It is not permitted to build and upload images to my acr
Dear AZ-ers,
My command and output:
az acr build --registry Azureosbus --image aks-store-demo/product-service:latest ./src/product-service/
Packing source code into tar to upload...
Excluding '.gitignore' based on default ignore rules
Uploading archived source code from '/tmp/build_archive_6b6ade686ad0478d88172e2f13306b47.tar.gz'...
Sending context (1023.062 KiB) to registry: Azureosbus...
TasksOperationsNotAllowed - ACR Tasks requests for the registry Azureosbus and e4000edc-50a0-4d8d-aac6-433a48b4c05d are not permitted. Please file an Azure support request at for assistance.
I have a free account just to try out Azure's ACR (and AKS).
I granted admin privileges conform
After logging out of the cli and login again and also do "az azr login... " with the admin credentials I still have no permission to do the "az acr build.."