Welcome to Microsoft Q&A Forum, thank you for posting your query here!
Please find the below 3 questions that has been answered and do let me know if you face any challenges here.
1.Which Terraform resource should I use for creating a dashboard?
A) This Terraform code automates the creation of multiple Azure dashboards by using a list of inputs that specify each dashboard's name, JSON template, and variables. It sets the location, resource group, and tags for each dashboard and dynamically generates their configurations based on the provided templates.
Refer: https://github.com/kumarvna/terraform-azurerm-dashboard/blob/main/main.tf
https://www.techielass.com/deploy-an-azure-dashboard-using-terraform/#:~:text=The%20%22json_file_path%22%20is%20where%20you,your%20dashboard%20will%20be%20deployed.Deploy an Azure Dashboard using Terraform
TerraformEdit development language
resource "azurerm_portal_dashboard" "main" {
for_each = { for k in var.dashboards : k.name => k }
name = format("%s", each.key)
resource_group_name = local.resource_group_name
location = local.location
dashboard_properties = templatefile(each.value.json_file_path, each.value.variables)
tags = merge({ "ResourceName" = format("%s", each.key) }, var.tags, )
2.How do I reference the JSON file in the Terraform script?
A) Below if the path this should point to the location where the JSON dashboard was downloaded. The path below refers to the current directory, please select your file path
json_file_path = "./test_dashboard.json"
TerraformEdit development language
dashboards = [
name = "my-cool-dashboard"
json_file_path = "./test_dashboard.json"
variables = {
"title" = "example-dashboard"
Refer below: This provides the exact path to the configuration, which you can use to reference the JSON file in your Terraform code
3.Are there any specific configurations or steps to follow to ensure the deployment works successfully?
A)In the exported JSON template, you need to delete the second line, which corresponds to the 'properties' section
Remove below highlighted lines in your Json export script it is typically will be in the end of the script
Save the changes to the file.
let us know if you have any further queries. I’m happy to assist you further.
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