Vulnerabilities not displaying in Defender for IOT.
We have recently launched Defender for IOT with some sensors at a site. If I go directly to the sensor I can run a risk report, which shows a few vulnerabilities. When I go to the Azure Portal-Defender for IOT- Workbooks- Vulnerabilities nothing will display even when the subscription is selected. The error message is "This query could not run because some parameters are not set. Please set: Severity". When I go into Severity then it just allows me to select all.
We have even tried to simplify the query but this comes back with nothing.
iotsecurityresources | where type == "microsoft.iotsecurity/locations/devicegroups/vulnerabilities" | take 10
iotsecurityresources | where type contains "vulnerabilities" | take 10
My thoughts are that the data is not going to a log somewhere but how do I check that and how do I fix this?