I have deployed an application in azure web app service. But while accessing the url i am getting application error .
I have deployed a containerized application in azure web app service. The deployment was successful .But while accessing the url, the webpage is displaying application error . The error says :
The resource was not found, it may have been deleted. If this was launched from a pinned tile on the dashboard, it should be removed. Resource ID: /subscriptions/83130aba-cb89-4f7e-b969-23e91bb6029f/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/botperf/slots/h4fcbnbmcpfsbrht Status Code: 404 Status Message: The Resource 'Microsoft.Web/sites/botperf/slots/h4fcbnbmcpfsbrht' under resource group 'myresourcegroup' was not found.
Every resources are present in my resource group" Myresourcegroup" . Nothing is deleted or renamed. I have a container registry, blob storage container and this azure app service web app under this resource group.