About the IP address: the IP address is not populated by the SCCM connector, unfortunately. The SCCM connector imports the IP address on a separate class Microsoft.Windows.Peripherals.NetworkAdapter, which has a many-to-one relationship to the computer. Unless you import the IP address by other means (such as the SCOM CI connector), you will not be able to display it on the portal. More information here: https://zcusa.951200.xyz/en-us/system-center/scsm/sm-cm-views?view=sc-sm-2022
About the OU: the OU is not imported by the SCCM connector. You need to create an AD connector to get this data over. More information here: https://zcusa.951200.xyz/en-us/system-center/scsm/ad-ds-attribs?view=sc-sm-2022
I hope this helps.
Regards, Dieter