Hi @Yoav,
Welcome to Microsoft Q&A Platform. Thank you for reaching out & hope you are doing well.
We have received the following updates from the product team:
Q: The rule and aclID are not part of the rules I created in any of my NSGs nor are they part of the default NSG rules.
This is the placeholder value for the Acls which are not customer configured Acls and corresponding rules as platform rules.
These are some internal rules configured by various networking components and their functionality. Flows under this acl represent internal flows.
Q: I couldn't find any information elaborating on the rule and its purpose. I'm looking for additional info regarding this rule.
The product team is actively reviewing the Platform rules behavior in various scenarios and will provide an update in the public document soon.
Q: What traffic does it allow\block, should I expect to see malicious traffic blocked or is it simply traffic from Microsoft's infra?
This is Microsoft infrastructure traffic only.
If above is unclear and/or you are unsure about something add a comment below.
Please click 'Accept Answer' and 'upvote' if the above was helpful as this can be beneficial to other community members facing the same issues.
Sai Prasanna.