Migrate unmanaged disks to managed disks
Hi, I have a VM in Azure with unmanaged disks (OS - 152 GB, datadisk 1 - 512GB and datadisk 2 - 1023GB), static IP, and as end of support for unmanaged disks will end this year, I need to migrate these disks to managed disks but I have some questions. I…
Expanding an OS disk on an Azure VM without losing data
I need to expand the disk that is hosting OS on Azure VM without losing data
I need to Resize disk space on OS DISK
i need to resize my OS disk from 127 GB to 252 GB , how to proceed
Can i recover blob file from Azure Storage blob in container, if soft delete is not is turned on
ive accidentaly deleted nessecery file (.xlsx extension), is there any way to recover it?
Adding disk to Azure vm
Hello, We converted a bunch of vmdk to vhd fixed-disks and uploaded to Azure within the same resource group and region of the target virtual machines using Storage Explorer. When I go to the virtual machine and click attach disk, I do not see the disks…
Is it possible to extract a report on Azure showing the overall data stored vs provisioned storage?
Hi, Is it possible to extract a report on Azure showing the overall data stored vs provisioned storage?
How can I download files from a disabled VM?
I had a VM on a student account. The credits finished and now i can't download the files. How can i do it? I can't start the VM so i can't use SSH
Unable to Manage Additional Disk on Azure VM
I am facing an issue with an additional disk (/dev/sdb1) on my Azure VM. While the disk is visible and mounted within the VM (/mnt/mydisk), it does not appear under the Disks section in the Azure Portal or the associated with my VM and Resource Group.…
Failed to update disk 'Disk Name'. Error: Change in disk property of VM of size 'Standard_A8m_v2' is not supported.
Failed to update disk 'disk name'. Error: Change in disk property of VM of size 'Standard_A8m_v2' is not supported.
size of the active disk VM
Greetings colleagues, please tell me how to reduce the size of the active disk from 127 GB to 256 GB, I try to change the size, but a warning is displayed that (the disk must be disabled or the managed virtual machines are freed) - I do not understand…
Azure Disk Encryption or EncryptionAtHost
Hello, I have defender recommendation "Windows virtual machines should enable Azure Disk Encryption or EncryptionAtHost" Anyone know if we do this, there are any extra cost?
My D drive has gone missing
My D drive went missing after I opened Task Manger and stopped a task I believe it was EC-ROM I have removed and reinstalled the internal harddrive and rescanned my disk and It still does not show up.
Azure Shared Disk Permissions and Visibility
I have the following scenario: I have one VM which has Azure Managed Disks created and attached to it. It is a shared disk i.e. "Enable shared disk" checked. I additionally have Azure Virtual Desktop infrastructure. This shared disk is…
Finding Azure VM and Disk throughput performance.
I have this alert on the Azure disk blade on some of our VM's: "The configuration of this virtual machine and its attached disk(s) does not allow for the disk(s) to utilize their full throughput performance. The current virtual machine size…
Azure capacity of s and non-s instances
There are many pairs of VM type that vary only in presence of lack of s, such as D4d_v5 and D4ds_v5. s indicates support for premium storage. The instances always seem to be same price with or without s. Let's assume I don't care about premium storage.…
I'm getting unknown charges for Premium SSD Managed Disks in Azure
I am getting unknown charges of Premium SSD Managed Disks in Azure, it seems they are coming from Azure Machine Learning, I have already deleted it and all the resources it generated, I have read on forums that the disks should be deleted, but I have…
Strategies to Reduce Premium SSD LRS Storage Costs for Azure VMs
Hello Community, We’re looking for the best ways to manage and reduce our Premium SSD LRS storage fees for our Azure VMs. While Premium SSD offers great performance, the associated storage costs have become a significant part of our budget. Has anyone…
How to move a disk or snapshot to another Region? In my case I would want to move a disk or snapshot from East US to West US
I am trying to move a disk or snapshot from the East US to the West US. I've made several attempts, including creating a snapshot of the disk and copying it to another region. I tried the incremental snapshot create and copy too, but failed also. Any…
Azure Migration Storage
I have migrated a VM from on-premises to Azure VM using the Azure Migration service. After doing so, I wanted to cleanup and remove the migration resources. I was able to remove everything with the exception of the migration storage and disk resources.…
Best Practices and Recommendations for Handling Unallocated Storage on Azure Virtual Desktops (AVDs)
Description of Issue: We have observed that additional storage purchased or selected during the creation of Azure Virtual Desktops (AVDs) is not automatically allocated to any drive. This has led to challenges in utilizing the extra storage effectively,…