Welcome to the Microsoft Q&A Platform. Thank you for reaching out & I hope you are doing well.
Resource are grouped under Subscription and Resource groups - these are the logical groupings in Azure used to get or list resources.
I am not aware of any REST API to list NICs based on their subnet.
Instead, you can use Azure Resource Graph
| where type =~ 'microsoft.network/networkinterfaces'
| project id, ipConfigurations = properties.ipConfigurations
| mvexpand ipConfigurations
| project id, subnetId = tostring(ipConfigurations.properties.subnet.id)
| parse kind=regex subnetId with '/resourceGroups/' resourceGroup '/providers/Microsoft.Network' provider '/virtualNetworks/' virtualNetwork '/subnets/' subnet
| where virtualNetwork == "<NAMEOFVNETOFTHESUBNET>" and subnet == "<NAMEOFSUBNET>" and resourceGroup == "<NAMEOFRGOFTHESUBNET>"
| project id, virtualNetwork, subnet, resourceGroup
And directly download the results as a CSV File.
Kindly let us know if this helps or you need further assistance on this issue.
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