Hi Naeem Ahmad,
Welcome to the Microsoft Q&A Platform!
Apologies in delayed response on this.
The following document provides information how to Implement API Gateways with Ocelot and also Using Kubernetes Ingress plus Ocelot API Gateways. https://zcusa.951200.xyz/en-us/dotnet/architecture/microservices/multi-container-microservice-net-applications/implement-api-gateways-with-ocelot
Also, on ocelot documentation, there are details "If you have services deployed in Kubernetes you will normally use the naming service to access them. Ocelot will call the k8s endpoints API in a given namespace to get all of the endpoints for a pod and then load balance across them". Please check this document for more details on this.
The document shows, having an ingress Nginx tier in Kubernetes in front of the web applications plus the several Ocelot API Gateways / BFF is the ideal architecture, as shown in the following diagram.
Additional document for reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64828846/ocelot-api-gateway-implementation-in-aks
Hope this helps!
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