Hi @satyam chauhan ,
Welcome to the Microsoft Q&A Platform!
To use a CA signed certificate in Event Grid Namespace MQTT broker, you can follow these steps:
- Obtain the CA signed certificate: You mentioned that you have obtained a CA signed certificate from Entrust. Make sure you have the certificate file and any intermediate certificates that may be required.
- Upload the CA certificate to Azure: In the Azure portal, go to the Event Grid Namespace MQTT broker and navigate to the "CA certificates" section. Upload the chainBundle.crt file that contains the CA certificate and any intermediate certificates.
- Create a client certificate: You can use the openssl commands to create a client certificate signed by the CA certificate. Make sure to include the client's Common Name (CN) in the certificate subject.
- Upload the client certificate to Azure: In the Azure portal, go to the Event Grid Namespace MQTT broker and navigate to the "Client certificates" section. Upload the client certificate and any intermediate certificates.
- Configure the client to use the certificate: In the MQTTX application, configure the client to use the client certificate for authentication. You may need to specify the path to the certificate file and any required passwords.
- Test the client authentication: Test the client authentication by connecting to the MQTT broker and publishing or subscribing to a topic. Make sure the client is able to authenticate using the CA signed certificate.
Below are the Documents for your references :https://zcusa.951200.xyz/en-us/azure/event-grid/mqtt-certificate-chain-client-authentication
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.
Thank you.