ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension Data Type (ASSL)
Defines a derived data type that represents a dimension that is indirectly related to the fact table through an intermediate dimension. (For example, a Sales measure group can reference a Geography dimension, which is related through the Customer dimension.)
<!-- The following elements extend MeasureGroupDimension -->
Data Type Characteristics
Characteristic | Description |
Base data types |
Derived data types |
None |
Data Type Relationships
Relationship | Element |
Parent elements |
None |
Child elements |
IntermediateCubeDimensionID, IntermediateGranularityAttributeID, Materialization |
Derived elements |
None |
The corresponding element in the Analysis Management Objects (AMO) object model is ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension.
Siehe auch
Analysis Services Scripting Language XML Data Types (ASSL)