@Allen Nugent I'm glad to see you were able to resolve your issue. Thanks for posting your solution so that others experiencing the same thing can easily reference this. Since the Microsoft Q&A community has a policy that the question author cannot accept their own answer, they can only accept answers by others, I'll repost your solution in case you'd like to Accept the answer.
. Issue:
You are unable to create workflow and encountering below error:
Unable to create flow. CloudDependencyPermission: This request is not authorized to perform this operation using this permission. Please grant workspace/registry read access to the source storage account.
You followed the below steps and that fixed the issue:
- You found the values of Key 1 and Key 2 for the blob storage and copied the Key 1 value.
- You then navigated to the "workspaceblobstore" in the Project page in AI Studio, edited the "Access details" pane, and pasted it into the "Account key" box.
- Then the deployment was succesful.
- Then you clicked on
View in Azure Portal.
You got a screen where you found the "permissions" dropdown under Settings > Shared access tokens. The Read permission was set, and you were able to select Write.
Please do not forget to "Accept the answer” and “up-vote”so that, this can be beneficial to other community members.