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Beispiele von Web API-Funktionen und Aktionen (clientseitiges JavaScript)


Veröffentlicht: Januar 2017

Gilt für: Dynamics 365 (online), Dynamics 365 (on-premises), Dynamics CRM 2016, Dynamics CRM Online

Dieses Beispiel veranschaulicht, wie ungebundene und gebundene Funktionen und Aktionen, einschließlich benutzerdefinierter Aktionen mithilfe der Dynamics 365 Web-API mit clientseitigem JavaScript durchgeführt werden.


Dieses Beispiel implementiert die Vorgänge, die in Web API-Funktionen- und Aktionen-Beispiel aufgeführt sind und verwendet die clientseitigen allgemeinen JavaScript-Konstrukte, die in Web API Beispiele (Clientseitiges JavaScript) beschriebenen Methoden verwendet werden.

Inhalt dieses Abschnitts

  • Voraussetzungen

  • Beispiel ausführen

  • Codebeispiel


Dies ist erforderlich, um das Beispiel auszuführen:

  • Zugriff auf Dynamics 365 (online oder lokale) Version 8.0 oder höher.

  • Ein Benutzerkonto mit Rechten zum Import von Lösungen und zur Durchführung von CRUD-Vorgängen (normalerweise eine "Systemadministrator" oder "Systemanpasser" Sicherheitsrolle).

Beispiel ausführen

Um dieses Beispiel auszuführen, wechseln Sie zu Microsoft CRM Web API Functions and Actions Sample (Client-side JavaScript) und laden Sie die Microsoft CRM Web API Functions and Actions Sample (Client-side JavaScript).zip-Beispieldatei herunter. Extrahieren Sie die Inhalte und suchen Sie die Datei für die verwalteteösung. Importieren Sie die verwaltete Lösung in die Dynamics 365-Organisation und zeigen Sie die Lösungskonfigurationsseite an, um das Beispiel auszuführen. Anweisungen zum Import der Beispiellösung finden Sie unter Web API Beispiele (Clientseitiges JavaScript).


Dieses Beispiel umfasst zwei Webressourcen:

  • WebAPIFunctionsAndActions.html

  • WebAPIFunctionsAndActions.js


Die WebAPIFunctionsAndActions.html-Webressource stellt den Kontext bereit, in dem der JavaScript-Code ausgeführt wird.

<!DOCTYPE html>
 <title>Microsoft CRM Web API Functions and Actions Example</title>
 <meta charset="utf-8" />
 <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge" />
 <script src="../ClientGlobalContext.js.aspx" type="text/javascript"></script>
 <script src="scripts/es6promise.js"></script>
 <script src="scripts/WebAPIFunctionsAndActions.js"></script>

 <style type="text/css">
  body {
   font-family: 'Segoe UI', Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif;

  #preferences {
   border: inset;
   padding: 10px 10px;

  #output_area {
   border: inset;
   background-color: gainsboro;
   padding: 10px 10px;
 <h1>Microsoft CRM Web API Functions and Actions Example</h1>
 <p>This page demonstrates the CRM Web API's Functions and Actions using JavaScript.</p>

  Choose your preferences and run the JavaScript code.
  Use your browser's developer tools to view the output written to the console (e.g.: in IE11 or Edge, 
  press F12 to load the Developer Tools).
 <form id="preferences">
   Remove sample data (Choose whether you want to delete sample data created for this sample):<br />
   <input name="removesampledata" type="radio" value="yes" checked /> Yes
   <input name="removesampledata" type="radio" value="no" /> No
  <input type="button" name="start_samples" value="Start Samples" onclick="Sdk.startSample()" />



Die WebAPIFunctionsAndActions.js-Webressource ist die JavaScript-Bibliothek, die die Vorgänge definiert, die dieses Beispiel ausgeführt.

"use strict";
var Sdk = window.Sdk || {};

 * @function getClientUrl 
 * @description Get the client URL.
 * @return {string} The client URL.
Sdk.getClientUrl = function () {
 var context;
 // GetGlobalContext defined by including reference to 
 // ClientGlobalContext.js.aspx in the HTML page.
 if (typeof GetGlobalContext != "undefined") {
  context = GetGlobalContext();
 } else {
  if (typeof Xrm != "undefined") {
   // Xrm.Page.context defined within the Xrm.Page object model for form scripts.
   context = Xrm.Page.context;
  } else {
   throw new Error("Context is not available.");
 return context.getClientUrl();

// Global variables
var entitiesToDelete = [];              // Entity URIs to be deleted later 
                                        // (if user chooses to delete sample data).
var deleteData = true;                  // Controls whether sample data are deleted at the end of this sample run.
var clientUrl = Sdk.getClientUrl();     // ie.:
var webAPIPath = "/api/data/v8.1";      // Path to the web API.
var incidentUri;                        // Incident created with three closed tasks.
var opportunityUri;                     // Closed opportunity to re-open before deleting.
var letterUri;                          // Letter to add to contact's queue.
var myQueueUri;                         // The contact's queue uri.
var contactUri;                         // Add a note to this contact.
var CUSTOMERACCOUNTNAME = "Account Customer Created in WebAPIFunctionsAndActions sample"; // For custom action.

 * @function getWebAPIPath 
 * @description Get the full path to the Web API.
 * @return {string} The full URL of the Web API.
Sdk.getWebAPIPath = function () {
 return Sdk.getClientUrl() + webAPIPath;

 * @function request
 * @description Generic helper function to handle basic XMLHttpRequest calls.
 * @param {string} action - The request action. String is case-sensitive.
 * @param {string} uri - An absolute or relative URI. Relative URI starts with a "/".
 * @param {object} data - An object representing an entity. Required for create and update actions.
 * @param {object} addHeader - An object with header and value properties to add to the request
 * @returns {Promise} - A Promise that returns either the request object or an error object.
Sdk.request = function (action, uri, data, addHeader) {
 if (!RegExp(action, "g").test("POST PATCH PUT GET DELETE")) { // Expected action verbs.
  throw new Error("Sdk.request: action parameter must be one of the following: " +
      "POST, PATCH, PUT, GET, or DELETE.");
 if (!typeof uri === "string") {
  throw new Error("Sdk.request: uri parameter must be a string.");
 if ((RegExp(action, "g").test("POST PATCH PUT")) && (!data)) {
  throw new Error("Sdk.request: data parameter must not be null for operations that create or modify data.");
 if (addHeader) {
  if (typeof addHeader.header != "string" || typeof addHeader.value != "string") {
   throw new Error("Sdk.request: addHeader parameter must have header and value properties that are strings.");

 // Construct a fully qualified URI if a relative URI is passed in.
 if (uri.charAt(0) === "/") {
  uri = clientUrl + webAPIPath + uri;

 return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
  var request = new XMLHttpRequest();, encodeURI(uri), true);
  request.setRequestHeader("OData-MaxVersion", "4.0");
  request.setRequestHeader("OData-Version", "4.0");
  request.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
  request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
  if (addHeader) {
   request.setRequestHeader(addHeader.header, addHeader.value);
  request.onreadystatechange = function () {
   if (this.readyState === 4) {
    request.onreadystatechange = null;
    switch (this.status) {
     case 200: // Success with content returned in response body.
     case 204: // Success with no content returned in response body.
     case 304: // Success with Not Modified
     default: // All other statuses are error cases.
      var error;
      try {
       error = JSON.parse(request.response).error;
      } catch (e) {
       error = new Error("Unexpected Error");

 * @function Sdk.startSample
 * @description Initiates a chain of promises to show use of Functions and Actions with the Web API.
 * Functions and actions represent re-usable operations you can perform using the Web API.
 * For more info, see
 * The following standard CRM Web API functions and actions are invoked:
 *  - WhoAmI, a basic unbound function
 *  - GetTimeZoneCodeByLocalizedName, an unbound function that requires parameters
 *  - CalculateTotalTimeIncident, a bound function
 *  - WinOpportunity, an unbound action that takes parameters
 *  - AddToQueue, a bound action that takes parameters
 *  - In addition, a custom bound and an unbound action contained within the solution are invoked. 
Sdk.startSample = function () {
 // Initializing.
 deleteData = document.getElementsByName("removesampledata")[0].checked;
 entitiesToDelete = []; // Reset the array.

 console.log("-- Sample started --");

 // Create the CRM entry intances used by this sample program.
 .then(function () {
  console.log("-- Working with functions --");
  // Bound and Unbound functions
  // See

  console.log("Using functions to look up your full name.");
  // Calling a basic unbound function without parameters.
  // Retrieves the user's full name using a series of function requests.
  //  - Call WhoAmI via the Sdk.getUsersFullName function.
  // For more info on the WhoAmI function, see
  return Sdk.getUsersFullName();
 .then(function (fullName) {
  console.log("\tYour full name is: %s\n", fullName);

  console.log("Unbound function: GetTimeZoneCodeByLocalizedName");
  // Calling a basic unbound function with no parameters.
  // Retrieves the time zone code for the specified time zone.
  //  - Pass parameters to an unbound function by calling  the GetTimeZoneCodeByLocalizedName Function.
  // For more info, see
  var localizedStandardName = 'Pacific Standard Time';
  var localeId = 1033;
  // Demonstrates best practice of passing parameters.
  var uri = ["/GetTimeZoneCodeByLocalizedName",
   "?@p1='" + localizedStandardName + "'&@p2=" + localeId];

  /* This would also work:
    var uri = ["/GetTimeZoneCodeByLocalizedName",
    "(LocalizedStandardName='" + localizedStandardName + "',LocaleId=" + localeId + ")"];

  return Sdk.request("GET", uri.join("")) // Send request.
 .then(function (request) {
  // Returns GetTimeZoneCodeByLocalizedNameResponse ComplexType. 
  // For more info, see
  var localizedStandardName = 'Pacific Standard Time';
  var timeZoneCode = JSON.parse(request.response).TimeZoneCode;
  console.log("\tFunction returned time zone %s, with code '%s'.", localizedStandardName, timeZoneCode);

  console.log("Bound function: CalculateTotalTimeIncident");
  // Calling a basic bound function that requires parameters.
  // Retrieve the total time, in minutes, spent on all tasks associated with this incident.
  //  - Use CalculateTotalTimeIncident to get the total duration of all closed activities.
  // For more info, see
  // Note that in a bound function the full function name includes the  
  // namespace Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM. Functions that aren’t bound must not use the full name.
  return Sdk.request("GET", incidentUri + "/Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.CalculateTotalTimeIncident()")
 .then(function (request) {
  // Returns CalculateTotalTimeIncidentResponse ComplexType.
  // For more info, see
  var totalTime = JSON.parse(request.response).TotalTime; //returns 90
  console.log("\tFunction returned %s minutes - total duration of tasks associated with the incident.\n",

  console.log("-- Working with Actions --");
  // For more info about Action, see

  console.log("Unbound Action: WinOpportunity");
  // Calling an unbound action that requires parameters.
  // Closes an opportunity and markt it as won.
  //  - Update the WinOpportunity (created by Sdk.createRequiredRecords()) by closing it as won.
  // Use WinOpportunity Action (
  // This action does not return a value
  var parameters = {
   "Status": 3,
   "OpportunityClose": {
    "subject": "Won Opportunity",
    "opportunityid@odata.bind": opportunityUri

  return Sdk.request("POST", "/WinOpportunity", parameters)
 .then(function () {
  console.log("\tOpportunity won.");

  console.log("Bound Action: AddToQueue");
  // Calling a bound action that requires parameters.
  // Adds a new letter tracking activity to the current user's queue.
  // The letter was created as part of the Sdk.createRequiredRecords().
  //  - Get a reference to the current user.
  //  - Get a reference to the letter activity.
  //  - Add letter to current user's queue via the bound action AddToQueue.
  // For more info on AddToQueue, see

  return Sdk.request("GET", "/WhoAmI");
 .then(function (request) {
  var whoAmIResponse = JSON.parse(request.response);
  var myId = whoAmIResponse.UserId;

  // Get a reference to the current user.
  return Sdk.request("GET", Sdk.getWebAPIPath() + "/systemusers(" + myId + ")/queueid/$ref")
 .then(function (request) {
  myQueueUri = JSON.parse(request.response)[""];

  // Get a reference to the letter activity.
  return Sdk.request("GET", letterUri + "?$select=activityid")
 .then(function (request) {

  var letterActivityId = JSON.parse(request.response).activityid

  var parameters = {
   Target: {
    activityid: letterActivityId,
    "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.letter"
  //Adding the letter to the user's default queue.
  return Sdk.request("POST", myQueueUri + "/Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.AddToQueue", parameters);
 .then(function (request) {
  var queueItemId = JSON.parse(request.response).QueueItemId;
  console.log("\tQueueItemId returned from AddToQueue Action: %s\n", queueItemId);

  console.log("-- Working with custom actions --");
  console.log("Custom action: sample_AddNoteToContact");
  // Add a note to an existing contact.
  // This operation calls a custom action named sample_AddNoteToContact. 
  // This custom action is installed when you install this sample's solution to your CRM server.
  //  - Add a note to an existing contact (e.g.: contactUri)
  //  - Get the note info and the contact's full name.
  // For more info, see
  //sample_AddNoteToContact custom action parameters
  var parameters = {
   NoteTitle: "The Title of the Note",
   NoteText: "The text content of the note."
  return Sdk.request("POST", contactUri + "/Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.sample_AddNoteToContact", parameters)
 .then(function (request) {
  var annotationid = JSON.parse(request.response).annotationid;
  var annotationUri = Sdk.getWebAPIPath() + "/annotations(" + annotationid + ")";
  // The annotation will be deleted with the contact when it is deleted.

  return Sdk.request("GET", annotationUri + "?$select=subject,notetext&$expand=objectid_contact($select=fullname)")
 .then(function (request) {
  var annotation = JSON.parse(request.response);
  console.log("\tA note with the title '%s' and the content '%s' was created and associated with the contact %s.\n",
   annotation.subject, annotation.notetext, annotation.objectid_contact.fullname);

  console.log("Custom action: sample_CreateCustomer");
  // Create a customer of a specified type using the custom action sample_CreateCustomer.
  //  - Shows how create a valid customer of type "account".
  //  - Shows how to handle exception from a custom action.

  var parameters = {
   CustomerType: "account",

  // Create the account. This is a valid request
  return Sdk.request("POST", "/sample_CreateCustomer", parameters)
 .then(function (request) {
  // Retrieve the account we just created
  return Sdk.request("GET", "/accounts?$select=name&$filter=name eq '" + CUSTOMERACCOUNTNAME + "'");
 .then(function (request) {
  var customerAccount = JSON.parse(request.response).value[0];
  var customerAccountId = customerAccount.accountid;
  var customerAccountIdUri = Sdk.getWebAPIPath() + "/accounts(" + customerAccountId + ")";
  console.log("\tAccount customer created with the name '%s'",;

  // Create a contact but uses invalid parameters
  //  - Throws an error intentionally
  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
   var parameters = {
    CustomerType: "contact",
    AccountName: CUSTOMERACCOUNTNAME //not valid for contact
    // e.g.: ContactFirstName and ContactLastName are required when CustomerType is "contact".
   Sdk.request("POST", "/sample_CreateCustomer", parameters) // This request is expected to fail.
   .then(function () {
    console.log("Not expected.")
    reject(new Error("Call to sample_CreateCustomer not expected to succeed."))
   .catch(function (err) {
    //Expected error
    console.log("\tExpected custom error: " + err.message); // Custom action can return custom error messages.
    resolve(); // Show the error but resolve the thread so sample can continue.
 .then(function () {
  // House cleaning.
  console.log("\n-- Deleting sample data --");
  if (deleteData) {
   return Sdk.deleteEntities();
  else {
   console.log("Sample data not deleted.");
 .catch(function (err) {
  console.log("ERROR: " + err.message);

 * @function Sdk.deleteEntities
 * @description Deletes the entities created by this sample
Sdk.deleteEntities = function () {
 return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {

  entitiesToDelete.unshift(opportunityUri) // Adding to the begining so it will get deleted before the parent account.
  // Re-open the created opportunity so it can be deleted.
  Sdk.request("PATCH", opportunityUri, { statecode: 0, statuscode: 2 })
  .then(function () {
   // Get the opportunityclose URI so it can be deleted
   return Sdk.request("GET", opportunityUri + "/Opportunity_OpportunityClose/$ref")
  .then(function (request) {
   var opportunityCloseUri = JSON.parse(request.response).value[0][""];

   // Adding to the opportunityclose URI it will get deleted before the opportunity.

  These deletions have to be done consecutively in a specific order to avoid a Generic SQL error
  which can occur because of relationship behavior actions for the delete event.

   return Sdk.request("DELETE", entitiesToDelete[0]) //opportunityclose
  .then(function () {
   console.log(entitiesToDelete[0] + " Deleted");
   return Sdk.request("DELETE", entitiesToDelete[1]) //opportunity
  .then(function () {
   console.log(entitiesToDelete[1] + " Deleted");
   return Sdk.request("DELETE", entitiesToDelete[2])//account
  .then(function () {
   console.log(entitiesToDelete[2] + " Deleted");
   return Sdk.request("DELETE", entitiesToDelete[3]) //Fourth Coffee account
  .then(function () {
   console.log(entitiesToDelete[3] + " Deleted");
   return Sdk.request("DELETE", entitiesToDelete[4]) //Letter
  .then(function () {
   console.log(entitiesToDelete[4] + " Deleted");
   return Sdk.request("DELETE", entitiesToDelete[5]) //Contact
  .then(function () {
   console.log(entitiesToDelete[5] + " Deleted");
   return Sdk.request("DELETE", entitiesToDelete[6]) //AccountCustomer
  .then(function () {
   console.log(entitiesToDelete[6] + " Deleted");
  .catch(function (err) {
   reject(new Error("Error from Sdk.deleteEntities: " + err.message));

 * @function Sdk.getUsersFullName
 * @description Retrieves the current user's full name.
 * @returns {Promise} - A Promise that returns the full name of the user
Sdk.getUsersFullName = function () {
 return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
  //Use WhoAmI Function (
  Sdk.request("GET", "/WhoAmI")
  .then(function (request) {
   //Returns WhoAmIResponse ComplexType (
   var myId = JSON.parse(request.response).UserId;
   //Retrieve the systemuser Entity fullname property (
   return Sdk.request("GET", "/systemusers(" + myId + ")?$select=fullname")
  .then(function (request) {
   //Return the users full name
  .catch(function (err) {
   reject("Error in Sdk.getUsersFullName function: " + err.message);

 * @function Sdk.createRequiredRecords
 * @description Creates data required by this sample program.
 *  - Create an account with three 30 minute tasks.
 *  - Create another account associated with an opportunity.
 *  - Create a letter.
 *  - Create a contact.
 * @returns {Promise} - resolve the promise if all goes well; reject otherwise.
Sdk.createRequiredRecords = function () {
 console.log("-- Creating sample data --");
 // Create a parent account, an associated incident with three 
 // associated tasks(required for CalculateTotalTimeIncident).
 return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
  .then(function (iUri) {
   incidentUri = iUri;

   //Create another account and associated opportunity (required for CloseOpportunityAsWon).
   return Sdk.createAccountWithOpportunityToWin();
  .then(function (oUri) {
   opportunityUri = oUri;

   // Create a letter to use with AddToQueue action.
   var letter = {
    description: "Example letter"
   return Sdk.request("POST", "/letters", letter)
  .then(function (request) {
   letterUri = request.getResponseHeader("OData-EntityId");

   // Create a contact to use with custom action sample_AddNoteToContact 
   var contact = {
    firstname: "Jon",
    lastname: "Fogg"
   return Sdk.request("POST", "/contacts", contact)
  .then(function (request) {
   contactUri = request.getResponseHeader("OData-EntityId");

  .catch(function (err) {
   reject("Error in Sdk.createRequiredRecords function: " + err.message);

 * @function Sdk.createAccountwithIncidentAndThree30MinuteClosedTasks
 * @description Create an account and associate three 30 minute tasks. Close the tasks.
 * @returns {Promise} - A Promise that returns the uri of an incident created.
Sdk.createAccountWithIncidentAndThree30MinuteClosedTasks = function () {
 return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
  var iUri; // incidentUri
  // Create a parent account for the incident.
  Sdk.request("POST", "/accounts", { name: "Fourth Coffee" })
  .then(function (request) {
   // Capture the URI of the created account so it can be deleted later.
   var accountUri = request.getResponseHeader("OData-EntityId");
   // Define an incident associated with the account with three related tasks.
   // Each task has a 30 minute duration.
   var incident = {
    title: "Sample Case",
    "customerid_account@odata.bind": accountUri,
    Incident_Tasks: [
      subject: "Task 1",
      actualdurationminutes: 30
      subject: "Task 2",
      actualdurationminutes: 30
      subject: "Task 3",
      actualdurationminutes: 30
   // Create the incident and related tasks.
   return Sdk.request("POST", "/incidents", incident)
  .then(function (request) {
   iUri = request.getResponseHeader("OData-EntityId");

   // Retrieve references to the tasks created.
   return Sdk.request("GET", iUri + "/Incident_Tasks/$ref")
  .then(function (request) {
   // Capture the URL for the three tasks in this array.
   var taskReferences = [];
   JSON.parse(request.response).value.forEach(function (tr) {
   // An array to hold a set of promises.
   var promises = [];
   // The data to use to update the tasks so that they are closed.
   var update = {
    statecode: 1, //Completed
    statuscode: 5 //Completed
   // Fill the array with promises
   taskReferences.forEach(function (tr) {
    promises.push(Sdk.request("PATCH", tr, update))
   // When all the promises resolve, return a promise.
   return Promise.all(promises);
  .then(function () {
   // Return the incident URI to the calling code.
  .catch(function (err) {
   // Differentiate the message for any error returned by this function.
   reject(new Error("ERROR in Sdk.createAccountwithIncidentAndThree30MinuteClosedTasks function: " + err.message))

 * @function Sdk.createAccountwithOpportunityToWin
 * @description Create an account and an associated opportunity.
 * @returns {Promise} - A Promise that returns the uri of an opportunity.
Sdk.createAccountWithOpportunityToWin = function () {
 return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
  var accountUri;
  var account = {
   name: "Sample Account for WebAPIFunctionsAndActions sample",
   opportunity_customer_accounts: [{
    name: "Opportunity to win"
  Sdk.request("POST", "/accounts", account) // Create the account.
  .then(function (request) {
   accountUri = request.getResponseHeader("OData-EntityId");

   // Retrieve the opportunity's reference.
   return Sdk.request("GET", accountUri + "/opportunity_customer_accounts/$ref")
  .then(function (request) {
   var oUri = JSON.parse(request.response).value[0][""];
   resolve(oUri); // Return the opportunity's uri.
  .catch(function (err) {
   reject(new Error("Error in Sdk.createAccountwithOpportunityToWin: " + err.message));

Siehe auch

Verwenden der Microsoft Dynamics 365-Web-API
Nutzen von Web-API-Funktionen
Nutzen von Web-API-Aktionen
Web API Beispiele
Web API-Funktionen- und Aktionen-Beispiel
Internet-API-Funktionen- und Aktionen-Beispiel (C#)
Web API Beispiele (Clientseitiges JavaScript)
Beispiele grundlegender Web API-Operationen (clientseitiges JavaScript)
Web API-Abfragedatenbeispiele (clientseitiges JavaScript)
Beispiele bedingter Web API-Operationen (clientseitiges JavaScript)

Microsoft Dynamics 365

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