Does Azure support PostgreSQL version 16.6?
My project is currently using version 15.7 of PostgreSQL Flexible server. However, we need to do an update to fix the following security vulnerabilities:
As you can see there, those vulnerabilities are fixed in version 15.9, 16.6 or 17.1. Since major 17 is still a preview, we decided we would update to 16, but it needs to be 16.6 otherwise it doesn't fix the vulnerabilities.
I saw here that the current minor for 16 is 16.4, so it wouldn't fix the vulnerability. For 17, the current minor is 17.0 so no point updating for 17. Even if we stay in 15, it says there the current minor is 15.8 which doesn't fix the vulnerabilities either.
Does this mean that Azure does not support minor version 16.6? Or at least 15.9? Any suggestions on how to proceed to fix these security vulnerabilities?
Thank you.