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CIM_ComponentCS class

A ComputerSystem can aggregate another ComputerSystem. This association can be used to model MPP Systems with workstation frontends, an I2O subsystem embedded in a UnitaryComputerSystem, or a System that splits functionality between two processors, potentially running different OperatingSystems.

For example, if a CISC Processor and its associated OperatingSystem, are used for user interface and file support, and a RISC Processor and its OS are used for complex mathematical operations, this could be modeled as two ComputerSystems where one aggregates the other. In some cases, this could be modeled as a Cluster. The difference is the focus of the relationship. ComponentCS represents that unique and distinct ComputerSystems are aggregated by a higher level CS object. However, each of the component CSs are still distinguishable entities and are only viewed as such. Alternately, with a Cluster, the ComputerSystems that participate in it are inconsequential, when viewed through the 'Cluster System'.

When instantiating or subclassing the ComponentCS relationship, care should be taken that the component ComputerSystem meets the definitional requirements of a ComputerSystem - ie, a functional whole that provides compute capabilities and aggregates System Devices, an OperatingSystem, etc.

The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all of the inherited properties.


[Association, Aggregation, UUID("{AB653DD2-EA29-4dcc-9F10-8C809A50A646}"), AMENDMENT]
class CIM_ComponentCS : CIM_SystemComponent
  CIM_ComputerSystem REF GroupComponent;
  CIM_ComputerSystem REF PartComponent;


The CIM_ComponentCS class has these types of members:


The CIM_ComponentCS class has these properties.


Data type: CIM_ComputerSystem

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Override ("GroupComponent"), Aggregate

The ComputerSystem that contains and/or aggregates other Systems.


Data type: CIM_ComputerSystem

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Override ("PartComponent")

The contained (Sub)ComputerSystem.


Minimum supported client
None supported
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2008

See also
