Microsoft Cloud for Sovereignty capabilities
The core capabilities of Microsoft Cloud for Sovereignty are:
Software boundaries in the cloud - Establish the extra protection that governments require, even up to hardware-based confidentiality and encryption controls.
Specific governance requirements - Help institutions meet compliance requirements through the Microsoft Government Security Program.
Advanced sovereign controls - Provide an extra layer of protection to support regulatory requirements.
Enhanced operational transparency - Heighten assurances of operator transparency into cloud data, security, and operations.
Microsoft Cloud for Sovereignty features different layers:
Built on top of the Azure public cloud capabilities.
Helps support regulatory compliance and transparency into the cloud operator's activities.
Provides sovereign guardrails through codified architecture, workload templates, localized Microsoft Azure Policy initiatives, tooling, and guidance.
May include advanced sovereign control services, such as Azure confidential computing and Microsoft Azure Key Vault Managed HSM.
Microsoft Cloud for Sovereignty provides the guidance, tools, and controls to help public sector organizations plan, adopt, and manage the public cloud faster and easier.