Get add-on acquisitions data for your games and apps
Use this method in the Microsoft Store analytics API to get aggregate add-on acquisition data in JSON format for UWP apps and Xbox One games that were ingested through the Xbox Developer Portal (XDP) and available in the XDP Analytics Partner Center dashboard.
To use this method, you need to first do the following:
- If you have not done so already, complete all the prerequisites for the Microsoft Store analytics API.
- Obtain an Azure AD access token to use in the request header for this method. After you obtain an access token, you have 60 minutes to use it before it expires. After the token expires, you can obtain a new one.
This API does not provide daily aggregate data before Oct 1st 2016.
Request syntax
Method | Request URI |
GET | |
Request header
Header | Type | Description |
Authorization | string | Required. The Azure AD access token in the form Bearer <token> . |
Request parameters
The applicationId or addonProductId parameter is required. To retrieve acquisition data for all add-ons registered to the app, specify the applicationId parameter. To retrieve acquisition data for a single add-on, specify the addonProductId parameter. If you specify both, the applicationId parameter is ignored.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
applicationId | string | The productId of the Xbox One game for which you are retrieving acquisition data. To get the productId of your game, navigate to your game in the XDP Analytics Program and retrieve the productId from the URL. Alternatively, if you download your acquisitions data from the Partner Center analytics report, the productId is included in the .tsv file. | Yes |
addonProductId | string | The productId of the add-on for which you want to retrieve acquisition data. | Yes |
startDate | date | The start date in the date range of add-on acquisition data to retrieve. The default is the current date. | No |
endDate | date | The end date in the date range of add-on acquisition data to retrieve. The default is the current date. | No |
filter | string | One or more statements that filter the rows in the response. Each statement contains a field name from the response body and value that are associated with the eq or ne operators, and statements can be combined using and or or. String values must be surrounded by single quotes in the filter parameter. For example, filter=market eq 'US' and gender eq 'm'. You can specify the following fields from the response body:
No |
aggregationLevel | string | Specifies the time range for which to retrieve aggregate data. Can be one of the following strings: day, week, or month. If unspecified, the default is day. | No |
orderby | string | A statement that orders the result data values for each add-on acquisition. The syntax is orderby=field [order],field [order],... The field parameter can be one of the following strings:
Here is an example orderby string: orderby=date,market |
No |
groupby | string | A statement that applies data aggregation only to the specified fields. You can specify the following fields:
No |
Request example
The following examples demonstrates several requests for getting add-on acquisition data. Replace the addonProductId and applicationId values with the appropriate Store ID for your add-on or app.
Authorization: Bearer <your access token>
GET eq 'GB' and gender eq 'm' HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your access token>
Response body
Value | Type | Description |
Value | array | An array of objects that contain aggregate add-on acquisition data. For more information about the data in each object, see the add-on acquisition values section below. |
TotalCount | int | The total number of rows in the data result for the query. |
Add-on acquisition values
Elements in the Value array contain the following values.
Value | Type | Description |
date | string | The first date in the date range for the acquisition data. If the request specified a single day, this value is that date. If the request specified a week, month, or other date range, this value is the first date in that date range. |
addonProductId | string | The productId of the add-on for which you are retrieving acquisition data. |
addonProductName | string | The display name of the add-on. This value only appears in the response data if the aggregationLevel parameter is set to day, unless you specify the addonProductName field in the groupby parameter. |
applicationId | string | The productId of the app for which you want to retrieve add-on acquisition data. |
applicationName | string | The display name of the game. |
deviceType | string | One of the following strings that specifies the type of device that completed the acquisition:
storeClient | string | One of the following strings that indicates the version of the Store where the acquisition occurred:
osVersion | string | The OS version on which the acquisition occurred. For this method, this value is always either Windows 10 or Windows 11". |
market | string | The ISO 3166 country code of the market where the acquisition occurred. |
gender | string | One of the following strings that specifies the gender of the user who made the acquisition:
age | string | One of the following strings that indicates the age group of the user who made the acquisition:
acquisitionType | string | One of the following strings that indicates the type of acquisition:
acquisitionQuantity | integer | The number of acquisitions that occurred. |
inAppProductId | string | Product ID of the product where this add-on is used. |
inAppProductName | string | Product Name of the product where this add-on is used. |
paymentInstrumentType | string | Payment instrument type used for the acquisition. |
sandboxId | string | The Sandbox ID created for the game. This can be the value RETAIL or a private sandbox ID. |
xboxTitleId | string | Xbox Title ID of the product from XDP, if applicable. |
localCurrencyCode | string | Local Currency code based on the country of the Partner Center account. |
xboxProductId | string | Xbox Product ID of the product from XDP, if applicable. |
availabilityId | string | Availability ID of the product from XDP, if applicable. |
skuId | string | SKU ID of the product from XDP, if applicable. |
skuDisplayName | string | SKU Display Name of the product from XDP, if applicable. |
xboxParentProductId | string | Xbox Parent Product ID of the product from XDP, if applicable. |
parentProductName | string | Parent Product Name of the product from XDP, if applicable. |
productTypeName | string | Product Type Name of the product from XDP, if applicable. |
purchaseTaxType | string | Purchase Tax Type of the product from XDP, if applicable. |
purchasePriceUSDAmount | number | The amount paid by the customer for the add-on, converted to USD. |
purchasePriceLocalAmount | number | The amount paid by the customer for the add-on, in the region's currency. |
purchaseTaxUSDAmount | number | The tax amount applied to the add-on, converted to USD. |
purchaseTaxLocalAmount | number | Purchase Tax Local Amount of the product from XDP, if applicable. |
Response example
The following example demonstrates an example JSON response body for this request.
"Value": [
"inAppProductId": "9NBLGGH1864K",
"inAppProductName": "866879",
"addonProductId": "9NBLGGH1864K",
"addonProductName": "866879",
"date": "2017-11-05",
"applicationId": "9WZDNCRFJ314",
"applicationName": "Tetris Blitz",
"acquisitionType": "Iap",
"age": "35-49",
"deviceType": "Phone",
"gender": "m",
"market": "US",
"osVersion": "Windows Phone 8.1",
"paymentInstrumentType": "Credit Card",
"sandboxId": "RETAIL",
"storeClient": "Windows Phone Store (client)",
"xboxTitleId": "",
"localCurrencyCode": "USD",
"xboxProductId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"availabilityId": "",
"skuId": "",
"skuDisplayName": "Full",
"xboxParentProductId": "",
"parentProductName": "Tetris Blitz",
"productTypeName": "Add-On",
"purchaseTaxType": "",
"acquisitionQuantity": 1,
"purchasePriceUSDAmount": 1.08,
"purchasePriceLocalAmount": 0.09,
"purchaseTaxUSDAmount": 1.08,
"purchaseTaxLocalAmount": 0.09
"@nextLink": null,
"TotalCount": 7601