Are you passing the header Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Region while using the regional endpoint Regional endpoint forces the request to be handled by that geography mentioned in the URI. In this case it is NAM.
It is recommended to use the URI if the resource is created in Australia region to avoid request being handled by other geographies.
When we sign up a Microsoft Trranslator service for a specific region but the translation request URL is of a different geography, the translation requests will be served based on specific region or geography?
While creating a Microsoft Translator Service, we can opt for a specific region instead of global and pass the in the header section as value for key 'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Region'.
As per this link (, if we have the region as 'global' then we can use geographical based URL to force the translation requests being served the corresponding data center region.
If we select region as 'australiaeast' while creating the translator service and use base URL as '' (United States), currently the translation requests are getting processed successfully.
However, we need to know whether these translation requests are being served from 'australiaeast' or '' region. Please confirm.
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romungi-MSFT 48,411 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
1 Jun 2020, 10:34 am