MAUI Migration - Xamarin.Android.Common.targets error XA4215
I have an app I migrated from Xamarin.Android to .NET MAUI Android. I am getting the following error. I don't understand why, as the app is MAUI so why would anything Xamarin show up? (Xamarin.Android.Common.Targets - what is this? I can't find it on…
Called multiple times
I have a turbine service that fetches data from a database, obviously I check for internet public event Action NoInternet = delegate { }; private const string collectionName = AppConstants.COLLECTIONNAME; private readonly IFirestoreService…
Is it possible in .net Maui to get access to the current binding for a bindableproperty?
I want to be able to access the binding for a bindable property not the bound value the BindingBase that was created that controls the binding process. Specifically I want to get the path that was specified when the binding was created (usually in…
SSO between app registrations - failing on iOS
Hello, I am attempting to make use of the tenant-level access that auth tokens have by default within B2C so that we are not passing tokens around between app registrations. On android devices, this works out of the box when navigating between apps, not…
test return value after executing NavigateToAsync command
The following code works perfectly. but now I want to test the value returned in a global variable. (this is an inventory system with a multi column checklist page that calls and populates the infopagemodel when I tap an item/line , so that I can…
MAUI: Serilog log file is not creating
I am trying to write all log details to a file and send that to our server using an API. I am using Serilog for this. I did below steps: Installed Serilog, Serilog.Extensions.Logging and Serilog.Sinks.File. MAUIProgram.cs added below code: public static…
In MAUI it will re-open my APP when I quit and open another app
in MAUI Platform IOS: I open my app and open Page1 and then tab the screen to open another APP and then quit that APP then return to my APP the Page1 is disappeared and it is the home page. does it closed and re-open? how to keep the Page1(or other…
how to read cross stich pattern file ?
how to read cross stitch parttern file ? I have cross stitch file but it can not upload it here it is .xsd (or .xsp) files?
Firebase crashlytics not listing any crashes did from MAUI mobile app
I did below steps to Set Up Firebase Crashlytics in my .NET MAUI app. Created a new project in firebase console and added android and ios project. Downloaded the google-services.json file and GoogleService-Info.plist file and added it on the project.…
MAUI: How to close Communitytoolkit.Maui.Views PopUp page from Content View page
I am using the .NET Community toolkit for the Popup page. The opening and closing are working fine for the popup page from the Content page. But I am unable to close the popup page from the Content View page. I used the Close(); to close the popup page…
Firebase crashlytics not listing any crashes did from MAUI mobile app
I did below steps to Set Up Firebase Crashlytics in my .NET MAUI app. Created a new project in firebase console and added android and ios project. Downloaded the google-services.json file and GoogleService-Info.plist file and added it on the project. (I…
flayout navigation - how to deal with rasing memory?
Hi, I used flayout navigation. when navigate beween pages it consume alot of memory. In net 8. Not relase the previous page. Does to use GC.Collect()? Is allowed ? Thanks, public void Navigate(string navigateTo) { if (navigateTo ==…
.NET MAUI getting error on Android : Error inflating class android.widget.TextView
In .NET MAUI getting below error only for android when i try to show snackbar (maui toolkit) : Java.Lang.RuntimeException Binary XML file line #26 in it.test.App:layout/design_layout_snackbar_include: Binary XML file line #26 in…
Maui app in mac using VS Code stop working
Hi, Maui app in mac using VS Code stop working. I got this error. Using .Net 8.
Android arm emulator devices give confusing errors and won't start
Am trying to build .Net Maui app on new Surface Laptop with Snapdragon (ARM64) processor and Windows 11 Pro. If I install any arm device via Android Device Manager in VS 2022 (eg Pixel 7 - API 35), when I click "Start" I get an immediate error:…
How to show Clusters of Pins are in .net maui iOS?
I have a Xamarin code which create cluster of Pins in the map. But the same code in maui is not working. In Xamarin I have create cluster using MapRenderer and it worked. But After migrating MapRenderer to MapHandler. Some methods are missing in which is…
I have a question about Google Play’s app account deletion requirements
I found this on Google support: The User Data policy's Account Deletion Requirement means that: All developers must complete new Data deletion questions in the Data safety form on the App content page (Policy > App content) in Play Console. If your…
Maui app in mac - how usb names behaves in MAC
Hi, I would like to know if the USB has consistent names when i insert them to all kinds of MAC computers. The USBs mount to folders and i want to show only the inserted USB in c# using this code: DriveInfo[] drives = DriveInfo.GetDrives().Where(drive…
Some of the items size in collectionview is not aligned with values provided, How to fix this
I am capturing images and adding it to CollectionView. Sometimes 1st,3rd,5th,7th,9th images are changing in size after capturing 2nd,4th,8th,10th images. Below the code I am using <CollectionView ItemsSource="{Binding Model.CapturedImages}"…
Java.Lang.ClassNotFoundException Didn't find class "androidx.core.splashscreen.SplashScreen" on path: DexPathList
I get the following error in Activity1.cs in my Android project: protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { AndroidX.Core.SplashScreen.SplashScreen.InstallSplashScreen(this); Java.Lang.ClassNotFoundException Message=Didn't find class…