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BDA Interfaces

Microsoft DirectShow 9.0

BDA Interfaces

The following table lists the DirectShow interfaces that are used in the Broadcast Driver Architecture (BDA).

Interface Description
IATSC_EIT Retrieves data from an ATSC event information table (EIT).
IATSC_ETT Retrieves information from an extended text table (ETT).
IATSC_MGT Retrieves data from a master guide table (MGT).
IATSC_STT Retrieves data from a system time table (STT).
IATSC_VCT Retrieves data from a virtual channel table (VCT).
IAtscContentAdvisoryDescriptor Gets content advisory descriptors from a Program and System Information Protocol (PSIP) table in an ATSC stream.
IAtscPsipParser Retrieves ATSC Program and System Information Protocol (PSIP) tables.
IAttributeGet Gets key/value pairs from an object, where the key is a GUID and the value is any binary data.
IAttributeSet Sets key/value pairs on an object, where the key is a GUID and the value is any binary data.
IBDA_AutoDemodulate If a BDA device filter, specifically a demodulator, exposes this interface, it indicates that the filter can automatically detect signal characteristics.
IBDA_AutoDemodulateEx Extends the IBDA_AutoDemodulate interface.
IBDA_ConditionalAccess Provides conditional access to program content.
IBDA_DeviceControl Implemented on all BDA device filters. The methods provided by this interface are called by a Network Provider to control a BDA device.
IBDA_DiagnosticProperties Provides clients with read-only access to the properties of a BDA device filter for diagnostic purposes.
IBDA_DigitalDemodulator Exposed on BDA demodulators that are not capable of automatically detecting the characteristics of a signal.
IBDA_DRM Used to request a tuner to perform a DRM handshake with the user's computer.
IBDA_EasMessage Provides access to an EAS message table.
IBDA_EthernetFilter Provides methods that are called by the BDA IPSink filter in order to give the Network Provider a list of multicast Ethernet addresses being requested by an application.
IBDA_FrequencyFilter Implemented on a BDA tuner device, and is used by the Network Provider to tell the tuner how to set its frequencies.
IBDA_IPSinkControl This interface is superceded by the IBDA_IPSinkInfo interface.
IBDA_IPSinkInfo Implemented on the BDA IP Sink filter, which manages the delivery of in-band IP data to the network stack.
IBDA_IPV4Filter Provides methods that are called by the BDA IPSink filter in order to give the Network Provider a list of multicast IPv4 Ethernet addresses being requested by an application.
IBDA_IPV6Filter Provides methods that are called by the BDA IPSink filter in order to give the Network Provider a list of multicast IPv6 Ethernet addresses being requested by an application.
IBDA_LNBInfo Implemented on a BDA device filter, specifically an LNB device. The methods are called by the Network Provider to instruct the device on how to acquire the satellite signal.
IBDA_NetworkProvider Provides methods that BDA device filters call to register themselves after they are added to the graph.
IBDA_NullTransform Implemented on all BDA device filters. The Network Provider filter calls these methods to instruct the filter to either pass data through without modifying it, or else to perform its particular transformation on the data.
IBDA_PinControl Exposed on a BDA device filter's pins. A Network Provider calls these methods to determine the type and ID of each pin on the filter.
IBDA_SignalProperties Informs a BDA device filter about the current tuning request.
IBDA_SignalStatistics Implemented on a BDA device filter and provides methods by which the filter can describe the condition of a signal that is being received.
IBDA_TIF_REGISTRATION Enables a Transport Information Filter (TIF) to register itself with the Network Provider.
IBDA_Topology Provides methods that are used by a Network Provider to discover the capabilities of a device filter, and to control it.
IBDA_TransportStreamInfo Returns the time when the most recent Program Association Table (PAT) section was received.
IBDA_VoidTransform Implemented on a BDA device filter. It is used by the Network Provider to inactivate a portion of a filter graph without stopping the graph.
IBDAComparable Compares the tuning information in two similar objects.
ICaptionServiceDescriptor Gets caption service descriptors from a PSIP table in an ATSC stream.
ICAT Retrieves data from a conditional access table (CAT).
ICCSubStreamFiltering Sets the filtering on the closed captioning (CC) pins of the VBICodec filter.
IDVB_BAT Gets data from a bouquet association table (BAT).
IDVB_DIT Gets information from a discontinuity information table (DIT).
IDVB_EIT Gets information from a DVB event information table (EIT).
IDVB_NIT Gets information from a network information table (NIT).
IDVB_RST Gets information from a running status table (RST).
IDVB_SDT Gets information from a service description table (SDT).
IDVB_SIT Gets information from a selection information table (SIT).
IDVB_ST Gets information from a stuffing table (ST).
IDVB_TDT Gets information from a time and date table (TDT).
IDVB_TOT Gets information from a time offset table (TOT).
IDvbCableDeliverySystemDescriptor Gets a cable delivery system descriptor from a DVB stream.
IDvbFrequencyListDescriptor Gets a frequency list descriptor from a DVB stream.
IDvbLogicalChannelDescriptor Gets a logical channel descriptor from a DVB stream.
IDvbSatelliteDeliverySystemDescriptor Gets a satellite delivery system descriptor from a DVB stream.
IDvbServiceDescriptor Gets a service descriptor from a DVB stream.
IDvbSiParser Retrieves program specific information (PSI) and service information (SI) tables from a DVB transport stream.
IDvbTerrestrialDeliverySystemDescriptor Gets a terrestrial delivery system descriptor from a DVB stream.
IEnumGuideDataProperties Represents a collection of guide data properties for programs, services, and schedule entries that have been generated by the TIF.
IEnumTuneRequests Represents a collection of tune request objects.
IFrequencyMap Sets the frequency table used by the BDA Network Provider filter.
IGenericDescriptor Retrieves an MPEG-2 descriptor, in an unparsed format.
IGuideData Implemented on the Transport Information Filter (TIF) and used by a guide data loader to enumerate the primary elements that it will use to create the objects that it will persist in some way.
IGuideDataEvent IConnectionPoint notification callback interface that is implemented on the Network Provider filter or any other object that needs to receive these events from the TIF.
IGuideDataProperty Represents the name, value, and language of a property associated with a service, program or schedule entry.
IMPEG2_TIF_CONTROL Implemented by the Network Provider and used by the TIF to register itself and request table sections carried on specific PIDs within the transport stream.
IMpeg2Data Retrieves unparsed sections or tables from an MPEG-2 transport stream.
IMpeg2Stream Represents a stream of MPEG-2 data.
IMpeg2TableFilter Controls which tables are parsed by the MPEG-2 Sections and Tables filter.
IPAT Retrieves data from a program associate table (PAT).
IPMT Retrieves data from a program map table (PMT).
IRegisterTuner Registers an apartment-threaded tuner with the tuner marshaller and registers the tuner marshaller with the graph service provider.
IScanningTuner Provides methods that permit direct control of a tuner that supports searching for valid programming.
IScanningTunerEx An extended version of IScanningTuner.
ISCTE_EAS Retrieves data from an ATSC emergency alert message (EAS) table.
ITSDT Retrieves data from a transport stream description table (TSDT).
ISectionList Represents a list of MPEG-2 table sections.
ITuner Provides methods for passing tune requests down to the hardware device and receiving current tuning settings.
ITunerCap Provides information about the capabilities of a BDA device filter that represents a TV tuner.
ITuneRequestInfo Implemented on the TIF and used by the Network Provider when, in order to resolve a tune request, it needs additional network-specific information about locating transport streams and acquiring services.

See Also