Hello @yeooandyni ,
Thank you for posting your query on Microsoft Q&A.
Based on your issue description, I understand that you are trying to hide new hires from your GAL until the start date using the following expression:
IIF(DateDiff("d", Now(), CDate([StatusHireDate]))>="0", "True", "False")
As a result, you are encountering the following error in Entra when provisioning a user on demand: HybridSynchronizationActiveDirectoryInvalidParameter
Please note that Date-type attributes(for example, StatusHireDate) comes under the list of Unsupported scoping filters for Attribute Mappings.
Please refer to the below Screenshot and the reference document which explains about the Unsupported scoping filters which comes under the list of one of the known issues for Attribute Mappings.
Please note that there are some limitations and workarounds as mentioned below when you are using IIF functions for writing expressions for attribute mappings.
Known limitations:
This section includes limitations and workarounds for the IIF function. For information about troubleshooting user creation issues, see Creation fails due to null / empty values.
- The IIF function currently doesn't support AND and OR logical operators.
- To implement AND logic, use nested IIF statement chained along the trueValue path. Example: If country="USA" and state="CA", return value "True", else return "False".
- To implement OR logic, use nested IIF statement chained along the falseValue path. Example: If country="USA" or state="CA", return value "True", else return "False".
- If the source attribute used within the IIF function is empty or null, the condition check fails.
- Unsupported IIF expression examples:
- Recommended workaround: Use the Switch function to check for empty/null values. Example: If country attribute is empty, set value "Other". If it's present, pass the country attribute value to target attribute.
- Unsupported IIF expression examples:
Please refer to the below document for your reference.
I hope the above information provided is helpful. Please do let us know if you have any further queries.
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Thanks and Best Regards,
Sanoop Mohan