503 server is unavailable even after successful deployment
We have deployed a LLM application in web app service. the deployment was successful, but when we tested the url. it is throwing "503 server is unavailable". The libraries used in the app is as…
Static Web App - incomplete upload due to storage quota or error - how to debug?
I have a Hugo static web app, that upload only part of the website. I think it might be due to the storage quota applied (aka 250MB for a static web app). I will try to reduce, but how can one check what the current storage size is on the static…
POST API Call Failing with 405 Error in Azure Static Web Apps
A Blazor WebAssembly app is configured to connect to a SQL database following the guidance in this article: How to host static web apps. The API status is healthy, and GET calls work as expected. However, POST calls to add records to the database return…
Application error after deploying azure open ai code to azure web app
Hi, My azure open ai web app chatbot is working fine before today. So today, I'm doing some minor changes to the code. Compile and run locally and the chatbot works fine. Then I deploy it to existing web app in Azure successfully. But after a while when…
SWA CLI - Deploying web app does not push the files to the actual site
I am attempting to use the SWA CLI to push code to a static web app (mainly because the free tier of devops is currently locked until the new year) however it does not appear to be working correctly for me. My website is a simple index.html file with…
cannot delete webapp and app service plan
I attempted to delete the RG where I have deployed my vnet, app service plan and web app. the delete operation completed but the app service plan and web app were still present afterwards. subsequent deletion of the web app / app service gave the…
403 error allocated to /24 prefix from ISP
Hi. We have issues with connectivity to multiple sites hosted to Azure services; however, we have noticed the issues are associated to /24 preffix(Colombia), and no other preffixes. Specific error: Microsoft-Azure-Application-Gateway/v2 Regards.
HELP!!!: Unable to Restore Primary Account/Tenant Following Accidental Deletion of Admin - Azure Portal
Hi team, regrettable i made the mistake of deleting my global admin from my primary azure portal about ten days back. Since then i have attempted to set up a new account/tenant with the same email address as I read this is a potential way to retrieve the…
unable to validate a domain
I have added a static web app. All works with azure generated domain. I have a a custom domain hosted outside AZURE where i need to manually create records. Based on documentation I should create either CNAME or TXT record for my custom domain which i…
Static webapp problem - No reply address provided
I am hosting an Angular Single Page Application (SPA) on Azure Static Web Apps, and I am trying to enable Azure Active Directory (AAD) authentication for the front-end. Despite configuring the app registration and Azure Static Web App settings,…
Change Deployment configuration option in Static Web App
I am the owner of an existing static web app which is deployed with a github action. I have moved the source repository to a different github organisation repo and now need to use the existing deployment token. The token is available to the github…
I have migrated my SQL database and web app to azure database and web app services successfully while running the domain the login page shows proper but when i am inserting data and clicking on submit it give error : Named Pipes Provider, error: 40
I have migrated my SQL database and web app to azure database and web app services successfully while running the domain the login page shows proper but when i am inserting data and clicking on submit it give Error: A network-related or instance-specific…
Serving a .exe file from my static web app using vue.js
When I try serve a .exe file I get error code 500. How can I handle this
AFD mapping to environment stopped working
My sites have both a production and a preview environment. I have an AFD setup with https://preview.nkdagility.com and it was working with and "origin host header" set to a specific environment. Just last week however it stopped working and…
Managed functions not registering when deployed
SWA was working fine last year. Stepped away from development for a while. Came back to it and pushed some changes out. Deployment succeeded with no errors but SWA says I have no functions now. Pipeline is DevOps... No errors in the pipeline, but the…
Empty Web App Creation "Deployment is in progress" - running for more than an hour
I am trying to create a web app. First I tried one with Python runtime and then with .NET. The deployment is not getting created. It is showing "Deployment is in progress" and it is running for more than 1 hour now. I did not try deploying my…
Security wave regarding Identity Provider for Azure Web Apps
Quick question that I will appreciate clarification, regarding this security push and moving to managed identities, in the case of the identity provider for a azure web app, how can this be implemented since it uses OAuth2? Can I workaround and use…
"The requested content does not exist" on routes other then / - React app as Static Website
So the React app I created works fine locally. Then I created a storage account, enabled static website and deployed build folder to $web. And it works on a first sight, but when I click anything that goes to another route, like /car/eleanor it shows the…
Login deployment problem
I hope this message finds you well. My name is Andrei, and I am currently a student working on the deployment of several projects on Azure. I am reaching out to seek guidance regarding an issue I am encountering with the deployment of these…
Static Web Apps Tutorial: Error from Git:Push operation - Installing nodejs
I'm walking through the tutorial "Add an API to Azure Static Web Apps with Azure Functions": https://zcusa.951200.xyz/en-us/azure/static-web-apps/add-api?tabs=vanilla-javascript I'm able to run the app locally but am getting an error at…