@Mateo Panesso Piedrahita Greetings!
Based on the information shared, I understand that you want to change the disk type [Standard HDD, Premium SSD or HDD] without building it from scratch and replicating the machine again.
Yes, it is possible to change the disk type. Ref doc: https://zcusa.951200.xyz/en-us/azure/site-recovery/vmware-azure-common-questions#can-i-change-the-managed-disk-type-after-a-machine-is-protected
In case of Azure-to-Azure replication, following steps applies:
- Go to Disks of the affected replicated machine and copy the replica disk name.
- Go to this replica of the managed disk.
- You might see a banner in Overview that says an SAS URL has been generated. Select this banner and cancel the export. Ignore this step if you don't see the banner.
- As soon as the SAS URL is revoked, go to Configuration for the managed disk. Increase the size so that Site Recovery supports the observed churn rate on the source disk.
Refer to: https://zcusa.951200.xyz/en-us/azure/site-recovery/azure-to-azure-troubleshoot-replication
Hope this answers your question. Please feel free to reply if you have further questions on this topic.
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