How to fix this issues as I got the access token and powershell sdk of connnection through Graph. Still I am facing this error message.
PS C:\Users\Hritik Raushan> Get-MgUser Get-MgUser : Expected comma, literal, or object. Was Eof: . At line:1 char:1 Get-MgUser + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-MgUser_List], ParserException + FullyQualifiedErrorId :…
App-only authentication for unattended scripts
Hi Team, We are developing an integration that will use the authentication (App-only authentication for unattended scripts) mechanism to integrate with Security & Compliance PowerShell. The article…
Powershell to create logsearch in bulk for azure vm's to check lowdiskspace
Hello, We have hundreds of Virtual machines on azure wanted to automate the script with PowerShell to create alert that checks the low space 95% for c and d. Manual process and query works just fine and we do get P1 alerts. But automatic this with…
How we can create SessionHost in Azure Virtual Desktop using Azure Powershell?
Hi I am having one requirement where I need to create SessionHost VMs using Command Line , I followed references on Az.DesktopVirtualization Module where we have Cmdlet like New-AzWVDHostPool. Do we have similar cmdlet to create SessionHost as well? …
How to use powershell to add multiple resources to a maintenance configuration in Azure Update Manager?
Hi Team, I am trying to add resources in Maintenance Configurations in Azure Update Manager using PowerShell using the following Script - # Install the Az.Maintenance module if you haven't already Install-Module -Name Az.Maintenance -Force #…
WSL2 not working properly on Windows. Required to disable network.
Having issues with launching any linux distro within Windows. For context it was working, and on Jan 29th it stopped working. There was a Powershell v7.3.11 update on windows but I don't believe it was working. Currently I'm trying to launch WSL2 using…
PS script, request for user credential, run a few commands and signs out domain user when script ends
How do I write a PowerShell script that asks for user's credentials and run the next few commands as the new user. Once the commands complete, signs out the users Script: #Get user domain/user credentials $USRCreds = Get-Credential #Run the next few…
Test-Connectivity fails for address *, getting name resolution failed
Microsoft has announced an update to the global endpoint for the automatic update of the Remote Desktop Client application, with the new address being * However, when testing the connectivity via PowerShell, an error is encountered,…
New-AzApiManagementSubscription doesn't seems to work
Hi, I try to use in my Pwoershell script command : New-AzApiManagementSubscription to create a sunscription and add it to a Prodcut, but when I try it with different paramaters/syntax: CreateResult = New-AzApiManagementSubscription ` -Context…
Guidance Needed: Report on Libraries and Subfolder Permissions in SPO Site
Hi All, I have a requirement to generate a report of all libraries and their subfolder permissions from a SharePoint Online (SPO) site. I have already tried a few scripts from the internet, but none seem to fulfill this requirement. Any guidance would be…
How to Add a VM (Session Host ) to Hostpool in Azure Virtual Desktop
Hi I am working on one powershell script to automate Hostpool and SessionHost creation. I have created one VM using (New-AzVM ) Cmdlet. Now I am trying to add this vm to Hostpool as SessionHost. But could not find any relevant resources to do the…
Best Approach to Block Incoming Traffic During Initial Cache Loading in Azure VMSS
I am setting up a VMSS (Virtual Machine Scale Set) for a web application, and I need to perform an initial load of objects into the cache. To achieve this, I would like to open a web page on localhost to load the objects into the cache, but I don't want…
Images imported in SharePoint page's text webpart disappear when switched to edit mode
I have migrated content from the customer's CMS to SharePoint online pages. I'm importing html-data to text webpart and everything works quite nicely. But when I start editing page all images inside the text area will disappear. I have checked the html…
How I pin a lnk to start screen only in powershell
Hi Team I am the application developer on Ford provingground. I get the job to automate deployment on tablets on my side. The only issue that a have is to pin link to the start menu with powershell, but I did all sort of thing. But it don't work,…
Get-MgServicePrincipal not returning anything for either AppRoles or OAuth2PermissionGrants
Describe the bug Get-MgServicePrincipal doesn't return anything for the AppRoles or OAuth2PermissionGrants, despite the SP having both Delegated and App Perms assigned. I am a Global Administrator, so I don't suspect a permission issue, especially…
How to remove Accepted Senders from O365 Group in PowerShell
Hi, I'm using PowerShell to edit O365 (Unified Groups). I'm able to create, and edit (add/remove) members of groups. I'm also able to add accepted senders to a group. I failed to remove accepted senders from a group. I tried using…
SharePoint External links audit
Good afternoon! I have a task to create a PowerShell code to check all shared links from our SharePoint site, regardless of when they were created. The current limit is 180 days. Is it possible to use PowerShell to check for the entire period? We need to…
Load Testing for Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) Using PowerShell
Hi, I've created a PowerShell script sourced from the web to perform load testing (also known as synthetic testing) by simulating multiple users accessing servers in Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD). However, I've encountered a blocker while generating an…
Exception calling "ParseExact" when processing a certain date
I keep getting "Exception calling "ParseExact" with "3" argument(s): "String 'Oct 31 04:53:31 2024' was not recognized as a valid DateTime."" when trying to parse "Thu Oct 31 04:53:31 +0100 2024" this…
How to change Azure VM Resolution
Hi I am having one powershell windows form with hardcoded width and height of 1600 and 950 respectively. This forms displays fine when I am using my local machine(the same machine on which I have developed this form) which is having resolution (1920x1080…