Send String type to Azure IoT Central.
Refer to "Connect ESP32 to Azure IoT Central" topic in (reference:, I followed the guidance and the result was fine. While I have managed to establish a connection between the ESP32 and IoT Central, I am facing a challenge in creating a String type to Azure IoT Central such as "Hello". Could you please guide me on how to modify the code for this purpose? The primary script I am working with is named 'Azure_IoT_PnP_Template.cpp', which I have included below for reference.
Please see in 'textmsg' variable and 'rc = az_json_writer_append_string(&jw, textmsg)'.
I have already tested and found that this code can not be complied.
Additionally, I would greatly appreciate your guidance on how to develop or modify the code. Your support is invaluable to me, and I am sincerely grateful for your assistance.
static int generate_telemetry_payload(
uint8_t* payload_buffer,
size_t payload_buffer_size,
size_t* payload_buffer_length)
az_json_writer jw;
az_result rc;
az_span payload_buffer_span = az_span_create(payload_buffer, payload_buffer_size);
az_span json_span;
float temperature, humidity, light, pressure, altitude;
int32_t magneticFieldX, magneticFieldY, magneticFieldZ;
int32_t pitch, roll, accelerationX, accelerationY, accelerationZ;
String textmsg = "Hello";
// Acquiring the simulated data.
temperature = simulated_get_temperature();
humidity = simulated_get_humidity();
light = simulated_get_ambientLight();
simulated_get_pressure_altitude(&pressure, &altitude);
simulated_get_magnetometer(&magneticFieldX, &magneticFieldY, &magneticFieldZ);
simulated_get_pitch_roll_accel(&pitch, &roll, &accelerationX, &accelerationY, &accelerationZ);
rc = az_json_writer_init(&jw, payload_buffer_span, NULL);
EXIT_IF_AZ_FAILED(rc, RESULT_ERROR, "Failed initializing json writer for telemetry.");
rc = az_json_writer_append_begin_object(&jw);
EXIT_IF_AZ_FAILED(rc, RESULT_ERROR, "Failed setting telemetry json root.");
rc = az_json_writer_append_property_name(&jw, AZ_SPAN_FROM_STR(TELEMETRY_PROP_NAME_TEMPERATURE));
rc, RESULT_ERROR, "Failed adding temperature property name to telemetry payload.");
rc = az_json_writer_append_double(&jw, temperature, DOUBLE_DECIMAL_PLACE_DIGITS);
rc, RESULT_ERROR, "Failed adding temperature property value to telemetry payload. ");
rc = az_json_writer_append_property_name(&jw, AZ_SPAN_FROM_STR(TELEMETRY_PROP_NAME_HUMIDITY));
EXIT_IF_AZ_FAILED(rc, RESULT_ERROR, "Failed adding humidity property name to telemetry payload.");
rc = az_json_writer_append_double(&jw, humidity, DOUBLE_DECIMAL_PLACE_DIGITS);
rc, RESULT_ERROR, "Failed adding humidity property value to telemetry payload. ");
rc = az_json_writer_append_property_name(&jw, AZ_SPAN_FROM_STR(TELEMETRY_PROP_NAME_LIGHT));
EXIT_IF_AZ_FAILED(rc, RESULT_ERROR, "Failed adding light property name to telemetry payload.");
rc = az_json_writer_append_double(&jw, light, DOUBLE_DECIMAL_PLACE_DIGITS);
EXIT_IF_AZ_FAILED(rc, RESULT_ERROR, "Failed adding light property value to telemetry payload.");
rc = az_json_writer_append_property_name(&jw, AZ_SPAN_FROM_STR(TELEMETRY_PROP_NAME_PRESSURE));
EXIT_IF_AZ_FAILED(rc, RESULT_ERROR, "Failed adding pressure property name to telemetry payload.");
rc = az_json_writer_append_double(&jw, pressure, DOUBLE_DECIMAL_PLACE_DIGITS);
rc, RESULT_ERROR, "Failed adding pressure property value to telemetry payload.");
rc = az_json_writer_append_property_name(&jw, AZ_SPAN_FROM_STR(TELEMETRY_PROP_NAME_PRESSURE));
EXIT_IF_AZ_FAILED(rc, RESULT_ERROR, "Failed adding pressure property name to telemetry payload.");
rc = az_json_writer_append_string(&jw, textmsg);
EXIT_IF_AZ_FAILED( rc, RESULT_ERROR, "Failed adding pressure property value to telemetry payload.");
rc = az_json_writer_append_property_name(&jw, AZ_SPAN_FROM_STR(TELEMETRY_PROP_NAME_ALTITUDE));
EXIT_IF_AZ_FAILED(rc, RESULT_ERROR, "Failed adding altitude property name to telemetry payload.");
rc = az_json_writer_append_double(&jw, altitude, DOUBLE_DECIMAL_PLACE_DIGITS);
rc, RESULT_ERROR, "Failed adding altitude property value to telemetry payload.");
rc = az_json_writer_append_property_name(
rc, RESULT_ERROR, "Failed adding magnetometer(X) property name to telemetry payload.");
rc = az_json_writer_append_int32(&jw, magneticFieldX);
rc, RESULT_ERROR, "Failed adding magnetometer(X) property value to telemetry payload.");
rc = az_json_writer_append_property_name(
rc, RESULT_ERROR, "Failed adding magnetometer(Y) property name to telemetry payload.");
rc = az_json_writer_append_int32(&jw, magneticFieldY);
rc, RESULT_ERROR, "Failed adding magnetometer(Y) property value to telemetry payload.");
rc = az_json_writer_append_property_name(
rc, RESULT_ERROR, "Failed adding magnetometer(Z) property name to telemetry payload.");
rc = az_json_writer_append_int32(&jw, magneticFieldZ);
rc, RESULT_ERROR, "Failed adding magnetometer(Z) property value to telemetry payload.");
rc = az_json_writer_append_property_name(&jw, AZ_SPAN_FROM_STR(TELEMETRY_PROP_NAME_PITCH));
EXIT_IF_AZ_FAILED(rc, RESULT_ERROR, "Failed adding pitch property name to telemetry payload.");
rc = az_json_writer_append_int32(&jw, pitch);
EXIT_IF_AZ_FAILED(rc, RESULT_ERROR, "Failed adding pitch property value to telemetry payload.");
rc = az_json_writer_append_property_name(&jw, AZ_SPAN_FROM_STR(TELEMETRY_PROP_NAME_ROLL));
EXIT_IF_AZ_FAILED(rc, RESULT_ERROR, "Failed adding roll property name to telemetry payload.");
rc = az_json_writer_append_int32(&jw, roll);
EXIT_IF_AZ_FAILED(rc, RESULT_ERROR, "Failed adding roll property value to telemetry payload.");
rc = az_json_writer_append_property_name(
rc, RESULT_ERROR, "Failed adding acceleration(X) property name to telemetry payload.");
rc = az_json_writer_append_int32(&jw, accelerationX);
rc, RESULT_ERROR, "Failed adding acceleration(X) property value to telemetry payload.");
rc = az_json_writer_append_property_name(
rc, RESULT_ERROR, "Failed adding acceleration(Y) property name to telemetry payload.");
rc = az_json_writer_append_int32(&jw, accelerationY);
rc, RESULT_ERROR, "Failed adding acceleration(Y) property value to telemetry payload.");
rc = az_json_writer_append_property_name(
rc, RESULT_ERROR, "Failed adding acceleration(Z) property name to telemetry payload.");
rc = az_json_writer_append_int32(&jw, accelerationZ);
rc, RESULT_ERROR, "Failed adding acceleration(Z) property value to telemetry payload.");
rc = az_json_writer_append_end_object(&jw);
EXIT_IF_AZ_FAILED(rc, RESULT_ERROR, "Failed closing telemetry json payload.");
payload_buffer_span = az_json_writer_get_bytes_used_in_destination(&jw);
if ((payload_buffer_size - az_span_size(payload_buffer_span)) < 1)
LogError("Insufficient space for telemetry payload null terminator.");
payload_buffer[az_span_size(payload_buffer_span)] = null_terminator;
*payload_buffer_length = az_span_size(payload_buffer_span);
return RESULT_OK;