Azure Migrate from Hyper-V to Azure Stack HCI 23h2

Giovanni Luca Matera 106 Reputation points


I have install Azure Stack HCI 23H2 composed two nodes.

In my configuration I have 2 Resouce Group one were I put the object of Cluster (AzureHCI) and other were i Create the VM (VMClusterAzureHCI).

Now I migrate two VM from Hyper-V to Azure Stack HCI. One i migrate in resouce group AzureHCI an other in VMClusterAzureHCI.

The Migrate proccess finish without error, the Virtual Machine work but I can't manage this VM from Azure portal

User's image

So I try to Enable Guest Management but don' work

User's image

this is the error

User's image

now i try to follow this article:

run this command az stack-hci-vm show --name "Win2022SQL" --resource-group "AzureHCI"

PS /home/admin> az stack-hci-vm show --name "Win2022SQL" --resource-group "AzureHCI"

Preview version of extension is enabled by default for extension installation now. Will be disabled in future release.

Please run 'az config set extension.dynamic_install_allow_preview=true or false' to config it specifically.

The command requires the extension stack-hci-vm. Do you want to install it now? The command will continue to run after the extension is installed. (Y/n): y

Run 'az config set extension.use_dynamic_install=yes_without_prompt' to allow installing extensions without prompt.

{- Installing ..

"attestationstatus": null,

"extendedLocation": {

"name": "/subscriptions/0d7c9f4f-aa44-4753-b002-495785106773/resourceGroups/AzureHCI/providers/Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations/ProjectLabHCI01",

"type": "CustomLocation"


"id": "/subscriptions/0d7c9f4f-aa44-4753-b002-495785106773/resourceGroups/AzureHCI/providers/Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/Win2022SQL/providers/Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/virtualMachineInstances/default",

"identity": null,

"name": "default",

"properties": {

"guestAgentInstallStatus": null,

"hardwareProfile": {

  "dynamicMemoryConfig": {

    "maximumMemoryMb": null,

    "minimumMemoryMb": null,

    "targetMemoryBuffer": null


  "memoryMb": 8192,

  "processors": 1,

  "virtualMachineGpUs": [],

  "vmSize": "Custom"


"httpProxyConfig": null,

"instanceView": {

  "vmAgent": {

    "statuses": [],

    "vmConfigAgentVersion": null



"networkProfile": {

  "networkInterfaces": [


      "id": "/subscriptions/0d7c9f4f-aa44-4753-b002-495785106773/resourceGroups/AzureHCI/providers/Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/networkInterfaces/Win2022SQL-7b4e",

      "resourceGroup": "AzureHCI"




"osProfile": {

  "adminPassword": null,

  "adminUsername": null,

  "computerName": "Win2022SQL",

  "linuxConfiguration": {

    "disablePasswordAuthentication": null,

    "provisionVmAgent": null,

    "provisionVmConfigAgent": true,

    "ssh": {

      "publicKeys": null



  "windowsConfiguration": {

    "enableAutomaticUpdates": null,

    "provisionVmAgent": false,

    "provisionVmConfigAgent": true,

    "ssh": {

      "publicKeys": null


    "timeZone": null



"provisioningState": "Failed",

"resourceUid": null,

"securityProfile": {

  "enableTpm": false,

  "securityType": null,

  "uefiSettings": {

    "secureBootEnabled": true



"status": {

  "errorCode": "rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = \"transport: Error while dialing: dial tcp: lookup ClusterHCI.LABHCI.local: Temporary failure in name resolution\"",

  "errorMessage": "rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = \"transport: Error while dialing: dial tcp: lookup ClusterHCI.LABHCI.local: Temporary failure in name resolution\"",

  "powerState": "Running",

  "provisioningStatus": null


"storageProfile": {

  "dataDisks": [


      "id": "/subscriptions/0d7c9f4f-aa44-4753-b002-495785106773/resourceGroups/AzureHCI/providers/Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/virtualHardDisks/Win2022SQL-datadisk-Win2022SQLDi-d5af",

      "resourceGroup": "AzureHCI"



      "id": "/subscriptions/0d7c9f4f-aa44-4753-b002-495785106773/resourceGroups/AzureHCI/providers/Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/virtualHardDisks/Win2022SQL-datadisk-DBDisk-6d24",

      "resourceGroup": "AzureHCI"



  "imageReference": {

    "id": null


  "osDisk": {

    "id": "/subscriptions/0d7c9f4f-aa44-4753-b002-495785106773/resourceGroups/AzureHCI/providers/Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/virtualHardDisks/Win2022SQL-OSdisk-Win2022SQL-dce5",

    "managedDisk": null,

    "osType": "Windows",

    "resourceGroup": "AzureHCI"


  "vmConfigStoragePathId": "/subscriptions/0d7c9f4f-aa44-4753-b002-495785106773/resourceGroups/AzureHCI/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/storagecontainers/VM01"


"vmId": "359bd360-9c3d-4181-b981-94db214c4b30"


"resourceGroup": "AzureHCI",

"systemData": {

"createdAt": "2024-10-11T13:07:58.947126+00:00",

"createdBy": "b8340c3b-9267-498f-b21a-15d5547fd85e",

"createdByType": "Application",

"lastModifiedAt": "2024-11-07T10:37:33.344400+00:00",

"lastModifiedBy": "",

"lastModifiedByType": "User"


"type": "microsoft.azurestackhci/virtualmachineinstances"


now i connect to the host of the cluster eand run this command: az stack-hci-vm update --name "Win2022SQL" --resource-group "AzureHCI" --enable-vm-config-agent true

User's image

How can I solve this issue?


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  1. Giovanni Luca Matera 106 Reputation points


    Microsoft help me to solve my issue. This is actions that I have follow.

    1. Update the cluster to version 10.2411.0.22 or later User's image
    2. Also after update i recived the errror so I have follow this istructions
    3. After this actions i update the cluster with success. but the problem to enable guest managemet persists
    4. So i run on both nodes of cluster this commands: repair-moc restart-service wssdagent restart-service mochostagent
    5. then i removed th e VM migrate from Custer and i repeat the migration. Then I have follow this instructions Now Guest management is Enabled User's image
    1 person found this answer helpful.

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