openai.AuthenticationError: Error code: 401 - {'statusCode': 401, 'message': 'Unauthorized. Access token is missing, invalid, audience is incorrect (, or have expired.'}
I am trying to run the following code. I have obtained the key and endpoint from my free azure subscription after creating openai resource (see image). I downloaded the code from microsoft page to access api and test it with code below. I checked that…
Making Outbound Connections from an Azure APIM Instance in a Private Subnet
An Azure API Management (APIM) instance is deployed in a private subnet and is publicly accessible through Azure Application Gateway. What are the recommended methods to establish outbound connections to a public backend API from this private APIM…
Issue with Invocation to Python Services in Dapr
Dear Microsoft Dapr Support Team, I hope this message finds you well. I am encountering an issue when attempting to invoke Python services using Dapr. The following error is appearing: java Copy code code Upon investigating, it seems this error occurs…
New-AzApiManagementSubscription doesn't seems to work
Hi, I try to use in my Pwoershell script command : New-AzApiManagementSubscription to create a sunscription and add it to a Prodcut, but when I try it with different paramaters/syntax: CreateResult = New-AzApiManagementSubscription ` -Context…
Options for connecting public api with on-premise API
Hi, I have question on connecting my Primary API to Secondary API in on-premise network. Currently, Both the Primary and Secondary API are hosted in on-premise network. I want to host the Primary API on Azure so that it can be publicly accessible to…
How to create a client_assertion
Hi There, I'm using MS Entra RESTAPI to authenticate and extract People information. I have this working with a client secret. I need to now authenticate using a certificate. I need support on creating a client_assertion. I have…
Testing APIM API is giving null response when 200 ok
Hi Team, We have multiple APIs managed by APIM when test APIs by powershell it returns null response for 200 status code but we could see these there is some response for 401s. What could be the reason and how to fix it. Thanks venkatesh.k
How to Count Operations Across All APIs in Azure API Management Using Policies?
Hi, I need to create an Azure API Management (APIM) policy that returns the count of operations across all APIs. I already have a policy that gives me the names of all APIs and another that returns the operation count for a specific API. However, I’m…
When will APIM workspaces be available in Azure West Europe
When will APIM workspaces be available in Azure West Europe
the launch plan of APIM V2 tier in Azure China
I wanted to confirm the launch plan of APIM V2 tier (which is already available in Azure Global) in Azure China, thank you very much.
Azure APIM get-authorization-context returns cached expired token
I have a credential provider with two connections setup identically, however the original connection began to return an expired token a month ago and has been doing that ever since with the exact same issued and expiration date of when this problem first…
Unable to set API Management Min API version
Hi, I am trying to set the apiVersionConstraint minApiVersion property for my APIM instance to satisfy the security concern; "API Management minimum API version should be set to 2019-12-01 or higher". I am provisioning my APIM instance with…
API Management string in payload encoding
I have an API that accepts JSON and transforms to XML for the backend calls using Liquid transformation as sample payload below - Input Payload from the client { "userPriority": "Medium", "area": "Safety &…
Trace is not available because response does not contain Apim-Trace-Id header.
Observing when I select Test-> Trace: "Trace is not available because response does not contain Apim-Trace-Id header."
getting LoggerId must be specified., Target= loggerId forAzApiManagementDiagnostic
getting the below error for New-AzApiManagementDiagnostic: Error Details: [Code= ValidationError, Message= LoggerId must be specified., Target= loggerId] below is the code have replaced ResourceGroupName,ServiceName,LoggerId with dummy value…
Issue with Token Validation Across Multiple App Registrations (ClientID & ClientSecret)
We are experiencing an issue where tokens issued for one app registration (app.registration-1) can be used to access APIs of other app registrations (app.registration-2, app.registration-3). Specifically, we are using the clientId and clientSecret from…
How to troubleshoot API Not Found errors (404) in Azure API Management
Hello, I am experiencing API Not Found (404) errors in Azure API Management. I have noticed that the logs are capturing URLs that are not configured in APIM. Can someone help me figure out what operations these URLs belong to, as well as offer…
How to loop over audiences in APIM
I am using the client credentials flow to generate a token and leveraging APIM to validate it. Instead of using a hardcoded audience, I call an API to retrieve a list of audiences dynamically. Now, I need to add multiple audiences inside the…
Dynamic 'kid' Usage in Azure APIM Validate-JWT Policy
We currently use hardcoded exponent and modulus values within the
Microsoft.Solutions.ArmApiControl POST not Working
The below snippet stopped working. It is used in generating Template Spec UI definition. The "POST" method , stopped working and it is not returning any value , braking the Template Spec custom UI. We there any recent changes? { …