We have created a enterprise windows app and it needs certain capabilities like shared user certificates, Private network etc... This app will be used within our organization.
When we submit this app to stores, certification fails with the following error, please let us know how to proceed. Ideally we will need a exception as this app is not a public app similar to a private store submission (as a private store app gets certified but not as a LOB (Line of Business app)).
Following is the error:
App manifest
• Error Found: The app manifest test detected the following errors:
• The Application cannot include an ApplicationContentUriRule with 'all' or 'allowForWebOnly' WindowsRuntimeAccess while any of the following capabilities are enabled: enterpriseAuthentication, sharedUserCertificates, musicLibrary, picturesLibrary, videosLibrary, removableStorage, documentLibrary, internetClientServer, privateNetworkClientServer.
• Impact if not fixed: Apps that violate the Microsoft Store certification requirements can’t be submitted to the Microsoft Store.
Thanks, Appreciate your hel[