I am facing an issue while trying to log information in the score.py
(scoring script) during online endpoint deployment.
I’ve been able to log information in the init
function, but I cannot log anything in the run
Below is my code:
connection_string = os.getenv("CONNECTION_STRING")
# Set up custom JSON formatter for logging
fmt = JsonFormatter("%(levelname)%(asctime)%(message)%(filename)%(funcName)%(lineno)") # type: ignore[no-untyped-call]
# Set up a stream handler to output logs to stdout
sh = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
sh.setFormatter(fmt=fmt) # Apply the custom JSON formatter to the stream handler
# Configure the root logger
logging.basicConfig(handlers=[sh], level=logging.INFO)
# Create a logger object for the current module
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Set the logging level to INFO for this logger
# Add the stream handler to the logger
# Set up an Azure Log Handler to send logs to Azure Application Insights
azure_handler = AzureLogHandler(connection_string=APPICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING)
logger.addHandler(azure_handler) # Add the Azure log handler to the logger
workflow_name = os.getenv("WORKFLOW_NAME")
custom_dimensions = {"workflow_name": workflow_name}
def init() -> None:
logger.info(f"connection string: {connection_string}", extra={"custom_dimensions": custom_dimensions})
"""Initalize the scoring process"""
global model # noqa: PLW0603
global input_schema # noqa: PLW0603
# "model" is the path of the mlflow artifacts when the model was registered. For automl
# models, this is generally "mlflow-model".
model_path = Path(os.getenv("AZUREML_MODEL_DIR") or "") / "model"
model = mlflow.pyfunc.load_model(model_path)
input_schema = model.metadata.get_input_schema()
def run(raw_data: str | bytes) -> str:
raw_data (str | bytes): _description_
Exception: _description_
str: _description_
# Parse incoming JSON data
logger.info(f"raw data: {raw_data}", extra={"custom_dimensions": custom_dimensions})
json_data = json.loads(raw_data)
if "input_data" not in json_data:
msg = "Request must contain a top level key named 'input_data'"
raise Exception(msg) # noqa: TRY002
# Initializing model prediction
serving_input = {"dataframe_split": json_data["input_data"]}
data = infer_and_parse_data(serving_input, input_schema)
predictions = model.predict(data)
# Return JSON-formatted predictions
result = StringIO()
predictions_to_json(predictions, result)
return result.getvalue()
Is there a way to log information in the run
function? Do I need to reconfigure the logger or use a different approach?