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Microsoft DirectShow 9.0


This topic applies to Windows Vista.

The get_SmartCardInfo method retrieves information about the smart card.


  HRESULT get_SmartCardInfo(
  BSTR*  pbstrCardName,
  BSTR*  pbstrCardManufacturer,
  VARIANT_BOOL*  pfDaylightSavings,
  BYTE*  pbyRatingRegion,
  LONG*  plTimeZoneOffsetMinutes,
  BSTR*  pbstrLanguage,
  EALocationCodeType*  pEALocationCode



[out]  Pointer to a pointer variable that receives a pointer to a string containing the card name. When the string is no longer required, call the SysFreeString function to free it.


[out]  Pointer to a pointer variable that receives a pointer to a string containing the name of the card manufacturer. When the string is no longer required, call the SysFreeString function to free it.


[out]  Pointer to a variable of type VARIANT_BOOL that receives a value indicating whether daylight savings is in effect. If the value is TRUE, daylight savings is in effect. If the value is FALSE, daylight savings is not in effect.


[out]  Pointer to a variable that receives a value indicating the rating region.


[out]  Pointer to a variable that receives the time zone offset in minutes.


[out]  Pointer to a pointer variable that receives a pointer to a string indicating the language. When the string is no longer required, call the SysFreeString function to free it.


[out]  Pointer to a buffer that receives the emergency alert location code information. The buffer size must be at least sizeof(EALocationCodeType). The method writes a structure of type EALocationCodeType to the buffer. The structure specifies the location code scheme (for example, SCTE 18), state, county, and county subdivision for the emergency alert.

Return Values

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code.


Header: Include Bdaiface.h.

See Also