
                // the shared resource. Cache the value. (You
                // might do this if reading the resource is
                // an expensive operation.)
                int resourceValue = resource;
                Display("reads resource value " + resourceValue); 
                Interlocked.Increment(ref reads);

                // Save the current writer sequence number.
                lastWriter = rwl.WriterSeqNum;

                // Release the lock, and save a cookie so the
                // lock can be restored later.
                LockCookie lc = rwl.ReleaseLock();

                // Wait for a random interval (up to a 
                // quarter of a second), and then restore
                // the previous state of the lock. Note that
                // there is no time-out on the Restore method.
                rwl.RestoreLock(ref lc);

                // Check whether other threads obtained the
                // writer lock in the interval. If not, then
                // the cached value of the resource is still
                // valid.
                if (rwl.AnyWritersSince(lastWriter))
                    resourceValue = resource;
                    Interlocked.Increment(ref reads);
                    Display("resource has changed " + resourceValue);
                    Display("resource has not changed " + resourceValue);
                // Ensure that the lock is released.
        catch (ApplicationException)
            // The reader lock request timed out.
            Interlocked.Increment(ref readerTimeouts);

    // Helper method briefly displays the most recent
    // thread action. Comment out calls to Display to 
    // get a better idea of throughput.
    static void Display(string msg)
        Console.Write("Thread {0} {1}.       \r", Thread.CurrentThread.Name, msg);
// This example shows a ReaderWriterLock protecting a shared
// resource that is read concurrently and written exclusively
// by multiple threads.
// The complete code is located in the ReaderWriterLock
// class topic.
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Threading;
public ref class Test

   // Declaring the ReaderWriterLock at the class level
   // makes it visible to all threads.
   static ReaderWriterLock^ rwl = gcnew ReaderWriterLock;

   // For this example, the shared resource protected by the
   // ReaderWriterLock is just an integer.
   static int resource = 0;

   literal int numThreads = 26;
   static bool running = true;
   static Random^ rnd = gcnew Random;

   // Statistics.
   static int readerTimeouts = 0;
   static int writerTimeouts = 0;
   static int reads = 0;
   static int writes = 0;
   static void ThreadProc()
      // As long as a thread runs, it randomly selects
      // various ways to read and write from the shared 
      // resource. Each of the methods demonstrates one 
      // or more features of ReaderWriterLock.
      while ( running )
         double action = rnd->NextDouble();
         if ( action < .8 )
                  ReadFromResource( 10 );
         if ( action < .81 )
                  ReleaseRestore( 50 );
         if ( action < .90 )
                  UpgradeDowngrade( 100 );
                  WriteToResource( 100 );

   // Shows how to request and release a reader lock, and
   // how to handle time-outs.
   static void ReadFromResource( int timeOut )
         rwl->AcquireReaderLock( timeOut );
            // It is safe for this thread to read from
            // the shared resource.
            Display( String::Format( "reads resource value {0}", resource ) );
            Interlocked::Increment( reads );
            // Ensure that the lock is released.

      catch ( ApplicationException^ ) 
         // The reader lock request timed out.
         Interlocked::Increment( readerTimeouts );


   // Shows how to request and release the writer lock, and
   // how to handle time-outs.
   static void WriteToResource( int timeOut )
         rwl->AcquireWriterLock( timeOut );
            // It is safe for this thread to read or write
            // from the shared resource.
            resource = rnd->Next( 500 );
            Display( String::Format( "writes resource value {0}", resource ) );
            Interlocked::Increment( writes );
            // Ensure that the lock is released.

      catch ( ApplicationException^ ) 
         // The writer lock request timed out.
         Interlocked::Increment( writerTimeouts );


   // Shows how to request a reader lock, upgrade the
   // reader lock to the writer lock, and downgrade to a
   // reader lock again.
   static void UpgradeDowngrade( int timeOut )
         rwl->AcquireReaderLock( timeOut );
            // It is safe for this thread to read from
            // the shared resource.
            Display( String::Format( "reads resource value {0}", resource ) );
            Interlocked::Increment( reads );
            // If it is necessary to write to the resource,
            // you must either release the reader lock and 
            // then request the writer lock, or upgrade the
            // reader lock. Note that upgrading the reader lock
            // puts the thread in the write queue, behind any
            // other threads that might be waiting for the 
            // writer lock.
               LockCookie lc = rwl->UpgradeToWriterLock( timeOut );
                  // It is safe for this thread to read or write
                  // from the shared resource.
                  resource = rnd->Next( 500 );
                  Display( String::Format( "writes resource value {0}", resource ) );
                  Interlocked::Increment( writes );
                  // Ensure that the lock is released.
                  rwl->DowngradeFromWriterLock( lc );

            catch ( ApplicationException^ ) 
               // The upgrade request timed out.
               Interlocked::Increment( writerTimeouts );

            // When the lock has been downgraded, it is 
            // still safe to read from the resource.
            Display( String::Format( "reads resource value {0}", resource ) );
            Interlocked::Increment( reads );
            // Ensure that the lock is released.

      catch ( ApplicationException^ ) 
         // The reader lock request timed out.
         Interlocked::Increment( readerTimeouts );


   // Shows how to release all locks and later restore
   // the lock state. Shows how to use sequence numbers
   // to determine whether another thread has obtained
   // a writer lock since this thread last accessed the
   // resource.
   static void ReleaseRestore( int timeOut )
      int lastWriter;
         rwl->AcquireReaderLock( timeOut );
            // It is safe for this thread to read from
            // the shared resource. Cache the value. (You
            // might do this if reading the resource is
            // an expensive operation.)
            int resourceValue = resource;
            Display( String::Format( "reads resource value {0}", resourceValue ) );
            Interlocked::Increment( reads );
            // Save the current writer sequence number.
            lastWriter = rwl->WriterSeqNum;
            // Release the lock, and save a cookie so the
            // lock can be restored later.
            LockCookie lc = rwl->ReleaseLock();
            // Wait for a random interval (up to a 
            // quarter of a second), and then restore
            // the previous state of the lock. Note that
            // there is no timeout on the Restore method.
            Thread::Sleep( rnd->Next( 250 ) );
            rwl->RestoreLock( lc );
            // Check whether other threads obtained the
            // writer lock in the interval. If not, then
            // the cached value of the resource is still
            // valid.
            if ( rwl->AnyWritersSince( lastWriter ) )
               resourceValue = resource;
               Interlocked::Increment( reads );
               Display( String::Format( "resource has changed {0}", resourceValue ) );
               Display( String::Format( "resource has not changed {0}", resourceValue ) );
            // Ensure that the lock is released.

      catch ( ApplicationException^ ) 
         // The reader lock request timed out.
         Interlocked::Increment( readerTimeouts );


   // Helper method briefly displays the most recent
   // thread action. Comment out calls to Display to 
   // get a better idea of throughput.
   static void Display( String^ msg )
      Console::Write( "Thread {0} {1}.       \r", Thread::CurrentThread->Name, msg );


int main()
   array<String^>^args = Environment::GetCommandLineArgs();
   // Start a series of threads. Each thread randomly
   // performs reads and writes on the shared resource.
   array<Thread^>^t = gcnew array<Thread^>(Test::numThreads);
   for ( int i = 0; i < Test::numThreads; i++ )
      t[ i ] = gcnew Thread( gcnew ThreadStart( Test::ThreadProc ) );
      t[ i ]->Name = gcnew String( Convert::ToChar( i + 65 ),1 );
      t[ i ]->Start();
      if ( i > 10 )
            Thread::Sleep( 300 );

   // Tell the threads to shut down, then wait until they all
   // finish.
   Test::running = false;
   for ( int i = 0; i < Test::numThreads; i++ )
      t[ i ]->Join();

   // Display statistics.
   Console::WriteLine( "\r\n {0} reads, {1} writes, {2} reader time-outs, {3} writer time-outs.", Test::reads, Test::writes, Test::readerTimeouts, Test::writerTimeouts );
   Console::WriteLine( "Press ENTER to exit." );
   return 0;
// This example shows a ReaderWriterLock protecting a shared
// resource that is read concurrently and written exclusively
// by multiple threads.

// The complete code is located in the ReaderWriterLock
// class topic.
import System.*;
import System.Threading.*;
import System.Threading.Thread;    

public class Test
    // Declaring the ReaderWriterLock at the class level
    // makes it visible to all threads.
    private static ReaderWriterLock rwl = new ReaderWriterLock();

    // For this example, the shared resource protected by the
    // ReaderWriterLock is just an integer.
    private static int resource = 0;
    private static int numThreads = 26;
    private static boolean running = true;
    private static Random rnd = new Random();

    // Statistics.
    private static int readerTimeouts = 0;
    private static int writerTimeouts = 0;
    private static int reads = 0;
    private static int writes = 0;

    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Start a series of threads. Each thread randomly
        // performs reads and writes on the shared resource.
        Thread t[] = new Thread[numThreads];

        for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) {
            t[i] = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ThreadProc));
            t[i].set_Name(new String(Convert.ToChar((i + 65)), 1));
            if (i > 10) {
    } //main

    // Tell the threads to shut down, then wait until they all
    // finish.
    running = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) {

    // Display statistics.
    Console.WriteLine("\r\n{0} reads, {1} writes, {2} reader time-outs," 
        + " {3} writer time-outs.",
        new Object[] { (Int32)(reads), (Int32)(writes), 
        (Int32)(readerTimeouts), (Int32)(writerTimeouts) });
    Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to exit.");
} //Test

    static void ThreadProc()
        // As long as a thread runs, it randomly selects
        // various ways to read and write from the shared 
        // resource. Each of the methods demonstrates one 
        // or more features of ReaderWriterLock.
        while (running) {
            double action = rnd.NextDouble();

            if (action < 0.8) {
            else {
                if (action < 0.81) {
                else {
                    if (action < 0.9) {
                    else {
    } //ThreadProc

    // Shows how to request and release a reader lock, and
    // how to handle time-outs.
    static void ReadFromResource(int timeOut)
        try {
            try {
                // It is safe for this thread to read from
                // the shared resource.
                Display(("reads resource value " + resource));
            finally {
                // Ensure that the lock is released.
        catch (ApplicationException exp) {
            // The reader lock request timed out.
    } //ReadFromResource

    // Shows how to request and release the writer lock, and
    // how to handle time-outs.
    static void WriteToResource(int timeOut)
        try {
            try {
                // It is safe for this thread to read or write
                // from the shared resource.
                resource = rnd.Next(500);
                Display(("writes resource value " + resource));
            finally {
                // Ensure that the lock is released.
        catch (ApplicationException exp) {
            // The writer lock request timed out.
    } //WriteToResource

    // Shows how to request a reader lock, upgrade the
    // reader lock to the writer lock, and downgrade to a
    // reader lock again.
    static void UpgradeDowngrade(int timeOut)
        try {
            try {
                // It is safe for this thread to read from
                // the shared resource.
                Display(("reads resource value " + resource));

                // If it is necessary to write to the resource,
                // you must either release the reader lock and 
                // then request the writer lock, or upgrade the
                // reader lock. Note that upgrading the reader lock
                // puts the thread in the write queue, behind any
                // other threads that might be waiting for the 
                // writer lock.
                try {
                    LockCookie lc = rwl.UpgradeToWriterLock(timeOut);

                    try {
                        // It is safe for this thread to read or write
                        // from the shared resource.
                        resource = rnd.Next(500);
                        Display(("writes resource value " + resource));
                    finally {
                        // Ensure that the lock is released.
                catch (ApplicationException exp) {
                    // The upgrade request timed out.

                // When the lock has been downgraded, it is 
                // still safe to read from the resource.
                Display(("reads resource value " + resource));
            finally {
                // Ensure that the lock is released.
        catch (ApplicationException exp) {
            // The reader lock request timed out.
    } //UpgradeDowngrade

    // Shows how to release all locks and later restore
    // the lock state. Shows how to use sequence numbers
    // to determine whether another thread has obtained
    // a writer lock since this thread last accessed the
    // resource.
    static void ReleaseRestore(int timeOut)
        int lastWriter;

        try {
            try {
                // It is safe for this thread to read from
                // the shared resource. Cache the value. (You
                // might do this if reading the resource is
                // an expensive operation.)
                int resourceValue = resource;

                Display(("reads resource value " + resourceValue));

                // Save the current writer sequence number.
                lastWriter = rwl.get_WriterSeqNum();

                // Release the lock, and save a cookie so the
                // lock can be restored later.
                LockCookie lc = rwl.ReleaseLock();

                // Wait for a random interval (up to a 
                // quarter of a second), and then restore
                // the previous state of the lock. Note that
                // there is no time-out on the Restore method.

                // Check whether other threads obtained the
                // writer lock in the interval. If not, then
                // the cached value of the resource is still
                // valid.
                if (rwl.AnyWritersSince(lastWriter)) {
                    resourceValue = resource;
                    Display(("resource has changed " + resourceValue));
                else {
                    Display(("resource has not changed " + resourceValue));
            finally {
                // Ensure that the lock is released.
        catch (ApplicationException exp) {
            // The reader lock request timed out.
    } //ReleaseRestore

    // Helper method briefly displays the most recent
    // thread action. Comment out calls to Display to 
    // get a better idea of throughput.
    static void Display(String msg)
        Console.Write("Thread {0} {1}.       \r",
            Thread.get_CurrentThread().get_Name(), msg);
    } //Display




Dieser Typ ist bezüglich Multithreadoperationen sicher.


Windows 98, Windows 2000 SP4, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP Starter Edition

.NET Framework unterstützt nicht alle Versionen sämtlicher Plattformen. Eine Liste der unterstützten Versionen finden Sie unter Systemanforderungen.


.NET Framework

Unterstützt in: 2.0, 1.1, 1.0

Siehe auch



Weitere Ressourcen

Verwaltetes Threading