The error I get during AddUbuntuImage is:
"The network connectivity issue encountered for 'Microsoft.Gallery.Admin'; cannot fulfill the request."
Not sure what the solution is, but this seems critical to the success of everything that follows it, including the creation of Windows Server images.
The error I get during the DownloadWindowsUpdates stage is different:
Exception calling "DownloadFile" with "2" argument(s): "The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel."
Now this error I also got during the Download Tools stage, (and I also got the same error when I was following the Post Deployment steps and tried downloading the tools there). I got wound this by downloading the on another machine, copying it to the proper folder (in my case, I created a D:\ASDKfiles folder, as per the examples provided with Matt's scripts), and then adding some logic to the AzSPoC.ps1 script to bypass the attempt to download it.
I am trying to identify where in this script (or the scripts it calls) I might do a similar thing for DownloadWindowsUpdates, but in the meantime I thought I would post the question here to see if anyone else has any insights.
Most of the other failures I am seeing appear to stem from the failure of one or the other of these two steps.