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Scripted Resource Example

The following examples show simple control scripts.

Example Purpose
Using Private Properties
Illustrates how private properties are used.
Revealing Node Properties
Demonstrates how to reveal node properties, in this case the node's local time zone.

VBScript Example - Using Private Properties

This example illustrates the use of private properties. When brought online (see the Online function), the script logs a prompt if the private properties ShareName or SharePath do not exist. A console operator can set values for these properties using the /priv command line switch.

This is an example of cluster log output when the private properties are set successfully:

00000934.00000b14::...   [API] Creating resource Generic Script <FileShareGenScript>(... ...)
... ...
00000604.00000448::... : Loaded script engine 'VBScript' successfully.
00000604.00000448::... : Script-wide code begins execution
00000604.00000448::... : Loaded script 'e:\truesample.vbs' successfully.
... ...
00000934.00000844::...   Setting value of ShareName for key Resources\... ...\Parameters to
... ...
00000934.00000844::...   Setting value of SharePath for key Resources\... ...\Parameters to
... ...
00000604.00000448::... : Unloaded script engine 'VBScript' successfully.

The following is the sample script.

'Script-Level Global Variables
Resource.LogInformation("Script-wide code begins execution")
Dim WshShell, oExec, oLooksAlive, oIsAlive, oWait
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Function Online( )
'   ... Create a network share...
    Resource.LogInformation "Entering Online"
'   ... Prompt console operator for a sharename if none provided...
    If Resource.Sharename = "" Then
      Resource.LogInformation "You need to set the sharename private property before attempting to go online"
'   ... No-zero return code will appear in console log...
      Online = 1
      Exit Function
    End If
'   ... Prompt console operator for a sharepath if none provided...
    If Resource.SharePath = "" Then
      Resource.LogInformation "You need to set the SharePath private property before attempting to go online"
      Online = 1
      Exit Function
    End If

    Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("net share """ & Resource.ShareName & """=""" & Resource.SharePath & """")
'   ... Allow time for operation to complete...  
    Do While oExec.Status = 0
      Set oWait = WshShell.Exec("sleep 1")
    If oExec.ExitCode <> 0 Then
     Resource.LogInformation "net share """ & Resource.ShareName & """=""" & Resource.SharePath & """ command failed"
     Resource.LogInformation oExec.StdErr.ReadAll
    End If
    Online = oExec.ExitCode
End Function

Function Offline( )
    Resource.LogInformation "Entering Offline"
    Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("net share """ & Resource.ShareName & """ /delete")
    Do While oExec.Status = 0
      Set oWait = WshShell.Exec("sleep 1")
    If oExec.ExitCode <> 0 Then
     Resource.LogInformation "Failed to disconnect the resource to an offline status gracefully"
     Resource.LogInformation oExec.StdErr.ReadAll
    End If
    Offline = oExec.ExitCode
End Function

Function LooksAlive( )
    Resource.LogInformation "Entering LooksAlive" 
    Set oLooksAlive = WshShell.Exec("net share """ & Resource.ShareName & """")
    Do While oLooksAlive.Status = 0
      Set oWait = WshShell.Exec("sleep 1")
    If oLooksAlive.ExitCode <> 0 Then
     Resource.LogInformation "net share """ & Resource.ShareName & """ command is failing with"
     Resource.LogInformation oLooksAlive.StdErr.ReadAll
    End If
    LooksAlive = oLooksAlive.ExitCode
End Function

Function IsAlive( )
    Resource.LogInformation "Entering IsAlive" 
    Set oIsAlive = WshShell.Exec("net share """ & Resource.ShareName & """")
    Do While oIsAlive.Status = 0
      Set oWait = WshShell.Exec("sleep 1")
    If oIsAlive.ExitCode <> 0 Then
     Resource.LogInformation "net share """ & Resource.ShareName & """ command is failing with"
     Resource.LogInformation oIsAlive.StdErr.ReadAll
    End If  
    If (fso.FolderExists(Resource.SharePath) = False) Then
      Resource.LogInformation "folder " & Resource.SharePath & " no longer exists"
      IsAlive = 1
      Exit Function
    End If
    IsAlive = oIsAlive.ExitCode
End Function

Function Open( )
    If Resource.PropertyExists("ShareName") = False Then
    End If
    If Resource.PropertyExists("SharePath") = False Then
    End If
    Open = 0
End Function

Function Close( )
    Close = 0
End Function

Function Terminate( )
    Resource.LogInformation "Entering Terminate"
    Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("net share """ & Resource.ShareName & """ /delete")
    Do While oExec.Status = 0
      Set oWait = WshShell.Exec("sleep 1")
    If oExec.ExitCode <> 0 Then
     Resource.LogInformation oExec.StdErr.ReadAll
    End If
    Terminate = oExec.ExitCode

End Function

VBScript Example - Revealing Node Properties

This VBScript example illustrates the use of WMI to reveal a node property, in this case the node's local time zone. The code, in the Online function, is executed once when the script resource is brought online. The required script entry points LooksAlive and IsAlive are empty functions in this example.

Note that the scripted resource does not reveal desktop objects, so attempts to write to the console using WMI will fail. The Resource object must be used instead.

This is an example of console log output when the script executes:

00000604.000006dc::...   Loaded script engine 'VBScript' successfully.
00000604.000006dc::...   Loaded script 'e:\wmitime.vbs' successfully.
00000604.000006dc::...   Local Time Zone is: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada): Tijuana
... ...

The following is the sample script.

Function Online( )
'   Application VBScript uses WMI to reveal the node's local time zone description
On Error Resume Next
'   For the local computer only...
strComputer = "."
'   ... query the property...
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_TimeZone",,48)
'   ... and output the local time zone to the log
For Each objItem in colItems
Resource.LogInformation "Local Time Zone is: " & objItem.Description
'   ... Return success
Online =  true
End Function
Function LooksAlive( )
LooksAlive = true
End Function
Function IsAlive( )
IsAlive = true
End Function