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Please find the confirmation from the Azure ExpressRoute product team below:
Question: In a non-VWAN hub'n'spoke setup, can I be sure that my GW Subnet UDRs are honored, even with FastPath enabled on the ER GW connection to my ER Direct Circuit?
- Yes, your UDRs on the GW subnet with FP enabled are honored.
Refer: https://zcusa.951200.xyz/en-us/azure/expressroute/about-fastpath#circuits
Question: Can I verify it in CLI somehow?
Yes, you can validate FastPath & UDRs via the route table with Azure PowerShell:
- FastPath:
Get-AzVirtualNetworkGateway -Name <GatewayName> -ResourceGroupName <ResourceGroupName> | Select-Object -ExpandProperty EnableFastPath - Command
will return True if FP is enabled. False if it's not.
- UDR: Retrieve the route table with
$routeTable = Get-AzRouteTable -Name <RouteTableName> -ResourceGroupName <ResourceGroupName>
list the routes & check to ensure your UDR is honored/present: $routeTable.Routes
Hope this clarifies,
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