How to Read Meta-Tags of a MP4-File?

CodeGuy85 0 Reputation points

In Windows 11 you can modify Meta-Tags of MP4-Files. Are there libraries for .net core 8 web api available which are able to modify these? Is there a posibility to do that over API-Calls?

I already get to know to the library taglib but this one seems not cover alle my needs, I also can't read out the Subtitle.

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  1. Castorix31 85,451 Reputation points

    With Win32 API/Intefaces, it is done with IPropertyStore

    Test reading/writing Subtitle on a random .mp4 :

        string sFileName = @"E:\Phone265.mp4";
        IPropertyStore pPropertyStore = null;
        Guid PropertyStoreGuid = typeof(IPropertyStore).GUID;
        HRESULT hr = SHGetPropertyStoreFromParsingName(sFileName, IntPtr.Zero, GETPROPERTYSTOREFLAGS.GPS_READWRITE, ref PropertyStoreGuid, out pPropertyStore);
        if (hr == HRESULT.S_OK)
            var pv = new PROPVARIANT();
            hr = pPropertyStore.GetValue(PKEY_Title, out pv);
            if (hr == HRESULT.S_OK)
                string sTitle = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(pv.pwszVal);
                Console.WriteLine("Original Title : {0}", sTitle);
            hr = pPropertyStore.GetValue(PKEY_Media_SubTitle, out pv);
            if (hr == HRESULT.S_OK)
                string sSubTitle = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(pv.pwszVal);
                Console.WriteLine("Original SubTitle : {0}", sSubTitle);
            string sNewSubTitle = "New SubTitle";
            PROPVARIANT pvNewSubTitle = new PROPVARIANT();
            pvNewSubTitle.varType = (ushort)VARENUM.VT_LPWSTR;
            pvNewSubTitle.pwszVal = Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni(sNewSubTitle);
            hr = pPropertyStore.SetValue(PKEY_Media_SubTitle, pvNewSubTitle);
            if (hr == HRESULT.S_OK)
                hr = pPropertyStore.Commit();
            if (hr == HRESULT.S_OK)
                hr = pPropertyStore.GetValue(PKEY_Media_SubTitle, out pv);
                string sSubTitle = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(pv.pwszVal);
                Console.WriteLine("New SubTitle : {0}", sSubTitle);

    With declarations :

    public enum HRESULT : int
        S_OK = 0,
        S_FALSE = 1,
        E_NOINTERFACE = unchecked((int)0x80004002),
        E_NOTIMPL = unchecked((int)0x80004001),
        E_FAIL = unchecked((int)0x80004005),
        E_UNEXPECTED = unchecked((int)0x8000FFFFL)
    [DllImport("Shell32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    public static extern HRESULT SHGetPropertyStoreFromParsingName(string pszPath, IntPtr pbc, GETPROPERTYSTOREFLAGS flags, ref Guid iid, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] out IPropertyStore propertyStore);
        GPS_DEFAULT = 0,
        GPS_READWRITE = 0x2,
        GPS_TEMPORARY = 0x4,
        GPS_OPENSLOWITEM = 0x10,
        GPS_DELAYCREATION = 0x20,
        GPS_BESTEFFORT = 0x40,
        GPS_NO_OPLOCK = 0x80,
        GPS_MASK_VALID = 0x1FFF
    [ComImport, Guid("886D8EEB-8CF2-4446-8D02-CDBA1DBDCF99"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
    public interface IPropertyStore
        HRESULT GetCount([Out] out uint propertyCount);
        HRESULT GetAt([In] uint propertyIndex, [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Struct)] out PROPERTYKEY key);
        HRESULT GetValue([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Struct)] ref PROPERTYKEY key, [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Struct)] out PROPVARIANT pv);
        HRESULT SetValue([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Struct)] ref PROPERTYKEY key, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Struct)] ref PROPVARIANT pv);
        HRESULT Commit();
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
    public struct PROPERTYKEY
        private readonly Guid _fmtid;
        private readonly uint _pid;
        public PROPERTYKEY(Guid fmtid, uint pid)
            _fmtid = fmtid;
            _pid = pid;
    public static readonly PROPERTYKEY PKEY_Title = new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9"), 2);
    public static readonly PROPERTYKEY PKEY_Keywords = new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9"), 5);
    public static readonly PROPERTYKEY PKEY_Media_SubTitle = new PROPERTYKEY(new Guid("56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6"), 38);
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 0)]
    public struct PROPARRAY
        public UInt32 cElems;
        public IntPtr pElems;
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Pack = 1)]
    public struct PROPVARIANT
        public ushort varType;
        public ushort wReserved1;
        public ushort wReserved2;
        public ushort wReserved3;
        public byte bVal;
        public sbyte cVal;
        public ushort uiVal;
        public short iVal;
        public UInt32 uintVal;
        public Int32 intVal;
        public UInt64 ulVal;
        public Int64 lVal;
        public float fltVal;
        public double dblVal;
        public short boolVal;
        public IntPtr pclsidVal; // GUID ID pointer  
        public IntPtr pszVal; // Ansi string pointer  
        public IntPtr pwszVal; // Unicode string pointer  
        public IntPtr punkVal; // punkVal (interface pointer)  
        public PROPARRAY ca;
        public System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME filetime;
    public enum VARENUM
        VT_EMPTY = 0,
        VT_NULL = 1,
        VT_I2 = 2,
        VT_I4 = 3,
        VT_R4 = 4,
        VT_R8 = 5,
        VT_CY = 6,
        VT_DATE = 7,
        VT_BSTR = 8,
        VT_DISPATCH = 9,
        VT_ERROR = 10,
        VT_BOOL = 11,
        VT_VARIANT = 12,
        VT_UNKNOWN = 13,
        VT_DECIMAL = 14,
        VT_I1 = 16,
        VT_UI1 = 17,
        VT_UI2 = 18,
        VT_UI4 = 19,
        VT_I8 = 20,
        VT_UI8 = 21,
        VT_INT = 22,
        VT_UINT = 23,
        VT_VOID = 24,
        VT_HRESULT = 25,
        VT_PTR = 26,
        VT_SAFEARRAY = 27,
        VT_CARRAY = 28,
        VT_USERDEFINED = 29,
        VT_LPSTR = 30,
        VT_LPWSTR = 31,
        VT_RECORD = 36,
        VT_INT_PTR = 37,
        VT_UINT_PTR = 38,
        VT_FILETIME = 64,
        VT_BLOB = 65,
        VT_STREAM = 66,
        VT_STORAGE = 67,
        VT_STREAMED_OBJECT = 68,
        VT_STORED_OBJECT = 69,
        VT_BLOB_OBJECT = 70,
        VT_CF = 71,
        VT_CLSID = 72,
        VT_BSTR_BLOB = 0xfff,
        VT_VECTOR = 0x1000,
        VT_ARRAY = 0x2000,
        VT_BYREF = 0x4000,
        VT_RESERVED = 0x8000,
        VT_ILLEGAL = 0xffff,
        VT_ILLEGALMASKED = 0xfff,
        VT_TYPEMASK = 0xfff
    1 person found this answer helpful.

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