Customer Management Service Operations
The Customer Management service defines the following service operations.
Service Operation | Description | Request Limits |
AddAccount | Creates a new account within an existing customer. | 1 Account |
AddClientLinks | Initiates the client link process to manage the accounts of another customer. | 10 ClientLink |
DeleteAccount | Deletes an account. | 1 AccountId |
DeleteCustomer | Deletes a customer. | 1 CustomerId |
DeleteUser | Deletes a user. | 1 UserId |
DismissNotifications | A service operation to dismiss notifications. | 1 NotificationTypePairs |
FindAccounts | Gets a list of accounts owned by the specified customer that match the specified filter criteria. | 1 CustomerId |
FindAccountsOrCustomersInfo | Gets a list of the accounts and customers that match the specified filter criteria. | Not applicable. |
GetAccount | Gets the details of an account. | 1 AccountId |
GetAccountPilotFeatures | Gets a list of the feature pilot IDs that are enabled for an ad account. | 1 AccountId |
GetAccountsInfo | Gets the identifiers, names, and numbers of accounts that are accessible from the specified customer. | 1 CustomerId |
GetCustomer | Gets the details of a customer. | 1 CustomerId |
GetCustomerPilotFeatures | Gets a list of the feature pilot IDs that are enabled for all ad accounts owned by a customer (manager account). | 1 CustomerId |
GetCustomersInfo | Gets the identifiers and names of customers that are accessible to the current authenticated user. | Not applicable. |
GetLinkedAccountsAndCustomersInfo | Gets the customer and account hierarchy under the specified customer. | 1 CustomerId |
GetNotifications | Gets a list of notification objects. | N/A. |
GetUser | Gets the details of a user. | 1 UserId |
GetUserMFAStatus | Used to estimate adoption of multi-factor authentication (MFA) by users of your application. | Not applicable. |
GetUsersInfo | Gets a list of objects that contains user identification information, for example the user name and identifier of the user. | 1 CustomerId |
SearchAccounts | Searches for accounts that match the request criteria. | 1 Predicates |
SearchClientLinks | Searches for the client links for the customer of the current authenticated user, filtered by the search criteria. | 1 Predicates |
SearchCustomers | Searches for customers that match the request criteria. | 10 Predicates |
SearchUserInvitations | Searches for user invitations that match the request criteria. | 1 Predicates |
SendUserInvitation | Sends an email invitation for a user to sign up for Microsoft Advertising. | 1 UserInvitation |
SignupCustomer | Creates a new customer and account. | 1 Customer 1 Account 1 UserInvitation |
UpdateAccount | Updates the details of the specified account. | 1 Account |
UpdateClientLinks | Updates the status of the specified client links. | 10 ClientLink |
UpdateCustomer | Updates the details of the specified customer. | 1 Customer |
UpdateUser | Updates the personal and business contact information about a Microsoft Advertising user. | 1 User |
UpdateUserRoles | Updates the roles of the specified user. | 1 NewRoleId 1 UserId |
ValidateAddress | Determines whether or not the submitted address is valid for Microsoft Advertising accounts. | 1 Address |