Bei Implementierung in einer abgeleiteten Klasse wird ein eindeutiger Bezeichner für dieses Attribute abgerufen.
Namespace: System
Assembly: mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll)
Public Overridable ReadOnly Property TypeId As Object
Dim instance As Attribute
Dim value As Object
value = instance.TypeId
public virtual Object TypeId { get; }
virtual property Object^ TypeId {
Object^ get ();
/** @property */
public Object get_TypeId ()
public function get TypeId () : Object
Ein Object, das ein eindeutiger Bezeichner für dieses Attribut ist.
Bei Implementierung ist dieser Bezeichner lediglich der Type des Attributs. Es ist jedoch vorgesehen, dass der eindeutige Bezeichner verwendet wird, um zwei Attribute desselben Typs zu kennzeichnen.
Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird die TypeId-Eigenschaft einer Attribute-Klasse eines benutzerdefinierten Parameters implementiert und ihre Verwendung veranschaulicht.
' Example for the Attribute.TypeId property.
Imports System
Imports System.Reflection
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Namespace NDP_UE_VB
' Define a custom parameter attribute that takes a single message argument.
<AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter)> _
Public Class ArgumentUsageAttribute
Inherits Attribute
' The constructor saves the message and creates a unique identifier.
Public Sub New(UsageMsg As String)
Me.usageMsg = UsageMsg
Me.GUIDinstance = Guid.NewGuid()
End Sub ' New
' This is storage for the attribute message and unique ID.
Protected usageMsg As String
Protected GUIDinstance As Guid
' This is the Message property for the attribute.
Public Property Message() As String
Return usageMsg
End Get
usageMsg = value
End Set
End Property
' Override TypeId to provide a unique identifier for the instance.
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property TypeId() As Object
Return CType(GUIDinstance, Object)
End Get
End Property
' Override ToString() to append the message to what base the generates.
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return MyBase.ToString() + ":" + usageMsg
End Function ' ToString
End Class ' ArgumentUsageAttribute
Public Class TestClass
' Assign an ArgumentUsage attribute to each parameter.
' Assign a ParamArray attribute to strList.
Public Sub TestMethod( _
<ArgumentUsage("Must pass an array here.")> _
strArray() As String, _
<ArgumentUsage("Can pass a param list or array here.")> _
ParamArray strList() As String)
End Sub ' TestMethod
End Class ' TestClass
Module AttributeTypeIdDemo
' Create attributes from the derived class,
' and then display the TypeId values.
Sub ShowAttributeTypeIds()
' Get the class type, and then get the MethodInfo object
' for TestMethod to access its metadata.
Dim clsType As Type = GetType(TestClass)
Dim mInfo As MethodInfo = clsType.GetMethod("TestMethod")
' There will be two elements in pInfoArray, one for each parameter.
Dim pInfoArray As ParameterInfo() = mInfo.GetParameters()
If Not (pInfoArray Is Nothing) Then
' Create an instance of the param array attribute on strList.
Dim listArrayAttr As ParamArrayAttribute = _
Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(pInfoArray(1), _
' Create an instance of the argument usage attribute on strArray.
Dim arrayUsageAttr1 As ArgumentUsageAttribute = _
Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(pInfoArray(0), _
' Create another instance of the argument usage attribute
' on strArray.
Dim arrayUsageAttr2 As ArgumentUsageAttribute = _
Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(pInfoArray(0), _
' Create an instance of the argument usage attribute on strList.
Dim listUsageAttr As ArgumentUsageAttribute = _
Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(pInfoArray(1), _
' Display the attributes and corresponding TypeId values.
Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & """{0}"" " & vbCrLf & "TypeId: {1}", _
listArrayAttr.ToString(), listArrayAttr.TypeId)
Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & """{0}"" " & vbCrLf & "TypeId: {1}", _
arrayUsageAttr1.ToString(), arrayUsageAttr1.TypeId)
Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & """{0}"" " & vbCrLf & "TypeId: {1}", _
arrayUsageAttr2.ToString(), arrayUsageAttr2.TypeId)
Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & """{0}"" " & vbCrLf & "TypeId: {1}", _
listUsageAttr.ToString(), listUsageAttr.TypeId)
Console.WriteLine("The parameters information could not " & _
"be retrieved for method {0}.", mInfo.Name)
End If
End Sub ' ShowAttributeTypeIds
Sub Main()
Console.WriteLine( _
"This example of the Attribute.TypeId property" & _
vbCrLf & "generates the following output.")
Console.WriteLine( _
vbCrLf & "Create instances from a derived Attribute " & _
"class that implements TypeId, " & vbCrLf & "and then " & _
"display the attributes and corresponding TypeId values:" )
ShowAttributeTypeIds( )
End Sub ' Main
End Module ' AttributeTypeIdDemo
End Namespace ' NDP_UE_VB
' This example of the Attribute.TypeId property
' generates the following output.
' Create instances from a derived Attribute class that implements TypeId,
' and then display the attributes and corresponding TypeId values:
' "System.ParamArrayAttribute"
' TypeId: System.ParamArrayAttribute
' "NDP_UE_VB.ArgumentUsageAttribute:Must pass an array here."
' TypeId: f312e528-3ff9-4587-9e6d-8108b62f2980
' "NDP_UE_VB.ArgumentUsageAttribute:Must pass an array here."
' TypeId: 7b2cf0ec-b166-4557-a7ab-137a57c87226
' "NDP_UE_VB.ArgumentUsageAttribute:Can pass a param list or array here."
' TypeId: 0b05f2a7-4a15-4d24-99f0-8503b238a18c
// Example for the Attribute.TypeId property.
using System;
using System.Reflection;
namespace NDP_UE_CS
// Define a custom parameter attribute that takes a single message argument.
[AttributeUsage( AttributeTargets.Parameter )]
public class ArgumentUsageAttribute : Attribute
// The constructor saves the message and creates a unique identifier.
public ArgumentUsageAttribute( string UsageMsg )
this.usageMsg = UsageMsg;
this.instanceGUID = Guid.NewGuid( );
// This is storage for the attribute message and unique ID.
protected string usageMsg;
protected Guid instanceGUID;
// This is the Message property for the attribute.
public string Message
get { return usageMsg; }
set { usageMsg = value; }
// Override TypeId to provide a unique identifier for the instance.
public override object TypeId
get { return (object)instanceGUID; }
// Override ToString() to append the message to what the base generates.
public override string ToString( )
return base.ToString( ) + ":" + usageMsg;
public class TestClass
// Assign an ArgumentUsage attribute to each parameter.
// Assign a ParamArray attribute to strList using the params keyword.
public void TestMethod(
[ArgumentUsage("Must pass an array here.")]
String[] strArray,
[ArgumentUsage("Can pass a param list or array here.")]
params String[] strList)
{ }
class AttributeTypeIdDemo
static void ShowAttributeTypeIds( )
// Get the class type, and then get the MethodInfo object
// for TestMethod to access its metadata.
Type clsType = typeof( TestClass );
MethodInfo mInfo = clsType.GetMethod("TestMethod");
// There will be two elements in pInfoArray, one for each parameter.
ParameterInfo[] pInfoArray = mInfo.GetParameters();
if (pInfoArray != null)
// Create an instance of the param array attribute on strList.
ParamArrayAttribute listArrayAttr = (ParamArrayAttribute)
Attribute.GetCustomAttribute( pInfoArray[1],
typeof(ParamArrayAttribute) );
// Create an instance of the argument usage attribute on strArray.
ArgumentUsageAttribute arrayUsageAttr1 = (ArgumentUsageAttribute)
Attribute.GetCustomAttribute( pInfoArray[0],
typeof(ArgumentUsageAttribute) );
// Create another instance of the argument usage attribute
// on strArray.
ArgumentUsageAttribute arrayUsageAttr2 = (ArgumentUsageAttribute)
Attribute.GetCustomAttribute( pInfoArray[0],
typeof(ArgumentUsageAttribute) );
// Create an instance of the argument usage attribute on strList.
ArgumentUsageAttribute listUsageAttr = (ArgumentUsageAttribute)
Attribute.GetCustomAttribute( pInfoArray[1],
typeof(ArgumentUsageAttribute) );
// Display the attributes and corresponding TypeId values.
Console.WriteLine( "\n\"{0}\" \nTypeId: {1}",
listArrayAttr.ToString(), listArrayAttr.TypeId );
Console.WriteLine( "\n\"{0}\" \nTypeId: {1}",
arrayUsageAttr1.ToString(), arrayUsageAttr1.TypeId );
Console.WriteLine( "\n\"{0}\" \nTypeId: {1}",
arrayUsageAttr2.ToString(), arrayUsageAttr2.TypeId );
Console.WriteLine( "\n\"{0}\" \nTypeId: {1}",
listUsageAttr.ToString(), listUsageAttr.TypeId );
Console.WriteLine( "The parameters information could " +
"not be retrieved for method {0}.", mInfo.Name );
static void Main( )
"This example of the Attribute.TypeId property\n" +
"generates the following output." );
"\nCreate instances from a derived Attribute " +
"class that implements TypeId, \nand then " +
"display the attributes and corresponding TypeId values:" );
ShowAttributeTypeIds( );
This example of the Attribute.TypeId property
generates the following output.
Create instances from a derived Attribute class that implements TypeId,
and then display the attributes and corresponding TypeId values:
TypeId: System.ParamArrayAttribute
"NDP_UE_CS.ArgumentUsageAttribute:Must pass an array here."
TypeId: d03a23f4-2536-4478-920f-8b0426dec7f1
"NDP_UE_CS.ArgumentUsageAttribute:Must pass an array here."
TypeId: a1b412e8-3047-49fa-8d03-7660d37ef718
"NDP_UE_CS.ArgumentUsageAttribute:Can pass a param list or array here."
TypeId: 7ac2bf61-0327-48d6-a07e-eb9aaf3dd45e
// Example for the Attribute::TypeId property.
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
namespace NDP_UE_CPP
// Define a custom parameter attribute that takes a single message argument.
public ref class ArgumentUsageAttribute: public Attribute
// This is storage for the attribute message and unique ID.
String^ usageMsg;
Guid instanceGUID;
// The constructor saves the message and creates a unique identifier.
ArgumentUsageAttribute( String^ UsageMsg )
this->usageMsg = UsageMsg;
this->instanceGUID = Guid::NewGuid();
property String^ Message
// This is the Message property for the attribute.
String^ get()
return usageMsg;
void set( String^ value )
this->usageMsg = value;
property Object^ TypeId
// Override TypeId to provide a unique identifier for the instance.
virtual Object^ get() override
return instanceGUID;
// Override ToString() to append the message to
// what the base generates.
virtual String^ ToString() override
return String::Concat( Attribute::ToString(), ":", usageMsg );
public ref class TestClass
// Assign an ArgumentUsage attribute to each parameter.
// Assign a ParamArray attribute to strList.
void TestMethod( [ArgumentUsage("Must pass an array here.")]array<String^>^strArray,
[ArgumentUsage("Can pass a param list or array here.")]array<String^>^strList ){}
static void ShowAttributeTypeIds()
// Get the class type, and then get the MethodInfo object
// for TestMethod to access its metadata.
Type^ clsType = TestClass::typeid;
MethodInfo^ mInfo = clsType->GetMethod( "TestMethod" );
// There will be two elements in pInfoArray, one for each parameter.
array<ParameterInfo^>^pInfoArray = mInfo->GetParameters();
if ( pInfoArray != nullptr )
// Create an instance of the param array attribute on strList.
ParamArrayAttribute^ listArrayAttr = static_cast<ParamArrayAttribute^>(Attribute::GetCustomAttribute( pInfoArray[ 1 ], ParamArrayAttribute::typeid ));
// Create an instance of the argument usage attribute on strArray.
ArgumentUsageAttribute^ arrayUsageAttr1 = static_cast<ArgumentUsageAttribute^>(Attribute::GetCustomAttribute( pInfoArray[ 0 ], ArgumentUsageAttribute::typeid ));
// Create another instance of the argument usage attribute
// on strArray.
ArgumentUsageAttribute^ arrayUsageAttr2 = static_cast<ArgumentUsageAttribute^>(Attribute::GetCustomAttribute( pInfoArray[ 0 ], ArgumentUsageAttribute::typeid ));
// Create an instance of the argument usage attribute on strList.
ArgumentUsageAttribute^ listUsageAttr = static_cast<ArgumentUsageAttribute^>(Attribute::GetCustomAttribute( pInfoArray[ 1 ], ArgumentUsageAttribute::typeid ));
// Display the attributes and corresponding TypeId values.
Console::WriteLine( "\n\"{0}\" \nTypeId: {1}", listArrayAttr->ToString(), listArrayAttr->TypeId );
Console::WriteLine( "\n\"{0}\" \nTypeId: {1}", arrayUsageAttr1->ToString(), arrayUsageAttr1->TypeId );
Console::WriteLine( "\n\"{0}\" \nTypeId: {1}", arrayUsageAttr2->ToString(), arrayUsageAttr2->TypeId );
Console::WriteLine( "\n\"{0}\" \nTypeId: {1}", listUsageAttr->ToString(), listUsageAttr->TypeId );
Console::WriteLine( "The parameters information could "
"not be retrieved for method {0}.", mInfo->Name );
int main()
Console::WriteLine( "This example of the Attribute::TypeId property\n"
"generates the following output." );
Console::WriteLine( "\nCreate instances from a derived Attribute "
"class that implements TypeId, \nand then "
"display the attributes and corresponding TypeId values:" );
This example of the Attribute::TypeId property
generates the following output.
Create instances from a derived Attribute class that implements TypeId,
and then display the attributes and corresponding TypeId values:
TypeId: System.ParamArrayAttribute
"NDP_UE_CPP.ArgumentUsageAttribute:Must pass an array here."
TypeId: 9316015d-1219-4ce1-b317-e71efb23d42e
"NDP_UE_CPP.ArgumentUsageAttribute:Must pass an array here."
TypeId: ebc1ba23-2573-4c1f-aea6-90515e733796
"NDP_UE_CPP.ArgumentUsageAttribute:Can pass a param list or array here."
TypeId: 624af10b-9bba-4403-a97e-46927e7385fb
// Example for the Attribute.TypeId property.
package NDP_UE_JSL;
import System.*;
import System.Reflection.*;
// Define a custom parameter attribute that takes a single message argument.
/** @attribute AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter)
public class ArgumentUsageAttribute extends Attribute
// The constructor saves the message and creates a unique identifier.
public ArgumentUsageAttribute(String usgMsg)
this.usageMsg = usgMsg;
this.instanceGUID = Guid.NewGuid();
} //ArgumentUsageAttribute
// This is storage for the attribute message and unique ID.
protected String usageMsg;
protected Guid instanceGUID;
// This is the Message property for the attribute.
/** @property
public String get_Message()
return usageMsg;
} //get_Message
/** @property
public void set_Message(String value)
usageMsg = value;
} //set_Message
// Override TypeId to provide a unique identifier for the instance.
/** @property
public Object get_TypeId()
return (Object)instanceGUID;
} //get_TypeId
// Override ToString() to append the message to what the base generates.
public String ToString()
return super.ToString() + ":" + usageMsg;
} //ToString
} //ArgumentUsageAttribute
public class TestClass
// Assign an ArgumentUsage attribute to each parameter.
public void TestMethod(
/** @attribute ArgumentUsage("Must pass an array here.")
String strArray[],
/** @attribute ArgumentUsage("Can pass a param list or array here.")
/** @attribute System.ParamArray()
String strList[])
} //TestMethod
} //TestClass
class AttributeTypeIdDemo
static void ShowAttributeTypeIds()
// Get the class type, and then get the MethodInfo object
// for TestMethod to access its metadata.
Type clsType = TestClass.class.ToType();
MethodInfo mInfo = clsType.GetMethod("TestMethod");
// There will be two elements in pInfoArray, one for each parameter.
ParameterInfo pInfoArray[] = mInfo.GetParameters();
if (pInfoArray != null) {
// Create an instance of the param array attribute on strList.
ParamArrayAttribute listArrayAttr = (ParamArrayAttribute)(
// Create an instance of the argument usage attribute on strArray.
ArgumentUsageAttribute arrayUsageAttr1 = (ArgumentUsageAttribute)(
// Create another instance of the argument usage attribute
// on strArray.
ArgumentUsageAttribute arrayUsageAttr2 = (ArgumentUsageAttribute)(
// Create an instance of the argument usage attribute on strList.
ArgumentUsageAttribute listUsageAttr = (ArgumentUsageAttribute)(
// Display the attributes and corresponding TypeId values.
Console.WriteLine("\n\"{0}\" \nTypeId: {1}",
listArrayAttr.ToString(), listArrayAttr.get_TypeId());
Console.WriteLine("\n\"{0}\" \nTypeId: {1}",
arrayUsageAttr1.ToString(), arrayUsageAttr1.get_TypeId());
Console.WriteLine("\n\"{0}\" \nTypeId: {1}",
arrayUsageAttr2.ToString(), arrayUsageAttr2.get_TypeId());
Console.WriteLine("\n\"{0}\" \nTypeId: {1}",
listUsageAttr.ToString(), listUsageAttr.get_TypeId());
else {
Console.WriteLine("The parameters information could "
+ "not be retrieved for method {0}.", mInfo.get_Name());
} //ShowAttributeTypeIds
public static void main(String[] args)
Console.WriteLine("This example of the Attribute.TypeId property\n"
+ "generates the following output.");
Console.WriteLine("\nCreate instances from a derived Attribute "
+ "class that implements TypeId, \nand then "
+ "display the attributes and corresponding TypeId values:");
} //main
} //AttributeTypeIdDemo
This example of the Attribute.TypeId property
generates the following output.
Create instances from a derived Attribute class that implements TypeId,
and then display the attributes and corresponding TypeId values:
TypeId: System.ParamArrayAttribute
"NDP_UE_JSL.ArgumentUsageAttribute@c10548ee:Must pass an array here."
TypeId: b67bef05-6ef3-4583-876b-99c38b6b662a
"NDP_UE_JSL.ArgumentUsageAttribute@c10548ee:Must pass an array here."
TypeId: 5bf96750-d43c-457f-8210-802abdd37208
"NDP_UE_JSL.ArgumentUsageAttribute@419634a1:Can pass a param list or array
TypeId: 2e4fb470-ede6-4c45-b7ab-15bd7545f556
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