UWP Web view get blinks one time after loading

Nimalika 21 Reputation points

How can we fix web view blink issue?

XAML code

util:WebViewCustomProperties.HtmlContent="{Binding CourseDescription}"

WebViewCustomProperties Class

// "HtmlContent" attached property for a WebView		
public static readonly DependencyProperty HtmlContentProperty =
           DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("HtmlContent", typeof(string), typeof(WebViewCustomProperties), new PropertyMetadata("", OnHtmlHtmlContentChanged));

// Getter and Setter		
public static string GetHtmlContent(DependencyObject obj) { return (string)obj.GetValue(HtmlContentProperty); }
public static void SetHtmlContent(DependencyObject obj, string value) { obj.SetValue(HtmlContentProperty, value); }

 // Handler for property changes in the DataContext : set the WebView		
private static void OnHtmlHtmlContentChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            WebView wv = d as WebView;
            if (wv != null)

Issue Video

web view blink issue

Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
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Accepted answer
  1. Richard Zhang-MSFT 6,936 Reputation points


    Welcome to our Microsoft Q&A platform!

    WebView page blink may be an animation issue. You can try to disable the transition animation between pages to solve.

    MyFrame.Navigate(typeof(WebViewPage), null, new SuppressNavigationTransitionInfo());

    If you like page animation, you can try another method:

    Create the WebView in code-behind

    protected async override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
        view = new WebView(WebViewExecutionMode.SameThread);
        var file = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/MyPage.html"));
        string content = await FileIO.ReadTextAsync(file);

    It can also fix the problem of page blink, you can choose as needed.


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