Bypassing Easy Auth for a Specific v4 Azure Function Endpoint in Node.js 22
To recreate my exact issue, create 2 new HTTP triggered function endpoints for a node.js 22 Azure Function v4 (latest version). Nothing fancy in the code, you can use the boiler plate code. One is public and the other is private (name them as such).…
I am getting the below error when I try to insert into a azure data lake table. "Type=System.IO.FileNotFoundException,Message=Could not load file or assembly 'System.Text.Json"
I am getting the below error when I try to insert into a azure data lake table from adf pipeline . "The type initializer for 'Azure.Core.Serialization.JsonObjectSerializer' threw an…
How to Automate Large .SAV File to Parquet Conversion in Azure?
I'm using Azure ADLS as our primary storage, Azure Data Factory (ADF) for data transformations, and Power BI for reporting and visualization. I have a large .SAV file (200-300 MB, containing 2-4 million rows) stored in Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS). To…
Deploying with Microsoft.Graph sdk to Azure Function App Isolated Worker Net 8.0 causing InternalServerError from host runtime
I am trying to debug this issue where the inclusion of the Microsoft.Graph SDK is causing the azure function app host run time to fail. Running the function app in debug mode locally I have no issues using Microsoft Graph to access the data I need. It…
Azure Function in Container App Webhook validation handshake fails
Hello Trying to provision a eventgrid subscription I get the following error: ERROR:…
Unable to See Function in Flex Consumption App Deployed via ARM Template
I deployed a Function App using the Flex Consumption plan with the ARM template from this GitHub sample. The deployment completes without errors, but I’m unable to see the function within the Azure portal. Has anyone faced a similar issue or have…
Cloud functions - Host instance 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx' failed to acquire host lock lease: Azure.Storage.Blobs:
I have a function app attached to a storage account with 3 functions with timer triggers that randomly stopped working since last month. Any pointers to troubleshoot? Log stream pasted below --------------------------------- …
Functions are not showing up in Azure Function App
I have deployed an Azure Function App using Bicep and YAML pipeline. Function app uses java as FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME and is hosted on a P1v3 Service Plan. Problem is that when I deploy functions on Function App, functions do not show up on Overview…
Where can I see initialization errors for an Azure Function App?
I built a Function App using the following tutorial: Using V2 and Python 3.11. I deploy the app via the CLI successfully. I open the Function App in Azure Portal…
Unable to connect to Oracle database from Azure Function in VS Code
I am trying to connect to an on-premises Oracle database from an Azure Function using Visual Studio Code. I have installed the necessary packages (Oracle.ManagedDataAccess, System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager, System.Security.Permissions) and…
Is there a solution if I have lost Azure Functions apps logs?
Hello Everyone. I am using a BI tool to check Azure Functions apps logs, but am having problems with some data being missing. I followed the instructions on the official…
Storage event trigger is running twice when a single blob is created
Hello, Hope you are fine and you can help me! I had to modify an Azure function, so i deployed a copy of it from my VSCode. I didn´t realize that I was overwriting all the App Files of the original Azure Function. For example, the host.json file was…
Error while loading - Error retrieving function
When I created a function on Azure Functions, the function I had created disappeared after I reloaded the page (I had saved it). After that, when I tried to create the function again, an error message appeared saying "Error while loading - Error…
Hi, I am facing Authorization issue while deploying code via CI CD into the Azure functions.
We have provisioned a Azure function in Private Endpoint and Gitlab runner in Gitlab CI CD. While we are trying to deploy the code we are getting the following Error: Code: Authorization Message: The Client 'client ID of service principal' with a object…
How to save and process a file in Azure Function
I have written a script where I'm downloading some files one by one in a directory and then I'm passing the path of file to document intelligence for extracting the content. The script was running as expected in local but after deploying it to function…
How can I retrieve an Azure isolated runtime .NET 8 QueueTrigger Connection String from the Key Vault
tl;dr In an Azure Function written in .NET 8 C# in Visual Studio using the isolated runtime, is there a way to allow the Connection for a QueueTrigger to be retrieved via Microsoft.KeyVault()? [Function("ProcessEvent")] public void…
Set Message Label/Subject using Azure Functions' Service Bus Output Binding
I am sending messages to service bus using python azure functions with the new programming model which uses output bindings like below: @bp.service_bus_queue_output( arg_name="outputQueueMessage", …
Azure Function App - Error: Encountered an error (ServiceUnavailable) from host runtime
I am trying to deploy an Azure Function in python to a Function App, but I keep getting this error message in logs. Service Health shows no issue, I've double checked all connection strings, and checked the available solutions which suggest removing…
Correct Service Tag for Power Automatr
Hello Microsoft community, I hope I'm posting this in the correct place. I have a question about securing a Function App, please. I have zero knowledge about Function Apps, so forgive me. My requirement is, have a Function App that gets called from a…
Unable to launch azure function when starting azurite with HTTPS protocol
I followed this doc Use the Azurite emulator for local Azure Storage development to use the azurite as the storage emulator. But when I run the .\azurite.exe --cert --key command and launch the Azure function in Visual…