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You can try to ask another cloud services admin to reset your Multi-Factor Authentication settings:
To do this, the admin should follow these steps:
- Sign in to the cloud service portal as an admin.
- Go to https://account.activedirectory.windowsazure.com/usermanagement/multifactorverification.aspx.
- Select the check box for the admin account whose Multi-Factor Authentication settings you want to reset.
- Select Manage user settings.
- Select the Require selected users to provide contact methods again check box, and then select Save.
More details please refer to:https://zcusa.951200.xyz/en-us/troubleshoot/azure/entra/entra-id/mfa/cannot-use-mfa-signin-lose-phone?source=recommendations
Please feel free to contact me for any updates. And if this helps, don't forget to mark it as an answer.