Datetime Data Type Changes
In ODBC 3.x, the identifiers for date, time, and timestamp SQL data types have changed from SQL_DATE, SQL_TIME, and SQL_TIMESTAMP (with instances of #define in the header file of 9, 10, and 11) to SQL_TYPE_DATE, SQL_TYPE_TIME, and SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP (with instances of #define in the header file of 91, 92, and 93), respectively. The corresponding C type identifiers have changed from SQL_C_DATE, SQL_C_TIME, and SQL_C_TIMESTAMP to SQL_C_TYPE_DATE, SQL_C_TYPE_TIME, and SQL_C_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, respectively.
The column size and decimal digits returned for the SQL datetime data types in ODBC 3.x are the same as the precision and scale returned for them in ODBC 2.x. These values are different than the values in the SQL_DESC_PRECISION and SQL_DESC_SCALE descriptor fields. (For more information, see Column Size, Decimal Digits, Transfer Octet Length, and Display Size.)
These changes affect SQLDescribeCol, SQLDescribeParam, and SQLColAttribute; SQLBindCol, SQLBindParameter, and SQLGetData; and SQLColumns, SQLGetTypeInfo, SQLProcedureColumns, SQLStatistics, and SQLSpecialColumns.
The following table shows how the ODBC 3.x Driver Manager performs mapping of the date, time, and timestamp C data types entered in the TargetType arguments of SQLBindCol and SQLGetData or in the ValueType argument of SQLBindParameter.
Data type code entered |
2.x app to 2.x driver |
2.x app to 3.x driver |
3.x app to 2.x driver |
3.x app to 3.x driver |
SQL_C_DATE (9) | No mapping | SQL_C_TYPE_DATE (91) | No mapping[1] | SQL_C_TYPE_DATE (91) |
SQL_C_TYPE_DATE (91) | Error (from DM) | Error (from DM) | SQL_C_DATE (9) | No mapping[2] |
SQL_C_TIME (10) | No mapping | SQL_C_TYPE_TIME (92) | No mapping[1] | SQL_C_TYPE_TIME (92) |
SQL_C_TYPE_TIME (92) | Error (from DM) | Error (from DM) | SQL_C_TIME (10) | No mapping[2] |
SQL_C_TIMESTAMP (11) | No mapping | SQL_C_TYPE_TIMESTAMP (93) | No mapping[1] | SQL_C_TYPE_TIMESTAMP (93) |
SQL_C_TYPE_TIMESTAMP (93) | Error (from DM) | Error (from DM) | SQL_C_TIMESTAMP (11) | No mapping[2] |
[1] As a result of this, an ODBC 3.x application working with an ODBC 2.x driver can use the date, time, or timestamp codes returned in the result sets that are returned by the catalog functions.
[2] As a result of this, an ODBC 3.x application working with an ODBC 3.x driver can use the date, time, or timestamp codes returned in the result sets that are returned by the catalog functions.
The following table shows how the ODBC 3.x Driver Manager performs mapping of the date, time, and timestamp SQL data types entered in the ParameterType argument of SQLBindParameter or in the DataType argument of SQLGetTypeInfo.
Data type code entered |
2.x app to 2.x driver |
2.x app to 3.x driver |
3.x app to 2.x driver |
3.x app to 3.x driver |
SQL_DATE (9) | No mapping | SQL_TYPE_DATE (91) | No mapping[1] | SQL_TYPE_DATE (91) |
SQL_TYPE_DATE (91) | Error (from DM) | Error (from DM) | SQL_DATE (9) | No mapping[2] |
SQL_TIME (10) | No mapping | SQL_TYPE_TIME (92) | No mapping[1] | SQL_TYPE_TIME (92) |
SQL_TYPE_TIME (92) | Error (from DM) | Error (from DM) | SQL_TIME (10) | No mapping[2] |
SQL_TIMESTAMP (11) | No mapping | SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP (93) | No mapping[1] | SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP (93) |
SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP (93) | Error (from DM) | Error (from DM) | SQL_TIMESTAMP (11) | No mapping[2] |
[1] As a result of this, an ODBC 3.x application working with an ODBC 2.x driver can use the date, time, or timestamp codes returned in the result sets that are returned by the catalog functions.
[2] As a result of this, an ODBC 3.x application working with an ODBC 3.x driver can use the date, time, or timestamp codes returned in the result sets that are returned by the catalog functions.