Is the delete action being attempted from a different client than the client experiencing the successful creating and modifying of files? Private endpoint access requires DNS configuration. I would suggest pinging the storage account container url from your clients to ensure all are resolving to the expected private endpoint ip address and there is network connectivity between the two if the intent is to avoid public endpoints. You could also enable diagnostic settings on the blob service of the storage account and check the logs in log analytics after trying the deletes again, to confirm the authentication type (storage access key).
Unable to Delete Files from Azure Storage Container
Reputation points
A storage account has been configured with multiple containers, and the access key is being used to manage data. While listing, creating, and modifying files works without issues, an error occurs when attempting to delete a file. The error message received is:
"name": null,
"message": "\"Authentication Failed. The SAS is not correct or expired or does not have the correct permission DELETE https://sa*********************************/test.txt\\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\\nRESPONSE 403: 403 This request is not authorized to perform this operation.\\nERROR CODE: AuthorizationFailure\\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\\n{\\n \\\"error\\\": {\\n \\\"code\\\": \\\"AuthorizationFailure\\\",\\n \\\"message\\\": \\\"This request is not authorized to perform this operation.\\\\nRequestId:586a19a1-e01f-0082-40aa-65133f000000\\\\nTime:2025-01-13T10:59:14.9809058Z\\\"\\n }\\n}\\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\\n\""
The storage account is accessed using a private endpoint, and since files can be added, there does not seem to be any issues with that. However, when the IP address is added to the firewall configuration of the storage account, the delete operation works.
What could be causing this issue?