Need Dimension Value PC in the teams Alert
Markus Schädlich
Reputation points
Hi ,
we want to send the alarm via a logic app to a teams channel.
The logic app was created like this:
this is the template:
This is the log analytics alert KQL:
| where Name == 'FreeSpaceMB'
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by Tags, Computer
| extend Drive = tostring(parse_json(Tags)[""])
| extend Size = toreal(parse_json(Tags)[""])
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, Drive, bin(SizeGB = Size / 1024, 0.1), bin(FreeGB = Val / 1024, 1)
| join kind=inner (InsightsMetrics
| where Name == "FreeSpacePercentage"
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by Tags, Computer
| extend Drive = tostring(parse_json(Tags)[""])
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, Drive, bin(FreePercent = Val, 1.1))
on Computer, Drive
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, Drive, SizeGB, FreeGB, FreePercent
| order by Computer asc
The Problem is that we can only see the affected ressource log analytics workspace in the alert and not the pc which fired :
We need the information about the pc like this:
how can i add these informations to the logic app flow?
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